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Jour 76 Et commence à développer leur pistils Les plantes sont saine et prennent beaucoup de hauteur je dois en palisser quelques une J’ai fais un thé de compost oxygéné pour les booster pour la floraison Recette : 5g cendre coque de ricin 25g biochar 5 gr levure de bière 4gr pollen d’abeille 7gr ortie micronisé 5gr spiruline 10gr tourteau de karanga 8gr Kelp 20gr zéolithe chabasit 5gr de consoude 3gr hydrolysât de Kelp 5gr vers de farine 12,5gr bactérie soluble 5gr levure saccharomyces cerevisae souche myco 6420 12,5gr de prêle sauvage sécher 125gr lombricompost 2gr big foot mycorhize gold Mycorrhizae (400 propagules per gram) Endomycorrhiza Glomus aggregatum -100 propagules/gram Glomus etunicatum – 100 prop/gram Glomus intraradices – 100 prop/gram Glomus mosseae – 100 prop/gram Bacillus subtilis – 350,000,000 cfu/gram Bacillus licheniformis – 200,000,000 cfu/gram Bacillus megaterium – 200,000,000 cfu/gram Bacillus simplex – 200,000,000 cfu/gram
i was surprised that she was done on 2/15/25 spidermites had completely taken over one bud so i decided to check trichomes and she seemed ready.
i was surprised that she was done on 2/15/25 spidermites had completely taken over one bud so i decided to check trichomes and she seemed ready.
i was surprised that she was done on 2/15/25 spidermites had completely taken over one bud so i decided to check trichomes and she seemed ready.
Week 6 2/9-15 Pink Rozay Auto in flower. On Thursday, 2/13 I did a major defoliation on Pink Rozay. I removed all large fan leaves and any leaves shading bud sites. Initially, I thought this would be my last defoliation, however I have since heard that, 10 they continue to grow new leaves until day 20 of flower and 2 there must be enough foliage on the plant to photosynthesize energy. Well, I hope I left enough leaves for energy to keep bulking up the buds. She is still stretching and now 18 inches. This should have been an indication Not to defoliate severely. Oh darn I add 2 gallons of water to the T700 humidifier daily to keep the VPD in line. The controller is set to flower now. 2/9 & 11 4 gal fed 2 liter each nutrients added at ½ of recommended amount. Making 4 gallons since I have 2 pots of carrots and a Dill in the back. Bloom Juice 45ml Plant Juice 75 ml Royal Rush 15 ml Power bud 15ml Green sensation 7.5ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 5 Ppm 333 Ph 7.02 Temp 66 2/13 5 gal Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 20 ml Power bud 20ml Green sensation 10ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 25 Ppm 538 Ph 6.6 Temp 66 Your likes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. Growers love 💚🌿 💫Natrona💫
Week 6 2/9-15 Pink Rozay Auto in flower. On Thursday, 2/13 I did a major defoliation on Pink Rozay. I removed all large fan leaves and any leaves shading bud sites. Initially, I thought this would be my last defoliation, however I have since heard that, 10 they continue to grow new leaves until day 20 of flower and 2 there must be enough foliage on the plant to photosynthesize energy. Well, I hope I left enough leaves for energy to keep bulking up the buds. She is still stretching and now 18 inches. This should have been an indication Not to defoliate severely. Oh darn I add 2 gallons of water to the T700 humidifier daily to keep the VPD in line. The controller is set to flower now. 2/9 & 11 4 gal fed 2 liter each nutrients added at ½ of recommended amount. Making 4 gallons since I have 2 pots of carrots and a Dill in the back. Bloom Juice 45ml Plant Juice 75 ml Royal Rush 15 ml Power bud 15ml Green sensation 7.5ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 5 Ppm 333 Ph 7.02 Temp 66 2/13 5 gal Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 20 ml Power bud 20ml Green sensation 10ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 25 Ppm 538 Ph 6.6 Temp 66 Your likes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. Growers love 💚🌿 💫Natrona💫
More growth and one time nutriens the week.
More growth and one time nutriens the week.
Blue Cheese F1 automatic Week 6 2/9-15 The Cheese gals are in full flower, the buds are puffing out and stacking. I even see some lower buds connecting to the upper buds and some pistils are turning brown. There is some smell when I open the tent. The F1 genetics are reflected in that these 2 plants are almost identical. I don’t see much difference in their growth so far using the different mediums. Soil and soil/coco blend. Maybe harvest will show a difference in yield from each one. Time will tell. On 2/13 I did major defoliation on my Cheese gals. I removed all large fan leaves and any leaves shading bud sites. Initially, I thought this would be my last defoliation, however I have heard that 1) they continue to grow new leaves until day 20 of flower and 2) there must be enough foliage on the plant to photosynthesize energy. Well, I hope I left enough leaves for energy to keep bulking up the buds. Stretching has slowed down. Both girls grew only an inch and now 17 inches. This is only the end of flower week 2. Controller is set to flower. I add 2 gallons of water to the T700 humidifier daily to keep the VPD in line. 2/9 & 11 4 gal fed 2 liter each nutrients added at ½ of recommended amount. Making 4 gallons since I have 2 pots of carrots and a Dill in the back. Bloom Juice 45ml Plant Juice 75 ml Royal Rush 15 ml Power bud 15ml Green sensation 7.5ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 5 Ppm 333 Ph 7.02 Temp 66 2/13 5 gal Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 20 ml Power bud 20ml Green sensation 10ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 25 Ppm 538 Ph 6.6 Temp 66 Your likes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. Growers love 💚🌿 💫Natrona💫
Diese Woche kam endlich mein Luftbefeuchter von AC Infintiy an, habe die Luftfeuchtigkeit gleich mal auf 75% hochgeschraubt, ich denke in der aktuellen Phase habe ich noch kein hohes Risiko mit Schimmer. Ich werde die gleiche Luftfeuchtigkeit noch in der vierten Woche halten und danach suggestiv um 5% pro Woche runter gehen. Außerdem habe ich diese Woche eine halbe BTI Tablette auf 10l Wasser eingesetzt um die Trauermücken ein bisschen unter Kontrolle zu bekommen. Außerdem habe ich Reismilch angesetzt, selbige werde ich morgen mit Milch mischen, dann einige Tage warten und dann die daraus resultierende Milchsäure als Zusatz für das Gießwasser zu geben.
Blue Cheese F1 automatic Week 6 2/9-15 The Cheese gals are in full flower, the buds are puffing out and stacking. I even see some lower buds connecting to the upper buds and some pistils are turning brown. There is some smell when I open the tent. The F1 genetics are reflected in that these 2 plants are almost identical. I don’t see much difference in their growth so far using the different mediums. Soil and soil/coco blend. Maybe harvest will show a difference in yield from each one. Time will tell. On 2/13 I did major defoliation on my Cheese gals. I removed all large fan leaves and any leaves shading bud sites. Initially, I thought this would be my last defoliation, however I have heard that 1) they continue to grow new leaves until day 20 of flower and 2) there must be enough foliage on the plant to photosynthesize energy. Well, I hope I left enough leaves for energy to keep bulking up the buds. Stretching has slowed down. Both girls grew only an inch and now 17 inches. This is only the end of flower week 2. Controller is set to flower. I add 2 gallons of water to the T700 humidifier daily to keep the VPD in line. 2/9 & 11 4 gal fed 2 liter each nutrients added at ½ of recommended amount. Making 4 gallons since I have 2 pots of carrots and a Dill in the back. Bloom Juice 45ml Plant Juice 75 ml Royal Rush 15 ml Power bud 15ml Green sensation 7.5ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 5 Ppm 333 Ph 7.02 Temp 66 2/13 5 gal Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 20 ml Power bud 20ml Green sensation 10ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 25 Ppm 538 Ph 6.6 Temp 66 Your likes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. Growers love 💚🌿 💫Natrona💫
Blue Cheese F1 automatic Week 6 2/9-15 The Cheese gals are in full flower, the buds are puffing out and stacking. I even see some lower buds connecting to the upper buds and some pistils are turning brown. There is some smell when I open the tent. The F1 genetics are reflected in that these 2 plants are almost identical. I don’t see much difference in their growth so far using the different mediums. Soil and soil/coco blend. Maybe harvest will show a difference in yield from each one. Time will tell. On 2/13 I did major defoliation on my Cheese gals. I removed all large fan leaves and any leaves shading bud sites. Initially, I thought this would be my last defoliation, however I have heard that 1) they continue to grow new leaves until day 20 of flower and 2) there must be enough foliage on the plant to photosynthesize energy. Well, I hope I left enough leaves for energy to keep bulking up the buds. Stretching has slowed down. Both girls grew only an inch and now 17 inches. This is only the end of flower week 2. Controller is set to flower. I add 2 gallons of water to the T700 humidifier daily to keep the VPD in line. 2/9 & 11 4 gal fed 2 liter each nutrients added at ½ of recommended amount. Making 4 gallons since I have 2 pots of carrots and a Dill in the back. Bloom Juice 45ml Plant Juice 75 ml Royal Rush 15 ml Power bud 15ml Green sensation 7.5ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 5 Ppm 333 Ph 7.02 Temp 66 2/13 5 gal Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 20 ml Power bud 20ml Green sensation 10ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 4 ml Cal Mag 25 Ppm 538 Ph 6.6 Temp 66 Your likes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. Growers love 💚🌿 💫Natrona💫
This week i flushed both plant but the Burn was very Bad
This week i thought i should gave the Phosphor plus from hesi but ist was zu much and same nutrien Burnout started
This week i flushed both plant but the Burn was very Bad
I thought I would harvest earlier. But the flush and reduction in light time caused the production of new trichomes. It's great. Even more yield. In 2 or 3 max days I cut