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Chopped her two days into week 14. What else. Buds. There are a lot of them. And they are quite large. And they look like they will require little effort to trim. What more can I wish for? I am a very happy man. Upd 1: Trimming is SO SIMPLE! Not much sticking out to begin with, because of the amazing bud structure and me plucking most bud node fans. Solid nugs which are not bothered by anything, so pulling smaller sub-bud fans is very simple too, while the buds are what I would call moist. I'll call this Moist Trim 😄 ✂️✂️✂️ Went for the best trimming tools available on the market (well at least my research concluded so) and LOVING every minute of trimming with the B-500SRF. Why would I or anyone else use something less suitable or less comfortable for such a delicate and long job is beyond me, except if you cannot afford one right now, in which case I wish you to experience it one day. Fiskars are also very good in therms of the blades, coating and cutting ability and precision, but the spring is just too stiff, like way, way to stiff for something that is to be used for hours on end. One might argue that such spring force helps overcome resin buildup, but please just rinse your instrument regularly in an appropriate solvent (ethy, iso, whatever — consider you instrument materials as well) and wipe it after. Why would you let significant amounts of resin to accumulate on such a gentle and precise tool? Kinda defeats the purpose?
On February 6th, I transplanted clone into a 7 gallon fabric pot. I put 70 cups of Ocean Forest in, then placed clone (still in pot), in the center of 7 gallon fabric pot, then filled the rest of the pot up with Happy Frog. Before I transplanted, I sprinkled Great White in transplant area.
The bottom watering worked for the week I think as away happy with results think I might just bottom water regularly and feed the tea from top every other changing 2/8 I did a good clean up and some pining Monday 2/10 I will filp to flower I also added power bloom today 2/8
Wegen Krankheit leider erst heute ein Update. Mitte FW8 Da ich auch nicht in der Lage war nach ihnen zu sehen, habe ich das Düngen schon mitte Blütewoche 7 eingestellt. Bekommen seither nur noch Ph korrigiertes Wasser (Ph 6.3) Wie es scheint, haben sie es einigermaßen auch ohne mein Zutun gut überstanden 😊 Allerdings sind diese diesmal etwas hinten dran... Das ist jetzt der 6 Run mit der Genetik und bisher kamen die 8 Wochen immer hin.. diesmal werden sie wohl etwas länger brauchen... Ob das mit der langen Wachstumsphase zu tun haben könnte 🧐🤷‍♂️
On February 6th, I transplanted clone into a 7 gallon fabric pot. I put 70 cups of Ocean Forest in, then placed clone (still in pot), in the center of 7 gallon fabric pot, then filled the rest of the pot up with Happy Frog. Before I transplanted, I sprinkled Great White in transplant area.
Day 70. Looking gorgeous. Day 74. Starting flush
Hey there. Plants are developing pretty good. EC is ~ 1,6 and pH is ~ 6,0. I don‘t know what else to say besides everything‘s fine so far. Stay high 🤘✌️
Day 70. Gorgeous plant. Leaves are changing color exactly how the advertisement looks. Fastbuds is dope.
Aber alles super :) aktuell noch am curen.. letzter Grow gewesen vor einer kleinen Growpause :)
Day67 05/02 4,25 lt ro water 16ml growA 16ml grow B 8ml Nirvana Total 1060 ppm, ph 6,1 Drain 450 ml, 1250 ppm. Day68 continue Def and LST. Day69 07/02 4,25 lt ro water 16 ml sensi cal mag extra Total 300 ppm ph 6,1 Drain 750 ppm 1400 ppm 500 ppfd. Day71 09/02 4 lt ro water 8 ml sensi cal mag extra Total 240 ppm, ph 6.2 Drain 500 ml, 1060 ppm.
Week 3 for the solo is officially complete. She's been growing with no trouble. Root development has been excellent. As you can see, I decided to mainline. Seeing as she's in a solo cup, I'm not too worried about stunting. I'm horrible at measuring the water intake, but the cup needs to be watered daily. It's as lite as a feather everyday.
Week 3 for the solo is officially complete. She's been growing with no trouble. Root development has been excellent. As you can see, I decided to mainline. Seeing as she's in a solo cup, I'm not too worried about stunting. I'm horrible at measuring the water intake, but the cup needs to be watered daily. It's as lite as a feather everyday.
Week 3 for the solo is officially complete. She's been growing with no trouble. Root development has been excellent. As you can see, I decided to mainline. Seeing as she's in a solo cup, I'm not too worried about stunting. I'm horrible at measuring the water intake, but the cup needs to be watered daily. It's as lite as a feather everyday.
Week 3 for the solo is officially complete. She's been growing with no trouble. Root development has been excellent. As you can see, I decided to mainline. Seeing as she's in a solo cup, I'm not too worried about stunting. I'm horrible at measuring the water intake, but the cup needs to be watered daily. It's as lite as a feather everyday.
Day 71. Beautiful strawberry color and smell. Starting flush soon. Day 76. Started flush yesterday. Should be harvesting around day 87.
Week 3 for the solo is officially complete. She's been growing with no trouble. Root development has been excellent. As you can see, I decided to mainline. Seeing as she's in a solo cup, I'm not too worried about stunting. I'm horrible at measuring the water intake, but the cup needs to be watered daily. It's as lite as a feather everyday.
Week 3 for the solo is officially complete. She's been growing with no trouble. Root development has been excellent. As you can see, I decided to mainline. Seeing as she's in a solo cup, I'm not too worried about stunting. I'm horrible at measuring the water intake, but the cup needs to be watered daily. It's as lite as a feather everyday.
2/3 Monday. Adding Bud Ignitor this week. They are starting to stretch . 2/4 4am. 1030am LOTS of LST today, used almost all the clips. Making each of the 4 colas as strong as big as a single plant. 2/5 4am 👍👍👍12pm added new top soil 2/6 They are getting really big now, will probably turn lights DOWN from 99 to 93. That is the wattage where the temperature breakpoint between having the house AC on and not needing it, just a fan blowing air into the room. room temperature 74. 2/7 3am 5am 12pm LST CRAZY today, did all the side branches having all the different kinds help.
My Skunk Apple Run plant is still a bit young, but I can see those buds starting to form. It's a bit of a slow starter, with buds popping up all over the place instead of a nice even line. We'll see if adjusting the light cycle or its food might help it along. I'll keep you posted on any changes. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.