Had to harvest a little early, the high is very clarifying, and long lasting. The trichomes were mostly clear, with some slightly milky, not much amber at all. Flavours will be updated after a bit more testing.
20inx20inx36in grow space, 100w quantum board. Taste/effects/more info will be added after some curing time.
A little bit sad that I had to harvest around a week early due to a small amount of bud rot, but it looks and smells great, I cant wait to actually try it out.
Harvested 125 grams(dried) total from the 3 plants, I honestly didn't expect to get such an amount on the first try.
Bud was so sticky during the final dry trim, my scissors kept getting stuck on themselves and I had to keep cleaning them often.
Out of the 3 plants it was probably around 50g/50g/25g as the one in the back corner was smaller than the rest, but just as frosty.
Great seeds, I would like to try the photo period version in the future.