Hi everyone! So nothing really of note to report this week, she is definitely getting closer to harvest as she is uptaking significantly less nutrients now than she did a week or two ago so I have had to go down on nutrients and will probably have to lower it even more as it is still raising daily. She is also getting a bit fatter and denser but I'm really hoping to see some improvement here over the last weeks🙏
I have again been pretty busy outside the grow tent this week building and setting up an outdoor gardening area at our house for my girlfriend to grow her vegetables, fruits, and flowers so I have had less time to be in there and have forgotten to take pictures some of the days. But it has been lucky that I haven't really had any problems to attend to in the tent so all I have had to do is the daily PH and EC measurements and then change the water every other day.
Happy growing to everyone and thank you for the comments and encouragement! really appreciate the community in here and it's been a real help in my first grow!