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Esta semana ya realice la poda. Se encuentra en estos momentos en etapa de secado dentro de una caja especial para secados de flores que uso siempre y nunca me falla. En humedo hay 195g y utilice una lampara led de 150w en todas sus etapas. Próximamente estaré publicando cuando este en curado.
Holy god ... brothers .... I was growing of the magnificent raw diamonds of Sierra Leone and I didn't realize it !!!! Magnificent look gems covered with a huge frosted layer of resin so pearlescent to make them look from white appearance. Of course it was not at all easy to grow them given their multiple ramifications and not having a containment network installed. In a short time they filled all the cultivation sweats, even the little ones and this to ensure that the lower gems did not have the same compactness as the upper ones, but they still came very resinous! My advice and to contain this very powerful plant and try to concentrate all its exposure with a scrog technique and remove all the lower bulbs
Holy god ... brothers .... I was growing of the magnificent raw diamonds of Sierra Leone and I didn't realize it !!!! Magnificent look gems covered with a huge frosted layer of resin so pearlescent to make them look from white appearance. Of course it was not at all easy to grow them given their multiple ramifications and not having a containment network installed. In a short time they filled all the cultivation sweats, even the little ones and this to ensure that the lower gems did not have the same compactness as the upper ones, but they still came very resinous! My advice and to contain this very powerful plant and try to concentrate all its exposure with a scrog technique and remove all the lower bulbs
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ 10/16/21 😼 we upload the good, the bad and the ugly, the end of this run definitely falls in that last category lol 😹.. despite the mess, it should still be a decent harvest ❤️..Trichs are getting cloudy, maybe 1-2 more weeks before they're done..the color is really starting to fade, the finish line is in sight! Happy harvests everyone!! 💡🌱😽💨 ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~
Hola y gracias por pasarte a ver mi diario. Recibí esta variedad mediante un paquete promocional de 2 semillas en una compra online. Una se la di a mi hermano para que la cultivase y, tras leer la ficha de la variedad en BSF Seeds, me pareció una excelente elección para añadir a mi jardín de exterior. La planta creció sin ningún problema, con mucho vigor, muchas ramas y adaptándose perfectamente al LST. Al ser un cultivo 100% orgánico y únicamente con riegos de agua del grifo sin añadir abonos líquidos era esperable alguna carencia, aunque no se apreció hasta bien entrada la floración. El hecho de añadir todos los nutrientes al sustrato me ha permitido facilitar la tarea del riego y no tener que realizar el lavado de raíces. La planta se desarrolló en una maceta de 30L y ha producido 150g de cogollos secos, muy duros y con una relación flores/hojas excelente.. El olor de las flores húmedas era fuerte, dulce y afrutado. Respecto a plagas y enfermedades ha sido muy resistente, no he apreciado signos de araña roja, pulgón ni trips gracias al aporte de harina de Neem en el sustrato. Tampoco he sufrido el temido y habitual ataque de las orugas (ni la oruga de las hojas ni la del cogollo) gracias a las pulverizaciones en las fechas clave con Bacillus Thuringiensis. Tampoco se ha visto afectada por el Oídio que normalmente aparece al final de la floración en la zona donde vivo, tampoco botrytis pese a ser cogollos densos y llenos de resina, por lo que la pastilla de Micorrizas y Trichodermas ha funcionado a la perfección, no sólo reforzando el sistema radicular sino también frente a los hongos invasores. El clima también me ha acompañado este año, vivo en una zona cálida donde la temperatura suele ser óptima para el cultivo de exterior de cannabis, el mes de mayo llovió algún día de forma agradable, junio, julio y agosto fueron especialmente secos, solo llovió un par de noches a finales de agosto, y septiembre también ha sido muy respetuoso lloviendo solo 2 veces. Por todo esto, siendo la primera vez que elaboro un supersoil, estoy seguro que para la temporada 2022 repetiré el sistema, haciendo algunos ajustes a la mezcla para evitar estas carencias que he comentado. Quiero agradecer a la herramienta que nos brinda a los cultivadores (en mi caso cultivador clandestino) para poder realizar el seguimiento de nuestros cultivos y como, en mi caso particular, ha hecho que mi motivación y trabajo hayan sido una constante semana tras semana, por lo que ha influido directamente en el buen resultado final de la cosecha. También agradecer a todo el que pasó por aquí durante el seguimiento ya que me dieron el apoyo necesario para mejorar en mi cultivo. Un saludo. Ferinky
Mango, i smell mango 😍 Sticky? It is. Hard buds? Not yet. Not bad for a little bit forgotten Orphan. But Bad news... The strain is sold out for the moment. 21.10. Four days and even nights :) has passed. Lets see how the flower progresses... Have a nice week.
so she got flushed this week and is now fed ripen for the last 3 days, so that means next week is harvest, the smell is really loud now, very very citrus and earthy fumes all over the room. I can already tell this will be one of my favorite flowers to smoke. Most hairs are still white the more down in the plant there is barely any brown pistils but still she got amber trichomes all over her, just one more week straight water and ripen to let her suck those leaves dry so we can finish with a nice fade
Purple urkle is a beast! She’s producing trichromes all over shining for the world to see! Got sweet and deep gassy aromas coming off her too. like a candy shop already! A few weeks to go and we’re done! Stay tuned! It’s always exciting from here!
Would love to do another straight away. But unfortunately I can't and will wait on stocking up on next orders of seeds.
Would love to do another straight away. But unfortunately I can't and will wait on stocking up on next orders of seeds.
Start by saying 2 are in flush now! (Black cream and sunset sherbet) I used flawless finish on them and then water from then on! Started to see some fades within a few days with the black cream and sunset sherbet leaves have lightened up, just awaiting some fades! And I’m watching under a 50x loupe to aim for the perfect harvest! The aromas are crazy in there got all sorts going on until I touch one and identify it’s aromas but as expected everything is going to be full of terps and resin! On the end road now! Flush next feeds for the purple punch and forbidden runtz! I’ve added a picture of the royal creamatic I took out as it’s just jumped into flower! Glad I took her out now too as she has some coverage and I wouldn’t want to lose no light at this stage! End result with dynomyco! IS… use it highly recommend. I’m using it in all my grows from now on! It’s a great additive providing your plants with a lot more beneficial bacteria that aid the myco and allow the plant to uptake nutrients better and gain a lot more stability so it’s a must! Contest or no contest I’m glad I got to use it or how would I have known! Thank you Ari 🙌🏽🙏🙏🙏💚
This beautiful girl is in flush and should be ready for Harvest In less than a week! I’m checking trichromes to see when I should chop her! But surely next update is hopefully a chop! (Surely and hopefully ahahahah) I’ve started my next female line up too! Zamnesia’s watermelon candy (new drop) banana, kalini Asia and Bruce banner 3! It’s going to be amazing! I have the new tent on the way! 4x4 (120cmX120cmX200cm) so more room to manoeuvre these beauties! Happy growing buddies
As u can see this plant is super bushy, but inside there are many rockhard buds full of frost