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Had big fires and power outages lately. The first big power outage seemed to put the og in flower and the second to both of the NLs. Learning a lot! Got a good humidifier that will hold stat. It was always 15% or lately a few times, 100%. Don't want either of those too long. Got a new pump watering can with 4L capacity, which is much better than the family cookware. Had to trim the bottom leaves of one of the NLs due to lack of sustanance, which i didn't want to but looks good now. Went to 18 hours light, like the call. Added a lil 30 watt LED grow fixture for fun. Got a new floor fan and added one to the ceiling. Around 300 Watts at full blast. I like growing such challenging beauties. Now just wondering if i should dry in this tent. I might have to.
Did defoliation as usual and a little lollipoping. Did 2 complete refills of the reservoir, ph stayed stable for 1 day after the exchange but then super unstable again. Dropped the EC with the second refill to 1000 to see if it stays stable. Ori is going good, already looking frosty, NL#2 is comming aswell, NL#1 not so much.
Removed Universol Yellow from the nutrients. Managed to get a hold on the ph trouble with keeping the nutrient temperature at 20°C and 1ml 11.9% H2O2 for each litre of nutrient solution. Raised the EC to 1.6. Ori is going strong, NL#2 is comming along aswell, NL#1 takes a little longer but is comming aswell. Defoliated a lot again, removed all bigger fan leafes. Did a full reservoir change and barely have to correct PH anymore, most likely it was a bad bacteria problem.
Exotic Genetix: Event Horizon (x3) y Toasted Toffee(x3). Thug pug Genetics: Peanut Butter sunset(x3). Una ves sean transplantadas a su macetero definitivo(5 litros) se comenzará con riego automático, drip to waste, y protocolo Crop Steering. 20 Octubre(15:30): 9 semillas en remojo, solución de 2 partes de agua de ósmosis + 1 parte de peróxido de hidrógeno 3%, 5.8pH, 0.6EC, 28°C~30°C. Antes ser puestas a remojar se lijaron las semillas para favorecer la absorción del agua. 21:30: puestas en toalla de papel con la misma agua de remojo, dentro de un contenedor de vidrio hermético y sobre una alfombra de calor a 28°C~30°C, para aumentar la actividad metabólica. 21 Octubre: Pre carga del coco, con solución de nutrientes Athena en 2.0EC y 5.7pH, saturación hasta lograr drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.5EC y 5.6pH. 21:50: Todas las semillas presentan radicula de distintos tamaños(1cm aprox) son inmediatamente pasadas al sustrato. 22 Octubre: 21:10, se aprecian todas ya brotando, se mantiene el ambiente en 26°C~28°C y 70%+ de humedad. 23 Octubre: 9/9 semillas brotadas, se ven algunos Cotiledones. 24 Octubre: (9:30)8/9 cotiledones abiertos, altura entre 3cm~5cm, etapa de plantula iniciada. Toffee n3 se atrofió por mala manipulación, espero que crezca aunque sea lento, si no, tendré que seguir solo con 8 plantas. 25 Octubre: Toffee n3 está viva!!! Estuve a punto de quitarla, y está mañana apareció sin su capucha, cotiledones afuera. Yujuuuu!! 26 Octubre: hoy tuvieron su primer riego con nutrientes Athena, 2.0EC y 5.8pH. Se regó hasta alcanzar drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.9EC y 5.7pH. 27 Octubre: Se desarrollan a buen ritmo, algunas han estirado más que otras, alturas entre 4cm~7cm. 31 Octubre: Segundo riego, 120ml casa una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff de 2.3EC y 5.7pH. 2 Noviembre: Creciendo a buen ritmo, alturas entre 5cm y 9cm. 4 Noviembre: Riego 180ml cada una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff 2.8EC y 5.8pH, desde ahora se regarán más seguido, removí las primeras hojas, solo por comodidad para regar, de igual manera los primeros nodos y esas hojas se terminan podando pronto. 8 Noviembre: Riego 2.0EC, 5.8pH, 240ml cada una para aumentar el runoff, valores de runoff de 3.0EC y 6.0pH. Alturas entre 9cm y 14cm.
Have a great day🧡 Intensité de la FC3000: 90% Ventilation : Extracteur mars hydro 6 pouces avec filtre à charbon puissance : 4/10 (24h/24h) + 3 ventilateurs à l'intérieur ( ON 8/24h). ils s'activent à un horaire différent. Arrosage : Environ tout les 4-6 jours avec 1.5L d'eau. (+ 1gr de bioenhancer/L eau un arrosage sur 2) Température & humidité : NUIT : 16°C & 70% / JOUR : 23°C & 50%
Smells Strongly like Mintz with a dark hint of peppers
🍊Bonjour les copains, 🍊Je vous l'ai peut être déjà dit mais je n'ai pas beaucoup le temps de m'occuper de cette culture, car je ne vis plus à coté. Je repasse la voir tout les 4-6 jours pour l'arroser, enlever les feuilles mortes et prendre quelques photos. 🍊Et jusqu'à présent j'ai l'impression qu'elles se sentent bien comme ça 😅 🍊Je suis si impatient des les gouter 😜 🍊-------------------------------------- 🍊Intensité de la FC3000: 90% 🍊Ventilation : Extracteur mars hydro 6 pouces avec filtre à charbon puissance : 4/10 (24h/24h) + 3 ventilateurs à l'intérieur ( ON 8/24h). ils s'activent à un 🍊horaire différent. 🍊Arrosage : Environ tout les 4-6 jours avec 1.5L d'eau. (+ 1gr de bioenhancer/L eau un arrosage sur 2) 🍊Température & humidité : NUIT : 16°C & 70% / JOUR : 23°C & 50% 🍊My Instagram 🌱🧡 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊
Building the RDWC set up was quite the process. A couple minor leaks, but I was able to take care of them. I'm now 11/11 in rapid rooters so I won't suggest anything else. No pre germination. I prepared the rooters, put the seeds in, and 3 days later they came up. This is my 3rd run using the same batch of 50 rapid rooters. I freeze the extras and pull them out a day before use. Thanks for stopping by! 😎
Semana 5/ semana 1 de floración, sigo regando 1L a diario a cada una, están muy saludables. Aumente el Ventilador a nivel 2 y abrí la ventana para mantener la humedad del closet bajo 50. Todo ok!!
Did defoliation as usual and a little lollipoping. Did 2 complete refills of the reservoir, ph stayed stable for 1 day after the exchange but then super unstable again. Dropped the EC with the second refill to 1000 to see if it stays stable. Ori is going good, already looking frosty, NL#2 is comming aswell, NL#1 not so much.
PH is going down down down, corrected it with PH up up up. I don't know why it dropped ~0.1/hr when EC stayed pretty much stable, roots look fine, no smells so... ??? Did defoliation as usual, the NL #1 + 2 need it every couple of days, the Ori is just fine, doesn't need anything. Also did LST and lollipoping. Smells get more intense
PH is going down down down, corrected it with PH up up up. I don't know why it dropped ~0.1/hr when EC stayed pretty much stable, roots look fine, no smells so... ??? Did defoliation as usual, the NL #1 + 2 need it every couple of days, the Ori is just fine, doesn't need anything. Also did LST and lollipoping. Smells get more intense
NOTES: Keeping pH at 5,8-5,9 through the entire Vegetation-phase. EC is now around 1,2 and i'm increasing it if needed. I'll be checking the levels regularly from this week since all of the hydroponic systems are now running. I'm going to add some ice cubes in to the nutrient tanks to cool nutrient solution a bit always when I remember to, even though temperatures haven't been an issue so far. Can't do any harm so why not I quess. I'm also adding a CO2-bag in to the tent above the plants. Also I'll begin training my plants this week by topping them. Day 22 (8.11.) Lights are set to 70%, water pumps are now on for 24/7 (EBB's drain water is on lowest setting possible to avoid drowning the roots) and pH is 5,8-5,9 / EC 1,2-1,3 on every hydroponic system. I topped all of my plants and cut off all of the lowest leafs with single tips and some of the small nodes starting from them. Day 23 (9.11.) pH-level keeps on raising so I'm gonna be measuring it pretty often. I'm correcting it by adding some pH- while filling up the nutrient tanks with small amounts of fresh nutrient solution at a time. Everything's going well and I can't wait to flower these! Day 24 (10.11.) Lights are now set to 80% power at 70-75cm height from the tops. I cut off the rest of the lowest nodes which I had left to some of the plants while topping them. I don't think they would get enough light when they are bigger. Day 25 (11.11.) Removed the lowest (three-pointed) leafs of each plant. Day 26 (12.11.) I moved the Led's a bit higher (now at ~90cm above plants) and set them up to full power. Plants are now around 11-14cm height and growing like crazy! Day 27 (13.11.) The growing has exploded and these plants are getting bigger and bigger. I'm going to defoliate them lightly and remove the lowest nodes so the plants have around 6 nodes each going forward, hopefully I'll get an even canopy. Day 28 (14.11.) I changed new nutrient solution in to the EBB-flood system which has the Ayahuasca's on it. I'm keeping the EC at around 1,3-1,4 and pH at 5,8-5,9 on every system. Also added small amount of Cal-Mag in to both NFTs.
NOTES: Keeping pH at 5,8-5,9 through the entire Vegetation-phase. EC is now around 1,2 and i'm increasing it if needed. I'll be checking the levels regularly from this week since all of the hydroponic systems are now running. I'm going to add some ice cubes in to the nutrient tanks to cool nutrient solution a bit always when I remember to, even though temperatures haven't been an issue so far. Can't do any harm so why not I quess. I'm also adding a CO2-bag in to the tent above the plants. Also I'll begin training my plants this week by topping them. Day 22 (8.11.) Lights are set to 70%, water pumps are now on for 24/7 (EBB's drain water is on lowest setting possible to avoid drowning the roots) and pH is 5,8-5,9 / EC 1,2-1,3 on every hydroponic system. I topped all of my plants and cut off all of the lowest leafs with single tips and some of the small nodes starting from them. Day 23 (9.11.) pH-level keeps on raising so I'm gonna be measuring it pretty often. I'm correcting it by adding some pH- while filling up the nutrient tanks with small amounts of fresh nutrient solution at a time. Everything's going well and I can't wait to flower these! Day 24 (10.11.) Lights are now set to 80% power at 70-75cm height from the tops. I cut off the rest of the lowest nodes which I had left to some of the plants while topping them. I don't think they would get enough light when they are bigger. Day 25 (11.11.) Removed the lowest (three-pointed) leafs of each plant. Day 26 (12.11.) I moved the Led's a bit higher (now at ~90cm above plants) and set them up to full power. Plants are now around 11-14cm height and growing like crazy! Day 27 (13.11.) The growing has exploded and these plants are getting bigger and bigger. I'm going to defoliate them lightly and remove the lowest nodes so the plants have around 6 nodes each going forward, hopefully I'll get an even canopy. Day 28 (14.11.) I changed new nutrient solution in to the EBB-flood system which has the Ayahuasca's on it. I'm keeping the EC at around 1,3-1,4 and pH at 5,8-5,9 on every system. Also added small amount of Cal-Mag in to both NFTs.
NOTES: Keeping pH at 5,8-5,9 through the entire Vegetation-phase. EC is now around 1,2 and i'm increasing it if needed. I'll be checking the levels regularly from this week since all of the hydroponic systems are now running. I'm going to add some ice cubes in to the nutrient tanks to cool nutrient solution a bit always when I remember to, even though temperatures haven't been an issue so far. Can't do any harm so why not I quess. I'm also adding a CO2-bag in to the tent above the plants. Also I'll begin training my plants this week by topping them. Day 22 (8.11.) Lights are set to 70%, water pumps are now on for 24/7 (EBB's drain water is on lowest setting possible to avoid drowning the roots) and pH is 5,8-5,9 / EC 1,2-1,3 on every hydroponic system. I topped all of my plants and cut off all of the lowest leafs with single tips and some of the small nodes starting from them. Day 23 (9.11.) pH-level keeps on raising so I'm gonna be measuring it pretty often. I'm correcting it by adding some pH- while filling up the nutrient tanks with small amounts of fresh nutrient solution at a time. Everything's going well and I can't wait to flower these! Day 24 (10.11.) Lights are now set to 80% power at 70-75cm height from the tops. I cut off the rest of the lowest nodes which I had left to some of the plants while topping them. I don't think they would get enough light when they are bigger. Day 25 (11.11.) Removed the lowest (three-pointed) leafs of each plant. Day 26 (12.11.) I moved the Led's a bit higher (now at ~90cm above plants) and set them up to full power. Plants are now around 11-14cm height and growing like crazy! Day 27 (13.11.) The growing has exploded and these plants are getting bigger and bigger. I'm going to defoliate them lightly and remove the lowest nodes so the plants have around 6 nodes each going forward, hopefully I'll get an even canopy. Day 28 (14.11.) I changed new nutrient solution in to the EBB-flood system which has the Ayahuasca's on it. I'm keeping the EC at around 1,3-1,4 and pH at 5,8-5,9 on every system. Also added small amount of Cal-Mag in to both NFTs.