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Die fünfte Woche startet mit einer (Teil-)Entlaubung, das Blätterdach ist wieder sehr dicht gewachsen. Die Blätter bekommen wieder ein satteres grün. Irgendwann innerhalb der nächsten Wochen sollten sie ihr Geschlecht zu erkennen geben, noch sind sie etwas schüchtern. Ich sehe die ersten Anzeichen, kann es aber noch nicht klar deuten - abwarten und Tee trinken. Ich habe dem Wassertank meines Autopot Systems einen Luftstein hinzugefügt. Wird das einen großen Effekt bringen? - keine Ahnung. Kann es schaden? - ich denke nicht. So langsam zeigen sich die ersten weiblichen Vorblüten, ich kann aber noch nicht bei allen 13 Pflanzen mit Sicherheit das Geschlecht bestimmen.
Got 6 autos going at 3 different stages, kulled the rs11 as it was very bad genetics, cheese, sweet critical, Orion f1. Watermelon z, white widow and northern lights
Entering in week 4 from seed. Plant doing amazing after transplant. Blumats dailed in and put the girls on auto pilot. Sprayed some pure crop one earlier in the week and will come back with some neem oil for continued IpM later this week. So far so good! Plants are growing extremely fast. topped the plant on day 25 and trim of the bottom most node.
I might switch the lights in the next days. Depending on her growth. Day44: Added some water and moved the camera a little further away. Day45: She felt lonely, so I got her a friend... Theobroma Cacao. New seedling that needs the warmth + humidity. Hopefully surviving winter. Day46: I decided to take some zoomed in stills of her. To show off her beauty. The purpling of the branches really make this lady something special. In some of the shots it might look like her leaves are yellowing, but it's just the angle of the light. You can see on the photo that I took from the top, that all leaves are a healthy dark green. At least I now have proof that she's a lady. She's short and stubby, but I'm not really growing for amount. I just neeed 50g, after all (hehe) Day47: She grew like a demon overnight. I'll check the height tomorrow.
Old grow Decent bud Minor yield but must have been the downside of luck
18. November Die sechste Woche ist angebrochen. Heute keine Einsicht unternommen. 19. November Die Begleiter kommt so langsam aus der Erde. Sind noch wenige. Spätestens in einer Woche neu nachlegen, falls nicht ausreichend wachsen. Die drei Damen entwickeln sich prächtig. Stresssymptome durch das schneiden sind kaum noch bemerkbar. Cookies gelato kommt mit den neuen Hauptrieben sehr gut zurecht. Wachstumstempo hat deutlich zugenommen. Tropimango sieht deutlich gesünder aus. Auch bei ihr ist endlich mal etwas Tempo im Wachstum spürbar. Die Runtz fühlt sich aktuell so an als würde sie den Rahmen des Zeltes sprengen wollen, sobald es in den blütestretch geht. Die Triebe haben sehr dicke Stämme, die Blätter sind verhältnismäßig zu den anderen Pflanzen sehr groß. Selbst neu entwickelte Triebe und Blätter starten deutlich größer als ich es bisher gewohnt bin. Aber schaun wa mal was wird… was wird. Der Fimmingschnitt hat mir einen schrägen Trieb hervorgebracht. Ka was ich damit machen soll. Nächstes Mal halt gerade schneiden 🤝 20. November Runtz hat ein unglaubliches Wachstumsbedürfnis. Ihre Blätter sind riesig und tiefgrün. Sie verdeckt innerhalb von Stunden erneut ihre anderen Triebe Sie trinkt auch deutlich mehr als die Cookie & Tropi. Hab ihr heute nochmal 3l Wasser mit dem vollem Düngerprogramm zugemutet. Die anderen beiden kommen gut voran, haben allerdings noch kein Wasser bekommen. Die Töpfe sind noch zu schwer. Tropimango wuchert in alle Richtungen Cookies Gelato darf weiterhin an Höhe gewinnen. Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken sie kurz vor dem Wechsel in die Blüte erneut zu toppen. 😅 21. November Die Cookies gelato wurde mit 3l Wasser versorgt. Zusätzlich gabs noch 1ml power buds von plagron. Kleine Vorbereitung auf die Blüte. Tropimango hat 2l Wasser mit den normalen düngeschema erhalten. Runtz wurde gestern mit 3l versorgt, ebenfalls normale düngeschema. Zusätzlich hab ich ihr die großen Blätter genommen, sowie die seitentriebe neu ausgerichtet 22. November Habe bei der Runtz den schiefen Trieb abgeschnitten. Er ist leider viel zu verstümmelt. Die Idee war dass dieser Trieb dementsprechend der Pflanze Zuviel Energie zieht, die sie an einer anderen Stelle besser investieren könnte. Daher im heute der Schnitt Cookies Gelato gewinnt an Höhe. Im Verhältnis zur Runtz ist sie unglaublich gut ausgeprägt, ist allerdings auch 14 Tage älter. Die Tropimango sieht weiterhin merkwürdig aus. Ich kann leider nicht sagen ob ich beim Erde mischen irgendwas falsch gemacht habe. Weiß auch nicht wie ich drauf Einfluss nehmen könnte. Aber sie wächst. Von daher geht’s einfach weiter. 23. November Die Woche neigt sich so langsam dem Ende zu. Nach ewigem umentwcheiden kam ich jetzt dennoch zu dem Entschluss, die Pflanzen zu Beginn der neuen Woche in die Blüte zu schicken. Die Cookies gelato hat daher noch ihr letztes topping bekommen. Nachdem sie einen ordentlichen Wachstumsschub bekommen hat, gehe ich von aus dass sie es gut wegsteckt. Die tropimango gefällt mir immer besser :) Ich hoffe sie geht in der Blüte nicht unter, da sie eine babygenetik ist. Runtz (irgendwie hört sich der Name eklig an. Muss da an einen alten Mann denken, der seine Nase hochzieht und dann auf den Boden spuckt) wird so wie sie wird. Der Stamm ist super stabil aber sie ist verhältnismäßig klein für ihr Alter. Dafür produziert sie immer noch riesige Blätter. Cookies gelato ist nun 39 Tage alt. Tropimango ist nun 36 Tage alt. Runtz ist nun 25 Tage alt.
Her buds are growing and growing.. There are still about 4 weeks until harvest but her buds look awsome just now : I hope I can wait until she's finished, hehe She's looking beautiful at the end of week 9.
The girl is getting lighter little by little, but at the same time her flowers are getting fuller :) very aromatic variety!!! She drinks 3 liters every other day, today I increased the light efficiency to 85%. She looks beautiful to me :) good luck everyone :).
At the beginning of week 5 they all look a bit small and bushy to me. But let's see.. .Maybe they get a little kick and grow during the first weeks of the flowering phase, which we've now entered :) I cut a really small amount of leaves that were touching the ground on the auto bending one.And I started giving them two additional hours of light. Hope they like it. UPDATE: I had to start defoliation because the leaves were so bushy that they were getting wet in between... Hope this helps : And hope they get a little taller...
The bigger one does not stop growing taller and taller... She's now about 80cm. I hope she is as eager with growing her bud : Those still seem a little smaller than these from my one week older one... Still strange that the taller one is looking rather yellow than green or purple... but they both look very healthy at the end of week 8.
Day 200 18/11/24 Monday It's her last day today of light, no more watering. She will then enter 48 HR dark period. Her trichomes have reached a nice amount of amber's, and flooded with cloudy trichomes... The end is so close 🤤😋😂 The smell is intoxicating, sweet pungent guava fruity smell. It's amazing. Seeing her colours fade out on the fans is like watching a sunset. Deep oranges radiating against her red veins, with purple and violet tipped buds, engulfed in trichomes and orange pistils, but she holds a deep dark green underneath in the core of the buds. She is a menace to look at 😈💞 It's been fun to grow this, and I won't lie, trouble free. Easy with nites she took what I gave, next time around I'll be lollipoping a shit load more to encourage them fatter tops 💪💚 Sorry for the shit quality video this week so far, soon as she enters her dark period I'll get some nice flash pics and video tomorrow and upload 🙌💚 Day 201 19/11/24 Tuesday She entered her dark period at 5am this morning. She is still relatively moist so the next 48 hours should be fine to dry off in the dark too. Noticed a couple more mildew spots on leaves, removed these now. Don't want it wasted in the last 2 days 🤦‍♂️😅💚 Next update will be the chop on Thursday. Updated pictures 📸💚 Day 203 21/11/24 Thursday Its finally time 🙌!! She has had 48 hrs of dark and more mildew started to set in so thank goodness I chopped her today!! Have not had time to weigh her yet, but wet trim, and deeper wet trim of sugar leaves affected with mildew have been removed. She is now hanging in tent to dry, with heat mat, and extraction on low. Humidity is 66% and 18'c. Her colours have deepened and her aroma is potent!! Strong sweet floral smell , similar to the perfume 😍 Uploaded pics and a short vid of before the chop. Will update harvest tomorrow with wet weigh. Thanks for following along my journey, big shout out and thank you to @Divineseeds for this cultivar. Next time , bigger pot, more lollipoping 😎💪💚
Sweet mother of god! What a beautiful plant! Now I finally know what it means to grow US genetics. Sherbinskis in collab with Sensi Seeds has made some uniquely beautiful plant. She's dark, almost black, she's extremely good looking, and frankly I didn't expect the plant to look as good as the advertisement photographs but here she is! As beautiful as it can get! I've pushed my photography skills again and god damn, it was worth it. I don't know if any other plant has been this photogenic! The yield is great, as expected from a extra longer veg period. The smell is off the hooks! Please, have a closer look at all the photographs, there are soooooo many gems that should be able to win dozens of contest IN MY OPINION XD PS: Hopefully I'll grab your attention with these bomb ass macro shots!!!!! I love me some great Trichome worlds, and this is a special one! Cheers XOXO Cremo
Sweet mother of god! What a beautiful plant! Now I finally know what it means to grow US genetics. Sherbinskis in collab with Sensi Seeds has made some uniquely beautiful plant. She's dark, almost black, she's extremely good looking, and frankly I didn't expect the plant to look as good as the advertisement photographs but here she is! As beautiful as it can get! I've pushed my photography skills again and god damn, it was worth it. I don't know if any other plant has been this photogenic! The yield is great, as expected from a extra longer veg period. The smell is off the hooks! Please, have a closer look at all the photographs, there are soooooo many gems that should be able to win dozens of contest IN MY OPINION XD PS: Hopefully I'll grab your attention with these bomb ass macro shots!!!!! I love me some great Trichome worlds, and this is a special one! Cheers XOXO Cremo
Sweet mother of god! What a beautiful plant! Now I finally know what it means to grow US genetics. Sherbinskis in collab with Sensi Seeds has made some uniquely beautiful plant. She's dark, almost black, she's extremely good looking, and frankly I didn't expect the plant to look as good as the advertisement photographs but here she is! As beautiful as it can get! I've pushed my photography skills again and god damn, it was worth it. I don't know if any other plant has been this photogenic! The yield is great, as expected from a extra longer veg period. The smell is off the hooks! Please, have a closer look at all the photographs, there are soooooo many gems that should be able to win dozens of contest IN MY OPINION XD PS: Hopefully I'll grab your attention with these bomb ass macro shots!!!!! I love me some great Trichome worlds, and this is a special one! Cheers XOXO Cremo
Sweet mother of god! What a beautiful plant! Now I finally know what it means to grow US genetics. Sherbinskis in collab with Sensi Seeds has made some uniquely beautiful plant. She's dark, almost black, she's extremely good looking, and frankly I didn't expect the plant to look as good as the advertisement photographs but here she is! As beautiful as it can get! I've pushed my photography skills again and god damn, it was worth it. I don't know if any other plant has been this photogenic! The yield is great, as expected from a extra longer veg period. The smell is off the hooks! Please, have a closer look at all the photographs, there are soooooo many gems that should be able to win dozens of contest IN MY OPINION XD PS: Hopefully I'll grab your attention with these bomb ass macro shots!!!!! I love me some great Trichome worlds, and this is a special one! Cheers XOXO Cremo
All plants are in good health and after the initial stretching during the first weeks of flowering stage they finally stop growing in high. I began to feed the girls once a week with molasses but it's too early to evaluate results. What I can say about molasses is that it's very sticky, super dense and quite tricky to mix with water. Plant #5 looks drinking less water the the other sisters, in fact the soil is less dry the the other and the pot is heavier. Apart from that plant is growing happily.
Still pluckin leaves here and there but overall we’re just watering every other day rotating molasses with recharge. Light smell starting to come through. Waiting for these pbb’s to start to frost up a little more. But the Candy Candy is showing really good potential. Looking better than last run for sure at this point.
The new week starts in a new pot, I hope the transition will going well. 🙏🏼 I will water it from the bottom, but not decided whether or not to stop feeding from top. Also she has been 3rd topped on day 27, now I let her shoot upwards. All the best little gal! 😘 DLI has been set to 35. 💡 Day 31 - after 5 days I added 4L to the tray. I will keep using the wet-dry cycle.