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GG4 Sherbert FF (organic)

Approved by Fast Buds
10 months ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 4-5
Grow medium
Grow medium
114 L
Pot Size
7.57 L
2 years ago
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
I dropped these in a glass of water and let sit until they sank, then transfered to paper towel. I placed the paper towel in a ziplock bad but did not zip it. That was the afternoon of the 9th of June. I'm planting today the 11th June directly into 30 gallon pots. The taps are slightly longer than the seed, but we've got overcast rainy/misty weather forecast all day. That should give them moisture to keep them alive until roots establish. I've added the nutes to this week. These nutrients are all dry fertilizer that are premixed into the soil and numbers are ml of fertilizer per gallon of soil/perlite.
1 like
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
2.54 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
65 %
23 °C
16 °C
114 L
3 L
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
Week 1 has started off well. The seedlings got planted with only one having a long tap. The all day 1 cloudy, drizzly, wet weather allowed for the taps to run without the top of the soil drying out. The outdoors game is real. Grasshoppers are already trying to take these out. Several were killed hanging on the outside of the pot this morning(day 3). I suspected the grasshoppers were nibbling on these but it turned out to be pharaoh ants. I found some slowly dying beside the plants. The Dr. Earth Bug Stop worked. They got sprayed at sundown and apparently the ants attack at night or early morning. They were barely moving and dying at 7.45 am. Pharoah ants are plant terrorists. They can nest up to 100ft away from where they feed and once they find a food source they are determined to eat it. I'm staying organic and trying to stop these guys but here on day 5 they've eaten some more including the seed leaves off of some Peach Crescendo seedlings. It's day 6 and I think I've beat the pharaoh ants. I had to spray liquid seven on the ground in a circle around the plants. Day 6 and no more of the plants were eaten. Overall it was a good week. Everyone survived the rigors of the great outdoors and are digging deep for next week.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
3.81 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
65 %
21 °C
23 °C
16 °C
114 L
3 L
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
I start this in a "safe zone" of plain potting mix. It takes a little over a week for them to get into the pre mixed nutes. They should jump this week when they do. I got tired of waiting and watered them with 20ml liquid kelp, 20ml liquid fish, and 5ml molasses per gallon of ph 6 water. Roughly 2-1-1 to give them a boost on day 2 week 2. This week was a success. Pest have been controlled and the plants made progress. One plant gg4 #3 is behind the others. There's a tree top that throws shade on it for about 1.5 hours longer than the other two in the morning. This will be fixed for week 3. It's warmed up considerably with the day time temp reaching 90 plus f for day 6 and 7 of this week. This should really speed up the vegative growth.
1 like
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
10.16 cm
15 hrs
34 °C
40 %
21 °C
27 °C
28 °C
114 L
9 L
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
These girls are starting off the week getting blasted by the Sun and heat. I had to increase the water dramatically. Pots are short and because the heat and lack of humidity they are having to be drenched. Day 2 of this week, I'm noticing some ph imbalance. I don't have ro water and my tap is 7.6 ph. I'm going to water today with 5.8 ph water and see if they green up. I also took down a tree that was shading that little one. That should speed up it's development. The 10 mph winds blew one of these over on day 1 this week. I'm propping it back up on day 2 and it should straighten out. End of day 3, everyone got some organic soil acidifier. They greened up nicely. The smallest plant this week had its new growth eaten. Ants, grasshopper, I've got a big question mark there, but she's still alive. The week finished nicely. Plants are finally getting into the super soil and taking off. The extreme heat has been tuff on them but fastbuds can handle it.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
25.4 cm
15 hrs
32 °C
40 %
21 °C
27 °C
20 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
Early morning day 1 we got a good rain. The girls loved it. This week has cooler night time Temps, storms, and low 90s upper 80s f day time Temps. Plants are getting into the super soil and out of the safe zone of plain organic soil. Next time I'll use a stronger mix of liquid feed for the safe zone. The plants didn't get enough nutes to grow fast. I'm still dialing in super soil/organic so there's a learning curb. I'm a little worried about topping these as I got a late start outdoors. I topped the biggest this week. The smallest got ravaged by an insect so I'll just let it grow out naturally.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
45.72 cm
15 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
40 %
21 °C
27 °C
24 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
This week started of good except for ph and iron. I'm phing feed and water to 6 but my naturally 7.6 ph water is raising ph. I've realized my water and organic soil don't have iron in them. It's keeping these from greening up properly. I do have blood meal in the soil but not enough. I'll be adding an iron supplement next week when it arrives. Until then I'm going to feed a little masses and blood meal with the ph water. I've had a difficult learning curve switching from coco and salts to organic and soil. #2 got topped on day 1. I'm going to clone this top so I'll have this plant for the future.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
81.28 cm
15 hrs
29 °C
40 %
21 °C
27 °C
21 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 5
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Coop Poop Organic Granules 8.982 mll
Feather Meal 2.906 mll
These girls have had a hard time dealing with my learning curb to soil/organic. This week they turned a page. The biggest ones nearly doubled in height. The one that got ate during week too has finally took off. I didn't top so we will see how that turns out letting her go all natural. Great week for the plants. Next week is going to be stupid hot but he's fastbuds can handle it.
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
106.68 cm
15 hrs
32 °C
40 %
21 °C
27 °C
24 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 6
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Agrothrive General Purpose 2.642 mll
Agrothrive Fruit and Flower 0.264 mll
We had a good bit of strong wind and rain at he beginning of this week. One of the plants was blown sideways. This week has been hotter but he plants seem to be loving it. I was a little surprised that I had to start feeding these. I'm thinking the nutes were leached out by rain. I found out my ph wasn't as much of an issue as I first suspected. The problem was lack of iron. I added an organic iron supplement and it cleared up the yellowing. It also ph'd my nutrient solution to 6. The tops I took and attempted to clone didn't clone. It was a fun experiment though. Overall a great week. I expect to see some pistils next week.
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Week 8. Vegetation
2 years ago
132.08 cm
15 hrs
29 °C
60 %
21 °C
27 °C
22 °C
114 L
11 L
Nutrients 6
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.264 mll
Agrothrive General Purpose 2.642 mll
Agrothrive Fruit and Flower 0.264 mll
This week started off a vegative week and about halfway through became a flowering week. Since I had already started it as vegative I didn't change it. Number one and number two, the two big ones, showed their sex on day 51 or day two of this week. Plant 3 showed sex on day 53 or day 4 of this week. I've increased their feed to my veg two formula and the iron supplement has really improved the color it rained day 1,2, and 3 so far this week and I included a 10 day forecast from day 3. We've had rain and high humidity at night cloud cover all day and nights dropping below 70f. These girls are eating it up with no issues. This was a hard week. One of my other big plants split right down the middle from the wind. It rained so much twice a day to all day this whole week. I had to add dry organic nutrients and let the rain water it in. I added 2 cups of 2-4-3, 1 cup of 0-10-10, and 1 cup of 12-0-0. These have really been troopers for some very difficult outdoor conditions.
1 comment
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
147.32 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
60 %
21 °C
27 °C
20 °C
114 L
11 L
Nutrients 3
Coop Poop Organic Granules 3.963 mll
E.B.Stone Ultra Bloom 1.849 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 1.189 mll
This wee was all vegative two phase. On day 7 this week the two shorter plants were transitioning to generative one phase. These girls are so fast the phases come and go quickly. This Last week was raining or cloudy everyday. I had to switch to dry nutes because the soil is staying wet. Feeding liquid nutrient mix/teas isn't an option. I've found a few specs of PM on the one plant I didn't top. I treated with Arbor bio fungicide and it's clearing up. The other two are showing immunity so far and are receiving no treatment.The nutes are listed as ml/gallon of soil topdressed. After day 2 inspection I believe I ran the nutes a little hot. They should grow into them. Adding a second topdress of 800ml of coop poop 2-4-3 on day 6 this week. We got a big rain day 7 early morning. It washed that coop poop topdress in and really gave the plants a good green color.The one that didn't get topped is pushing 64" the others are about 57" so I used an average. I recommend topping but to keep that one from falling any further behind I let it grow without topping. The one that wasn't topped is being treated for powdery mildew with Arbor bio fungicide. It's helping the other two are still showing immunity and are further along in flower.
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
152.4 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
65 %
21 °C
25 °C
19 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 1
Coop Poop Organic Granules 6.868 mll
We're starting off this week with more thunderstorms. They will only be for the first two days of the week. This week is much cooler. The rain kept me from feeding my generative one formula nutrients with their water. On day 2 these are still feeding on the 800ml of coop poop 2-4-3 I top dressed with. They are nice and green and the centers are showing it was a little hot but it should grow out of that in a day or two. Day 5 of this week. Everything grew into the fertilizer. Buds are stacking and trichromes are beginning to show on the leaves. The smell is very noticeable now. The #1 plant has a smokey cheese smell. The #2 plant is skunky and sweet but more skunky. The #3 plant is a little behind the other two and isn't really putting off any distinct smell yet. Day 7 I'm starting to see trichromes
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
215.9 cm
15 hrs
36 °C
65 %
21 °C
27 °C
24 °C
114 L
11 L
Nutrients 8
Hardygro Ultra Bio 1.321 mll
Agrothrive Fruit and Flower 3.963 mll
Biogreaux Blackstrap Molasses 0.793 mll
This week is going to be hot. I expect everything to hit generative 2/mid flower this week. The #1 & #2 plants should hit that phase day 2 and day 3 of this week. The #3 plant around day 7. The coop poop I top dressed with is still feeding. It should be just supplemental about mid week. I'm feeding my gen 2 formula that's in the nutrient section for this week. The plants will get that feed daily once generative two phase begins.The one I didn't top is over 7' tall. I used it's height for the plants height. The other two I topped are just over 5'.
Week 12. Flowering
2 years ago
222.25 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
70 %
21 °C
25 °C
18 °C
114 L
11 L
Nutrients 8
Hardygro Ultra Bio 0.528 mll
Agrothrive Fruit and Flower 3.963 mll
Biogreaux Blackstrap Molasses 0.793 mll
This week wrapped up the generative two phase or midflower and began the generative three phase. The plants were fed the nutrients listed daily. I like to keep the p and k up high during the first week to twelve days of generative three. This week the weather has been more cooperative but far from ideal. The highs have ranged from mid 70's to 90 degrees f. The nights are running low to mid 60's f with humidity in the 90% range at night. Humidity has stayed somewhat high during the day ranging from 70% to mid 50% a few days only. This weather has really been testing these girls resistance. Plants 1 and 2 have been immune to pm. Plant 3 has responded well to treatment with arber. All the plants got a medium defoliation which helped. Everyone stacked this week. They have all reached their maximum height. I used the height of the tallest 87.5" for the official height. The two shorter plants are 61 and 62 inches.
Week 13. Flowering
2 years ago
222.25 cm
13 hrs
28 °C
65 %
21 °C
24 °C
16 °C
114 L
11 L
Nutrients 6
Agrothrive Fruit and Flower 3.698 mll
Biogreaux Blackstrap Molasses 0.528 mll
Ferticell Pro Phos 0.528 mll
All the plants will be in the generative 3 phase of flower this week. I've updated the nutrients section for the week to show what the are being fed. I'm still feeding 3 gallons per plant daily. The number 3 plant is a few days behind the other two so it will get the Generative 2 feed, in the nutrients section for week 12, a few days this week.The two short plants have slowed their feeding way down on day 3 this week. The organic nutrients have a tendency to build up in the soil. Day 3 the two short plants got tap water. I'll wait til some of the leaves lighten up before I feed again. Day 4 the two short plants got fed. They didn't seem to be hurting for nutes but the leaves appeared to be losing color and the buds are still filling out. I had been feeding everyday until day 3. Day 5 and 6 the short plants got tap water and the tall one got the nutrients formula. Day 7 this week, the tallest and one of the short plants were fed the listed nutrient formula. There was no change in height this week. The tallest is 87.5 inches the two shorter ones 62 inches. I believe the two shorter plants will enter generative phase four/ripening next week. They are getting super frosty.
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
222.25 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
12 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 6
Agrothrive Fruit and Flower 2.378 mll
Biogreaux Blackstrap Molasses 0.528 mll
Ferticell Pro Phos 0.528 mll
The plants have slowed their uptake of water. That combined with cooler temps have reduce to watering to a few gallons a day. I've included my end of generative 3 phase nutrient formula for this week. They are all close to generative 4 so I'll be watching for the upper leaves to fade to see if they will need to be fed. All of the plants were given tap water on day 1. Day 2 of this week everyone received the nutrient formula listed @2 gallons per pot. Day 3-7 this week just tap water. Plants are feeding lite and there's plenty of nutrient built up in the soil.
Week 15. Flowering
a year ago
222.25 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
16 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 2
Peaceful Valley Organic Liquid Kelp 2.113 mll
OG Organics Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
OG Organics Bud Candy 2.113 mll
The first part of this week has been great. It's cool but dry. There's was no dew on day 2. It's sunny with low humidity during the day. The plants are feeding on the built up nutes in the soil. I did not feed the listed formula although that is what I use prior to the flush week and thought I'd include it. We missed two projected rains and received one very light rain in the early a.m. hours of day 6 of this week. This was a great week for the girls. The rain didn't materialize like the forecast. We still had p.m. hours humidity in the 90s and cool nights, but these girls handled it. Only one has shown susceptibility to powdery mildew. Overall this is a beast outdoor strain for the Midwest USA. We have had a lot of leaf eating caterpillars attacking the plants because the trees are losing their green leaves. Just some natural defoliation no biggie.
Week 16. Flowering
a year ago
222.25 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
16 °C
114 L
8 L
Great weather this week. We did get a rain in the night of day 7 last week and morning day 1 this week. The girls weathered it well. Everything finished this week. The plants had their swells and the buds really filled out.
Week 16. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Good strong smoke. It's very potent and long lasting. The buds are earthy, citrus, peppery, and gassy. They're very loud. The smoke is happy and mood improving up front then settles into a nice relaxing comfortable high. Its long lasting but not debilitating so I'd say it's good for day and night, but you will need eye drops.
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Spent 128 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1393.33 g
Bud wet weight per plant
453 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Citrus, Diesel, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
These plants got huge. Two of the three were immune to powdery mildew. The third was highly resistant. Saying resistance was strong doesn't do them justice. I included one of the buckets of buds with weight. I had to do that 9 and 10 times depending on plant. Everything went smooth. We missed all the bad weather and got a good dry couple of days to finish harvest. These went a little longer than the 7 weeks. I believe that's because of the suns travel to the south. As it travelled these girls didn't get full sun until after 9:30 a.m. and until 4.20 p.m. They were definitely worth the wait.
Equipment Reviews
Week 17. Flowering
a year ago
222.25 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
16 °C
114 L
8 L
I received the diary of the month merchandise. Thanks @fastbuds. I received the cash prize and the merchandise has shipped. Fastbuds 😍
Week 18. Flowering
10 months ago
222.25 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
16 °C
114 L
8 L
I ran a clone from the most potent plant. This one smokes amazing. She's difficult to keep in veg, but we'll worth it. After cure this one's so potent you have to be careful. She will blow your mind.


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Northern_Entcommentedweek 16a year ago
I already said congrats on the harvest, and now congrats on the Outdoor Grow Contest win. 👍👍
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Northern_Ent, than you very much 🌱💚 it means a lot coming from a grow vet.
Wastent91commentedweek 16a year ago
Looks strong resin producer this girl! 😻😋👍
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Wastent91, they all were. Thank You
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 16a year ago
Great Job..did u get ur ps5? & merch?
gottagrowsometimecommented10 months ago
@Aedaone, Congratulations. Winning diary in itself. gg4 harvest pic cola, omg.. Well deserved. I hidden gem we got here I think..outreach girl..share your outdoor wisdom.. This site sorely needs u..
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Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, I received the prize money and they are sending seeds out today. I received the diary of the month merch and seeds way back. The Tropicana Cookies and the Gorilla Zkittlez diaries I'm doing now are the seeds I won for the 10th place diary of the month. Can't wait to get the new drops to run outdoors.
XII_XII_MrGreencommentedweek 187 months ago
👏 Congratulations 🎉 🌲👩‍🌾✅
Aedaonecommented7 months ago
@XII_XII_MrGreen, Thank you 🌱💚
mjbondagecommentedweek 16a year ago
Man. That'll keep ya happy for a minute. Nice job ! They are definite keepers but she needs some room. I just pulled 13.41 oz. off of 1 monster plant in hydro under 550w of leds in a 4x4 and no burnout after 5 months at all. Nice smooth smoke and hits you before the third pull. By the 10th pull or so, I usually wake up a few hours later hehe. The pheno I grew was heavy on the GG side and pretty hard to taste the sherbet in her. Rock hard golf ball sized buds about 70% up the stem length for sure though just like yours and dripping with trics. Oh i didnt mention she finished in 79 days total and of that 79 days, 30 was in veg. 80/20 cloudy/amber trics. harvest. FAST, HUGE And KILLER Taste and buzz. Checked all my boxes! Just popped one of their Wedding Cheesecake FF. Hopefully she's a monster too.💪 Nice work indeed.
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@mjbondage, excellent! That's a great experience. You can't go wrong with this strain. I still have the best plant in clone. She's killer smoke. I'm making the same move. Wedding cheese cake will be my big outdoor this year. It's hard to beat that sherbet but I've been wanting to try the wedding cheese cake.
Lonelygrasscommentedweek 16a year ago
Amazing work💚🍁❤️
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Lonelygrass, thank you
Terpene_tommiecommentedweek 13a year ago
Wow she gets tall. Great job. Makes me excited that I’m in week one as of today. Cannot wait.
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Terpene_tommie, before you know it you'll have big beautiful. Fastbuds really hit a homerun with this one.
Bromsnor96commentedweek 15a year ago
Imagine this one indoors
Hix57commentedweek 166 months ago
Merci pour votre travail. Elles sont très belles Elles vont m'aider et me servir de référence avec les miennes 😌🌱
Aedaonecommented6 months ago
@Hix57, Thank you 😊 I hope they serve as a useful reference 🌱💚
nonick123commentedweek 168 months ago
Awesome grow. Congrats!
Aedaonecommented7 months ago
@nonick123, Thank you 🌱💚
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 16a year ago
Very nice outdoor grow brother!
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Still_Smoq, thank you 🌱💚
Hix57commentedweek 16a year ago
Très sympa ces nouvelle variétés à floraison raccourci. Beau travail 🌱
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Hix57, thank you! These are good genetics
Northern_Entcommentedweek 16a year ago
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Northern_Ent, thank you so much!
Terpene_tommiecommentedweek 13a year ago
Gonna be a nice strain here. What a beauty!
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Terpene_tommie, thank you!! These girls have been a pleasure.
Gabroxxxcommentedweek 15a year ago
Spettacolo, che pianta enorme! Complimenti amico!🌱
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Gabroxxx, thank you !!
nonick123commentedweek 82 years ago
Vaya preciosidad de Planta y de jardín!
Aedaonecommented2 years ago
@nonick123, thank you very much
Dabkingcommentedweek 16a year ago
Looks good
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Dabking, thank you
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 16a year ago
Congratulations on you win my friend! 👍🏆
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Still_Smoq, thank you very much
the end.
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