OK so update from last week I found out my soil is really off pH it could be 8 or 9 pH but I haven't got a soil meter to be sure. Anyway, obvious massive deficiency in ll kinds of nutrients because their roots can't soak up anything with such alkaline soil. I did think about reporting them and trimming their roots but it's too late in flower for that and I don't have the time. What I have done is I am using PK 13 14, Cal Mag and home made spray from organic waste mixed together as a foliar spray per guidelines. The one in the right is terrible she isn't taking it well at all I've had to remove 90% of her old leaves she looks like a skeleton but on the up side the new growth is green and happy so I'm just taking off the old as it shrivels. The one on the left is a tough mofo and sprung back after 2 foliar sprays (once a week) though I can definitely see a PK deficiency still. I am still hoping the one on the left will make it while the right one might bounce back but I won't get much from her. Anyway guys if you have any tips for what else I could do for my ladies to help it would be much appreciated!
the cutting time has arrived!! It's time to taste it, it smells really good, but not at all like the fresh plant, I'm a little disappointed.. after drying and curing, the variety smells like bananas, very ripe yellow fruit, with an earthy and sweet background!! it's very round in the mouth, very sweet and resinous, but there's some rubbish in the taste, on the exhilaration it's a bit acrid.. I missed the drying, the heads are compact but cottony... I will succeed better next time!! see you
Note : Malgré la cassure la LCC #1 et la LCC #3 semblent bien se porter et poussent tout aussi bien que la LCC #2. La Tropicanna Poison commence aussi à prendre de belles couleurs violette. Quelques feuilles ont commencées à jaunir (carence en azote ?). J’ai légèrement augmenté la dose de nutriments.
Heute habe ich 2 Epic buzz strain stecklinge dazu bekommen, eine von den 3 gorilla oder von den 3 purple lemonade ist eine gestern selbst in blüte gegangen. .alle samen stammen von einem letzten grow von einem super nettem Freund von mir! @Gembel94!Dankeschön nochmal! Ja frisch gegossen ,lst, entlaubt und bemuttert. 2 Tage nach entlauben und lst plus 500ml Wasser von unten gegossen;-)
Tag 10 🌺 Die Ladys befinden sich voll im Stretch. Besonders die Pure Kush von OSS hat in den letzten Tagen ordentlich an Höhe dazugewonnen 🙌🏼 Die Pure Kush wird täglich mit 1,5l Osmosewasser gegossen, die zwei Ladys vorne (Bruce Banner #3 - links und Critical Kush - rechts) fordern lediglich alle zwei Tage 1,5l Osmosewasser. Tag 12 🌺 Lollipopping 🌳 - 🌿 Temperatur: 24-27 grad Celsius r.Lf.: 50-57% Sanlight Evo 3-60 80% 40-55 cm Abstand (ca. 800 - 920 PPFD)
She's growing better now and starting to fill up. I was away so I gave her a decent watering and she spent the week unattended. Fortunately she didn't need attention during this period. I topped her just before I left.
We're at the end of week 4 and she doesn't seem to have triggered flowering yet. Fortunately this is giving me time to fill up her canopy. Seedstockers claim she's an XXL plant and I hope to test that.
Ich bin immer noch in der Ernte, kann also noch keine Angabe zum Gewicht machen. Nass wird nicht gewogen. Zu Ernten hab ich angefangen die oberen Türme abzuschneiden, dann die dicken Buds, anschließend alles etwas begradigt und jetzt bin ich gerade dabei einzelne Schichten von etwa 10-20cm Dicke abzutragen, so können die unteren "Popcornbuds" noch auswachsen und abreifen. Sozusagen ein Multi-Monstercrop oder so ähnlich 😂 Vorgestern hab ich einen Tag lang mal die Chemdawg getrimmt, da die dicken Türme dringend geerntet werden mussten. Heute war dann die OG wieder dran. Einen roten Eimer zu trimmen dauert etwa 1,5 - 2 Stunden 😆 Den Verlauf des Monstercrops werde ich dann hier weiter dokumentieren. ----------------------------- Heute wasche ich die erste Ladung Schnittreste. Mit der Waschmaschine arbeite ich das erste mal, also muss ich noch üben. Ich erwarte also noch kein Top Ergebnis, würde mich aber trotzdem drüber freuen. Drückt mir die Daumen 😅 👍
Day 165 14/10/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag today Starting to see new growth showing no signs of new seeds!! She is spitting out new pistils again, I may run nutes for this week then flush , as trichomes are looking clear still with only spots of cloudy. Picture's (over exposed to light) 📸 Day 167 16/10/24 Wednesday Feed today 😁 using de-chlorinated tap water phd to 6.3. Her pistils keep maturing rapidly, but then I check twice a day and each time I check, they look either orange and almost showing finished signs... Then she slaps out another round of pistils and trichomes are coming cloudy still. She may well be a 12 week flower. I'll keep feeding till I see majority cloudy. Picture and video update 📸💚