The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Im suprised the tent can contain her everytime I take a peak shes just go bigger lol. My recomendation is to flip this to flower very early or if your lucky grow it outside where it I guess could easily grow to the size of a tree
Overall, the garden is doing great. Had a scare with the WW with letting it dry out a little but it looks like its going to be fine. The pistils are starting to change color and leaves are starting to lose color but the buds are fattening up. I can't wait to see how they all turn out.
This week I have seen very big growth out of all my plants it’s very exciting I’m gonna grow some autos next 🤙 for 3/20 national auto flower day. Do y’all think these will be done by 4/20 probably not and hats okay don’t ever rush anything :)
Hello Everybody! This is day 8 after switch to 11/13. So we start week 2 of flowering. I brew some compost tea for 36h for them, took about 10l water pH6.5 add 150g Compost, 50g earthworm cast, 20ml Molasses, some liquid seaweed and 30min before finish I add a spoon Mycortrex. Every lady shows the first pistols and is happy  only the biggest one (OG Kush) got a little shock from the switch and the smallest one but the small one was showing some sign of stress also in veg before. Now she looks much better only a little bit lighter than the others. Hope to get the next update also in time, so until next time! Peace the Rasta
Hello Everybody! This is day 8 after switch to 11/13. So we start week 2 of flowering. I brew some compost tea for 36h for them, took about 10l water pH6.5 add 150g Compost, 50g earthworm cast, 20ml Molasses, some liquid seaweed and 30min before finish I add a spoon Mycortrex. Every lady shows the first pistols and is happy  only the biggest one (OG Kush) got a little shock from the switch and the smallest one but the small one was showing some sign of stress also in veg before. Now she looks much better only a little bit lighter than the others. Hope to get the next update also in time, so until next time! Peace the Rasta
Esta semana los pelos de los cogollos empiezan a formarse,la resina ya es visible. siempre publico a final de semana para que se note mas la diferencia entre semanas, espero que os guste Farmers! Buenos humos y buen finde semanas para todos!💚
So far so good, we are at the 5 veg week, the hulk berry is shooting up many pre-flowers. The RO water has been great, using this clean water is much better and you see a strong difference, and you are able to dial the ppm/ec without the interference of random stuff plus the chloride and fluoride that comes with tap water in my region. This version of the Hulkberry i have is a bit more on the sensible side of things, se feels already if you keep touching her, also better not to nuke this strain with nutrients from what i have seen so far, so I’m going easy on her. The other two strains form Kannabia, one been the unstable version of Purpple Kush, got many aliens already out of some seeds, and ironically a Lucky dip, mystery strain is extreamely vigorous and nice to work with. A side from that i have chosen two HLG QB324 V2 quantum board with a Meanwell 320H-54a driver to build a DIY light, with passive Heatsink and 90 degree optics to power the flower tent, so basically i will move this plants to the other tent in a week or two when i get this build. This is a huge step up for me since i was using a generic Chinese blurple led. My setup changed a lot and i will try to keep things consistent, i may have some adaptation going on to drive all this new perpetual style grow.
So far so good, we are at the 5 veg week, the hulk berry is shooting up many pre-flowers. The RO water has been great, using this clean water is much better and you see a strong difference, and you are able to dial the ppm/ec without the interference of random stuff plus the chloride and fluoride that comes with tap water in my region. This version of the Hulkberry i have is a bit more on the sensible side of things, se feels already if you keep touching her, also better not to nuke this strain with nutrients from what i have seen so far, so I’m going easy on her. The other two strains form Kannabia, one been the unstable version of Purpple Kush, got many aliens already out of some seeds, and ironically a Lucky dip, mystery strain is extreamely vigorous and nice to work with. A side from that i have chosen two HLG QB324 V2 quantum board with a Meanwell 320H-54a driver to build a DIY light, with passive Heatsink and 90 degree optics to power the flower tent, so basically i will move this plants to the other tent in a week or two when i get this build. This is a huge step up for me since i was using a generic Chinese blurple led. My setup changed a lot and i will try to keep things consistent, i may have some adaptation going on to drive all this new perpetual style grow.
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 09/06/18 || To/Hasta: 15/06/18 From day/Desde día: 8 || To day/Hasta día: 14 -----WEEK SUMMARY----- 12/06/18: Video 0 & Photos 1 & 2 13/06/18: Photos 3 to 10 15/06/18: Photos 11 to 14 As you can see in the video compared with the other 2 strains, the only Think big that germinated is growing very weird (Next week you will see it better in the photos). The day 15 i maded a root semi-washing to it to see if it helps to the thinky, I don't know if it helped or not, but my feelings where that the plant didn't go better or worst after that washing, just weird vegetation growing, it's going to became a trully Dwarf plant. The day 13th, the second Think Big shows it's cotyledeos, this plant is going to grow very weird too. ----APROXIMATED WATERING CALENDAR---- 09/06/18: Draught 10/06/18: Draught 11/06/18: Draught 12/06/18: 0.5l solution with all week nutrients @ 0.8 EC PH6 13/06/18: Draught 14/06/18: Draught 15/06/18: Root semi-washing (4l water) *****ESPAÑOL***** -----SUMMARIO SEMANAL----- 12/06/18: Vídeo 0 & Fotos 1 & 2 13/06/18: Fotos 3 a 10 15/06/18: Fotos 11 a 14 Como podéis ver en el vídeo, comparado con las otras 2 genéticas, la única Think Big que ha germinado está creciendo muy muy rara (se verá mejor en las fotos de la semana que viene. El día 15 le realicé una semi limpieza de raíces por si era cosa de nutrientes, no se realmente si ayudó o no, mi impresión es que la planta no fue mejor ni peor después del lavado, simplemente siguió creciendo de manera muy muy rara. Está planta se convertirá en una auténtica planta enana. El día 13, la segunda Think Big ya mostraba sus cotiledones, esta planta va a crecer muy muy rara también. ----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO APROXIMADO---- 09/06/18: Sequía 10/06/18: Sequía 11/06/18: Sequía 12/06/18: 0,5l de agua con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 0.8 EC PH6 13/06/18: Sequía 14/06/18: Sequía 15/06/18: Semi lavado de raíces (4l de agua)
This was the first week with no nutes, just straight out of the tap water. I also upped the watering schedule to 3 times per day for 1 min each. I am thinking after watching this weeks timelapse that I will run the pump for 2 means on the parts of the schedule that the lights are on and see if that helps any. I also noticed that 1 of my plants, the one with the bigger buds and more crystals seems to be having its leaves turning yellow which I have tried to show in the last picture above. I believe it is because I have stopped feeding any nutrients and so now it is sucking what it can from the leaves. The other plants, especially my featured one do not seem to be doing this as of yet. I was hoping my closeup star of this diary, which happens to also be the tallest stem of the girls would also show the most growth, but as such, not much can seen to be happening. 1 more week to go before I cut and hang them to harvest and I will let you know how things turned out weight wise.
She's still growing well this week. 8cm growth. It's her first week on 12/12. Changed to 6-12-36 powdered nutrients now.
It's her first week on 12/12. Changed to 6-12-36 powdered nutrients now.
Fixed all my calmag issues from last week thanx to your help. Turned out the plants where underfed with only 400ml water per feeding, so i increased the water and nutrient levels and included calmag. Smangies Bloomboss is a custom nutrient i have created for my autoflower. The plants seem to love the nutrients and i have been achieving some nice dense bud growth using this formula. Would you recommend organic autoflower nutrients?
Last week of veg for those girls ! I defoliated a bit 5 days ago and im planing on switching to 12/12 in 5/8 days ! They are happy tho 😁. What are ur thoughts guys ?
Start of 2nd week of 12/12 , i defoliated them a bit , i hope they dont srtech too much ( this room is 50x50x80 cm) . Im happy so far. This quantum board works well 😬.