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Chopped her two days into week 14. What else. Buds. There are a lot of them. And they are quite large. And they look like they will require little effort to trim. What more can I wish for? I am a very happy man. Upd 1: Trimming is SO SIMPLE! Not much sticking out to begin with, because of the amazing bud structure and me plucking most bud node fans. Solid nugs which are not bothered by anything, so pulling smaller sub-bud fans is very simple too, while the buds are what I would call moist. I'll call this Moist Trim 😄 ✂️✂️✂️ Went for the best trimming tools available on the market (well at least my research concluded so) and LOVING every minute of trimming with the B-500SRF. Why would I or anyone else use something less suitable or less comfortable for such a delicate and long job is beyond me, except if you cannot afford one right now, in which case I wish you to experience it one day. Fiskars are also very good in therms of the blades, coating and cutting ability and precision, but the spring is just too stiff, like way, way to stiff for something that is to be used for hours on end. One might argue that such spring force helps overcome resin buildup, but please just rinse your instrument regularly in an appropriate solvent (ethy, iso, whatever — consider you instrument materials as well) and wipe it after. Why would you let significant amounts of resin to accumulate on such a gentle and precise tool? Kinda defeats the purpose?
Aún falta ... La paciencia es una virtud pero ,con estos buds cristalinos 😅. Fenotipos sativas 2 Fenotipos indico 1 Al parecer el fenotipo indico ya decidió dar a conocer su fruto finalizado pero pasan los días y noto nuevos tricomas y cálizes , es como si hubiera vuelto a desarrollar buds hay pistilos obscuros y resinosos y otros tiernos y nuevos. El día 30 de marzo empieza su séptima semana de floracion Según en catálogo su floracion va desde 7 semanas a 9 pero sus tricomas dicen que les de algunos días extra.
My good friend convinced me that trimming and training are paramount, so I've started with slowly defoliating the Creme de la Chems to try and get to lollipop status. They're just starting to flower, so I figured I could get away with a more aggressive approach. Because I failed to train these girls early, I'm stuck dealing with a little rain forest. What I've tried to do is trace each flower topped stalk up from the base, and trim away from the bottom up. 1/3 of the way up per day. I've now got a thick canopy, and I've been trying to just use leaf tucking and manual manipulation every few hours in order to keep the different height flowering sites in direct light. These ladies have really been thriving, and it's been such a joy to watch them grow! I like having two plants in one net pot letting them grow wild, but I think in my next grow I'll keep it to one per pot and train better from the start. As for the Super Orange Haze ... not as good. I attempted to pull the main branch over to train her to some empty space, but I was too aggressive and ended up popping her head off :(. First grow, first disaster. I took the head and stripped her/coated in clonex and pushed her into some potting soil just to see what would happen. There hasn't been enough foliage to really make me want to do any trimming, I've just tried to tie the stalks off to train them apart. I'm really sad about my mistake decapitation, but she seems to be doing well still. She's probably week 2 of flower based on others' journals. I changed the water midway through the week (which is when the videos were taken). I drained most of the water out, but roots prevented me from getting the last few gallons. When I refilled the res with RO, I measured the PPM at around 200. I have to assume that remaining nutrient was completely unbalanced leftovers, so feeding will have to just have to be experimental. My approach has been to give around 1:1 Gro vs Bloom and Micro every 2-3 days when I refill with RO. I want to build my PPM up to 1000, but slowly so that I can detect if I hit a ceiling first. It's hard to measure how much food is in the water based on PPM. CalMag is what drives it mostly, so I've been using CalMag as a sort of measuring stick. I keep the CalMag pegged to the Bloom food, but I know it's only good for initial dosing. I can't assume the plants are eating CalMag in the same proportion as anything else :(. If anyone has a line on cheap lab testing ... hit me up. I'd love to be able to test a few hundred samples at a time for NPK and trace so that I can tell (even if post facto) what was going on.
My good friend convinced me that trimming and training are paramount, so I've started with slowly defoliating the Creme de la Chems to try and get to lollipop status. They're just starting to flower, so I figured I could get away with a more aggressive approach. Because I failed to train these girls early, I'm stuck dealing with a little rain forest. What I've tried to do is trace each flower topped stalk up from the base, and trim away from the bottom up. 1/3 of the way up per day. I've now got a thick canopy, and I've been trying to just use leaf tucking and manual manipulation every few hours in order to keep the different height flowering sites in direct light. These ladies have really been thriving, and it's been such a joy to watch them grow! I like having two plants in one net pot letting them grow wild, but I think in my next grow I'll keep it to one per pot and train better from the start. As for the Super Orange Haze ... not as good. I attempted to pull the main branch over to train her to some empty space, but I was too aggressive and ended up popping her head off :(. First grow, first disaster. I took the head and stripped her/coated in clonex and pushed her into some potting soil just to see what would happen. There hasn't been enough foliage to really make me want to do any trimming, I've just tried to tie the stalks off to train them apart. I'm really sad about my mistake decapitation, but she seems to be doing well still. She's probably week 2 of flower based on others' journals. I changed the water midway through the week (which is when the videos were taken). I drained most of the water out, but roots prevented me from getting the last few gallons. When I refilled the res with RO, I measured the PPM at around 200. I have to assume that remaining nutrient was completely unbalanced leftovers, so feeding will have to just have to be experimental. My approach has been to give around 1:1 Gro vs Bloom and Micro every 2-3 days when I refill with RO. I want to build my PPM up to 1000, but slowly so that I can detect if I hit a ceiling first. It's hard to measure how much food is in the water based on PPM. CalMag is what drives it mostly, so I've been using CalMag as a sort of measuring stick. I keep the CalMag pegged to the Bloom food, but I know it's only good for initial dosing. I can't assume the plants are eating CalMag in the same proportion as anything else :(. If anyone has a line on cheap lab testing ... hit me up. I'd love to be able to test a few hundred samples at a time for NPK and trace so that I can tell (even if post facto) what was going on.
ростишка радует,замечаний нет,Шишка живёт со мной в комнате,вазон установил за системным блоком дабы создать обдув!
Bud forming so fast!!!!!! Comparing to previous plants I growth in witch I used biobizz light soil I changed kind of soil in this one I’m using canna professional and the different is quite noticeable I’m really satisfied. I was worried that the small box I’m growing in would eventually make the plant suffer but it’s totally not, the plant is responding well!! Started with the maximum dose of bud ignitor by advanced nutrient. I’m really exited for this lady can’t wait to se the beautiful complete resinous buds.. keeping growing with LOVE 💚
Bud forming so fast!!!!!! Comparing to previous plants I growth in witch I used biobizz light soil I changed kind of soil in this one I’m using canna professional and the different is quite noticeable I’m really satisfied. I was worried that the small box I’m growing in would eventually make the plant suffer but it’s totally not, the plant is responding well!! Started with the maximum dose of bud ignitor by advanced nutrient. I’m really exited for this lady can’t wait to se the beautiful complete resinous buds.. keeping growing with LOVE 💚
End of Week 5 She has doubled in height this week, and is showing pre flowers I will class her in flower from next week Looking very healthy STAY SAFE EVERYONE!
Как и ожидалось, растение резко увеличивается в размерах, надеюсь я всё правильно расчитал. Идея с кольцом мне всё больше нравится, как только растишка войдет в активную стадию цветения — сделаю дефолиацию. 30/03 PH7,0 PPM860 31/03 PH6,9 PPM790 01/04 Дал Delta9 по листу. Откалибровал PH-метр, оказывается я невольно кислил компот, а буфер возвращал показатели до нормального значения. 02/04 PH6,1 PPM858 Сделал дефолиацию. 03/04 PH6,0 PPM940 05/04 PH6,1 PPM744 За прошедшее время в моём гроубоксе появились: 3 маленьких горшочка - проращиваю чили-перцы, 2 больших кирпича - в случае необходимости готов опустить на них горшок, а это плюс 10см высоты. В первый раз в жизни покупал кирпичи.😕 Открываю новую рубрику "а знаете ли вы, что": Green Gelato — Soft Secrets award winner — voted “Best New European Strain for 2019” Grow Champions! 💪 👉Планирую сделать интересный досвет низов по периметру, оставайтесь на связи. Спасибо, что заглянули, и будьте здоровы! 🙏 Продолжение следует ...😶
Been another week of crazy stretch for the sugar cane and apple sundae. Been supercropping several branches because they have maxed out my light height at over 4 ft tall. The slurricanes are looking much more manageable and it looks like the stretch is about over on all of them. I switched them over to maxibloom and added a little liquid koolbloom and Beastie blooms to start feeding those flowers. The room is definitely filled up now. just have to keep the juice pumping and see what they do.
Day 64 : FLIP THE LIGHTS DAY. It is time now to flip these beasts. if I allow them to get any bigger , I will have to knock a hole in my roof to fit them at harvest. I am so impressed with them from planting till now. They have not missed a beat during their toppings and bends . Their recovery times have been hardly noticable after each session and theybhave rewarded me with a great shaped canopy to get working on as they stretch. I am not counting the transition weeks as flowering until I see actual flowers forming. FFT1 has remained smaller than the rest and I don't think she is a record breaker . looks ok but doesn't have the size and thickness of her cousins. FFT5 is a beauty of a plant with a lot of thick stems to keep the buds upright hopefully.The same with FfT7. They are full of new mains to get working on and the stacking below decks is a good indication of some baseball bat colas. They are doing brilliant in the 2and run of the L.O.S soil and show no signs of that changing at all. I did top dress with Life-cycle tongue them a little boost for their stretch periods. They are taking a lot of water between them every 4 days now. Approx 25L before any minimum run off occurs. All told a great week in the room. Excellent genetics Fast Buds , Thanks Hayley.
Starting out good... going in the tent soon. I still have to buy 2 components for ventilation... the inline fan and charcoal canister to cover what I hope will be smellin earthy and stinky and sweet very very soon. 6am 4/1 - Putting the tent up.. might not fit though.
It took two ... 2 full hours to repot all 7 plants. I used an entire bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest.... also sprinkled Mycorrhizal on each root system. The GG4 is really oing pretty good... I believe the tight node spacing means good things are in store. Super cropping continues. I gotta flip the whole lot of 7 plants...who cares .. first grow mistakes... fun!
✋Wk12:Trichome Hunting and Changes in diet. 👉The week has shown to be not just the usual fun of having cannabis in the flowerings stage, but also the frustration of having cannabis in the flowering stage. The fun is the funky stank that hits me in the face as I open the tent each time, then gazing at the magical flowers as they get plumper and fuzzier. The frustration comes from the seemingly slow motion pace the plants are taking as I dream of harvest day. 👉The 3 gallon plant has reduced its volume of liquid it consumes. However, I have only slightly reduced the total volume of solution given each time. I have kept the EC around 1.3. The run-off has climbed quickly between fertigations, and I have done a couple of H2Only irrigations. The runoff EC spiked on the last day of this week. I did another H2Only irrigation followed by regular nutrients. I have seen issues on the upper leaves that could be nutrient related, or maybe light stress, perhaps its moody and hates me for not spending more time with it. I have been keeping the lights at around 17” from the top of the main cola. The lights driver is turned fully on (light is rated at 150W). Its counter intuitive to me that the light would be causing light stress since its only 150w. I would think a much more intense light would cause that or one kept a lot closer. So I have pulled the light to its max height. I may dial back the driver a tad. The buds are getting very bulky and are very dense. I hope they stay that way and not foxtail like its tent mate is doing. 👉The one gallon plant is starting to fade. Its larger leaves are mostly yellow. I take the yellow leaves when they begin to dry up. Some just fall off when touched. I’ve done some extensive trichome hunting and have only spotted only scant few ambers. Most are still clear, but there are lots of cloudy ones too. Very hard to differentiate if they are in the direct light of one of the grow lights (or any led light). The led light makes them all look cloudy, but indirect light shows most are still clear. I will continue checking each day for the status of the trichomes. I will harvest when almost all are cloudy with only a few clears remain. I have kept its solution volume at 1.5l at the low range EC of nutrient solution. I have also given a couple of H2Only irrigations to lower the EC runoff. The buds are sort of fox tailing but look very much like the breeders picture on the product page. The cola are long and getting bulky, but probably not very dense. They are super frosty and the calix’s are getting very large, much like the gorilla glue I grew was. The aroma of the funky stank is strong enough to be smelled outside (I vent outside). The up close smell is different than the tent smell…still creamy sweet caramel…so weird to me…I can’t wait to try it…in like 8 more weeks…sigh. I will harvest the plant when it says its ready. Almost there.😷
•Morning of day 19, ¾ through week 3. Did a light defol on both ladies. I gotta say I'm a big fan of Big Bud by Seedstockers! This girl is going to be exactly what her name is. I know its early with roughly 40 days to go, but I will for sure be growing this girl again. Any suggestions drop me a line. Happy gardening and stay safe Gromies! 🔥🌱🙏🖖✌️😷 •Morning of day 15, start of week 3. °Big bud is 32" in diameter after more LST. And 37"tall (soil to top). Less stretching and more compacting of nodes. Very pleased! She's feeding at full strength and looking like she might want more. Very vigorous growth. °Agent Orange. 30" in diameter after LST. plant did NOT respond well to LST. AND IS 36½" tall (soil to top). Also showed signs of nutrient burn. Will only feed half strength every 3rd watering. Any suggestions drop me a line! Happy Gardening!