The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
So die Süßen bis auf ,,Eine,, die ist nicht so süß die letzten Tage gewesen..., befinden sich jetzt am Anfang der Blütewoche 5 Allgemein verläuft alles sehr gut. Aber wie eben schon angedeutet, spielt die Pink Mist vorne bei der Luftzufuhr ein wenig ,,Fasching,, und versucht sich doch als Mann zu verkleiden :-) Zwar gering und natürlich da, wo man es auf den ersten Blick nicht vermutet. Wenige Staubbeutel hatten sich sichtlich geöffnet. Dennoch hoffen wir nach rascher u. vorsichtiger Entfernung, dass weiter große Kollateralschäden ausbleiben. Die Gründe dafür können vieler Natur sein. Trotz das die Geschlechtsreife abgewartet wurde, ist nach hinten raus alles möglich. Man muss das beste daraus machen :-) Hätten wir es noch komplett vor dem öffnen der Staubbeutel gesehen, hätten wir sie eher entfernt. Natur ist halt Natur und noch viel wichtiger, es ist ja nur für uns. Sollten in der Pink Mist samen auftauchen, so hätten wir feminisiertes Saatgut. Also immer Positiv sehen ;-) Seit Mitte letzter Woche fahren wir mit einem EC von mind. mS 1,6 Tendenz jetzt fortlaufend eher an die 1,8. Augenscheinlich und von den Werten her passt alles wirklich gut. Auf eine neue tolle Woche! Ansonsten vielen Dank fürs reinschauen viel spaß mit dem Bild u. Video- Material und allen zusammen eine angenehme Wochen gewünscht! VG
Day 98 Day 63 Flower 30/05/24 Thursday Finally the time has come!! The fox tails aren't a issue for me as it's Percy smoke, and to be fair, there decent fox tails 😍😂. The plant is huge for a auto. I have wet trimmed, Removed all excess stem. Wet bud weight is 587g Wet trim is 35g I will update dry weight and smoke report 👌 Thank you to everyone who liked, commented and followed 🙌 Love for the grow 💚 Till next time ✌️
Day 98 Day 63 Flower 30/05/24 Thursday Finally the time has come!! The fox tails aren't a issue for me as it's Percy smoke, and to be fair, there decent fox tails 😍😂. The plant is huge for a auto. I have wet trimmed, Removed all excess stem. Wet bud weight is 587g Wet trim is 35g I will update dry weight and smoke report 👌 Thank you to everyone who liked, commented and followed 🙌 Love for the grow 💚 Till next time ✌️
Nurturing My Cannabis Plants: Balancing Light and Protection In the first half of the day, I place my seedlings on a south-facing windowsill to ensure they catch some light. During the evening hours, they travel back to my balcony. This routine helps them get the light they need while staying safe from pests. Protecting My Plants: A Grower's Dilemma I'm hesitant to leave them outside permanently because, unfortunately, all my other vegetables have been eaten by snails. I certainly don't want the same fate for my precious cannabis plants. For now, they’re enjoying a mix of south windowsill and balcony life, which seems to be working well. First Watering: Preparing for Growth Once the coco mix dries out, they will receive their first feeding. Terra Aquatica Tripart is my nutrient trio of choice. I'll start with a half-dose, as recommended by the feeding chart, to ensure they don’t get nutrient burn. First Feeding: A New Stage My ladies seemed to enjoy their sleepover in the greenhouse. Now it's time for their first feeding. I added Cal-Mag to achieve an EC of 0.5 mS/cm to start with. I gave them a half-dose of nutrients as described in the chart and watered with enough runoff.
Na konci týdne opět dostaly čaj od bio tabs.
Finally! it's the Day I've waited for and now i can't believe it's actually done. The plant is hanging in the tent, looking so good. Like she is the prettiest plant i've ever grown. I don't know how to show it better on pictures, but i just upped my weed quality. Super dense, super frosty, SUPER LOUD! 10/10 I LOVE this strain! i can't imagine her being cured hahahaha Thank you, Fast Buds for providing me the seeds! Thank you, Terra Power for sending me some fertilizer samples, You make my growing live a bit better, thanks. Everyone who reads this is legally bound to get high today or hug a loved one. DECIDE. Cheers
Esta semana aplique la tecnica lst. Hubiera preferido hacerlo antes pero estaba esperando por que antes queria trasplantarlas. Pero no he podido comprar macetas, ni el medio de cultivo. Entonces decidi hacerlo en las macetas actuales para comenzar a guiar la planta, ya que va creciendo muy rapido. Junto con la tecnica lst tambien hice defoliacion a todas las plantas. Comence a regar con fertilizante en polvo Green House para la etapa de vegetacion. Uso 0.5g / 1L . Ocupo unos 2L para regar cada planta.
5/27 curious to see where this week ends up at 5/29 the one plant indoors is packing on weight. The one I put outside to finish (possibly stupid) seems to be maturing faster but bulking slower. She's seemed healthy this whole time. Not even a burnt leaf tip 5/31 attempting to take pictures in different lighting to get a better idea for yall viewers
Esta semana aplique la tecnica lst. Hubiera preferido hacerlo antes pero estaba esperando por que antes queria trasplantarlas. Pero no he podido comprar macetas, ni el medio de cultivo. Entonces decidi hacerlo en las macetas actuales para comenzar a guiar la planta, ya que va creciendo muy rapido. Junto con la tecnica lst tambien hice defoliacion a todas las plantas. Comence a regar con fertilizante en polvo Green House para la etapa de vegetacion. Uso 0.5g / 1L . Ocupo unos 2L para regar cada planta.
MAY 28TH 2024 - AMENDED with a TOP DRESS between EACH ROW of plant's using GAIA GREEN GYPSUM & GAIA GREEN MINERALIZED PHOSPHATE. The plant's will be getting another top dress THIS SUNDAY as their LIGHT CYCLE changes to 14/10. We will be TOP DRESSING with GAIA GREEN POWER BLOOM & GAIA GREEN GLACIAL ROCK DUST. They where given their first FLOWER MICROBE tea 55 gallons split between all of the beds. Not even in flower yet and their consumption is pretty encouraging signs. MAKE SURE to subscribe to our YOUTUBE for this next FULL LENGTH episode coming up after THIS SUNDAY !! MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS ! PROMO CODE GREEN PLANET : LEGACY PROMO CODE MARS HYDRO : LEGACY PROMO CODE SEEDSMAN : LEGACY10 MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW OUR SOCIALS & JOIN OUR GREAT COMMUNITIES ! TWITTER : YOUTUBE : YOUTUBE GAMING :
Esta semana aplique la tecnica lst. Hubiera preferido hacerlo antes pero estaba esperando por que antes queria trasplantarlas. Pero no he podido comprar macetas, ni el medio de cultivo. Entonces decidi hacerlo en las macetas actuales para comenzar a guiar la planta, ya que va creciendo muy rapido. Junto con la tecnica lst tambien hice defoliacion a todas las plantas. Comence a regar con fertilizante en polvo Green House para la etapa de vegetacion. Uso 0.5g / 1L . Ocupo unos 2L para regar cada planta.