If anyone has any advice on how to improve this grow please comment below. thanks for checking out my diary!
End of week 3/Day 27:
ive been flushing alot before giving nutrients to the plant and it seems to be working, plant health is slowly improving again! Started LST a few nights ago and my plant has lost its christmas tree shape :'D the canopy is more flat and more light is getting to all growth on the plant so im happy!
I started giving some rhizotonic near the stem to help with the plant being stressed. it definitely helped make big roots too!
So excited to try some buds! another month or so yet :)
Day 28 - 20/10/19
LST is amazing! i have almost all the growth getting a decent amount of light! im going to enjoy shaping the plant over the next week or so!
Day 31 - 23/10/19
Still doing a light LST, most of the canopy is getting enough light now and the main stem is still growing more nodes.
After getting some advice from a grower with the same model of light as me i now know i can hang my light a lot closer to the plants. im going to get rope rachets hooked up in the next week so i can adjust hang height.
I also got an indoor chilli starter kit and planted jalapeño, cayenne and habanero seeds in some nice small terra cotta pots :) and i posted a few pictures to show the setup :) just cant wait until the whole tent looks more like a garden hahah :)
12 hours later -
Added a video to show progress
Day 32: 24/10/19
woke up this morning and the quick one grew upwards out of the LST :) the top has developed and looks more like an industrial weed plant now which is really exciting! ive been following a water schedule and accidentally gave a few more hours of rest to the plants last night and they have stopped drooping more or less.
Re-lst'd the plant so all growth is receiving light and measured the space between the plant and grow light. its about 60cm/24Inches away which will do fine. Quick one is 18cm with LST, if i measure the stem itself its about 21-22cm tall - about 9 inches.
Other than that the chillis will take up to 2 weeks to germinate, ive been keeping the moisture up around them with a mix of Rhizotonic/Water (1ml/1L) and also sprayed some on the soil as ive found it actually helps seeds germinate quicker with more strength or life in them.
Will update soon for week 5 and considering the smoke is so bad in my town you get an urge not to smoke it i am so excited to be near the finish line :) roll on medicine!