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The pics and videos are from day 37 of flower. All 3 of these are starting to beef up a little bit, they have perfect bud structures. I'm picking up a creamy kinda vanilla smell on them each having slight variations but what do I know? I really want to grow all 3 phenos again sincenmy clone runs always seem to be just a little bit better. I said this on my last post but for anyone droppin questions in my DMs just comment on a journal I dont go thru the dms its alot of the same questions over and over. That way anyone can see the questions and responses and I'll try to do a better job at responding to comments as well. I always have so many diaries going at once I rarely stop and read them all until the very end when things slow down. Hope everyone had a happy halloween3👊
Day 64 10/07- Welcome to the beginning of week five of flower for these ladies. They should really start fatting up now. The smell is very strong as soon as you open tent it just hits you in the face. Day 67 10/10- Fed nutrients as you can tell on one plant she is a heavy feeder. Just added 2.5ml of tiger bloom for the phosphors deficiency, other than that she is doing great flowers are really fatting up now. Day 70 10/13- End of another flower week. We should have 1.5-2 weeks left. Also after today they will just get plain water Ph to 6.3 to start flushing.
Watering with small amounts about every other day. Removed the first node and lower foliage. The plant is starting to throw pistils at the end of week 3 😀
Week 2 went well they are progressing normally. A#3 is a bit smaller than the rest but not surprising being that it sprouted with the shell fully attached and the other 2 had a nearly 4 day headstart. I'm happy she made it and was able to break through the shell. It seems adding saliva to it did the trick. Feeding schedule has been poor due to my busy schedule, I've feed them twice this week both times I gave them each 1/3 of a gallon that was mixed with 1/4 tsp each of general hydroponics floramicro, micro, and 1/8 tsp bloom and 2 ounces of Vermis Terra. 18/6 ls, 84°/43% dt, 73°/53%nt, 6.3-6.5 ph
Week 5 (Day 35) Flower- the week was uneventful. Building stacks, no issues, it’s been rainy here so the humidity has been high, the old dehumidifier is getting a workout 💪 I lowered the light an inch, might not seem like much, but I’ll watch and see if they can handle it. Full feed of nutrients tomorrow when the lights come on😎
Bueno ah llegado el momento de la cosecha , la verdad muy contento con la sepa darth haze es una planta de buena estructura rigidez y de rápido crecimiento, un poco débil a las enfermedades causadas x humedades altas o calores fuertes en mí experiencia , cultive en outdoor en tierra cosechando en abril de este año y me dio muy buenos resultados la cual le hice tres esquejes, uno fue madre y dos puse a florecer en el indoor en julio en masetas de 15ltr que son los del vídeo que compartí, este esqueje vendría a ser el feno 2 de la semilla, lo cual tomo colores distintos a las originales de la sepa. Con un olor más contundente a cedro y con notas de limón en su final acá podemos ver ya su último tirón de maduración cogollos compactos como rocas este cruce de bubbakush pre 98 x lebron haze (haze x lemon Thai) cumplió con mis expectativas aunque siempre pueden salir mejor y en eso estamos , las plantas fueron alimentadas x igual con la misma cantidad de fertilizantes (orgánicos) no se le controlo ec ni ph ( no tengo los medidores) pero siempre controlando que el agua descansará y no tenga cloro y haciendo un previo lavado de raices 20 días antes del corte ya llegando limpias a su final, espero que les guste mí humilde cultivo pero la idea es mejorar y aprender día a día cosas nuevas y nuevos conceptos a tener en cuenta y llevar adelante a los siguientes cultivos ! Muchas gracias a todos y viva el auto cultivo! Buenos humos colegas🇦🇷😎💨💚🌱🎉