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Gracias al equipo de Anesia Seeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Captain Future: Nuestros criadores en Anesia Seeds están siempre en busca de nuevas dimensiones en la genética del cannabis y están comprometidos a ayudar a dar forma al futuro de la cría de cannabis. Después de que nuestra Future # 1 fuera probada varias veces por encima del 37% de THC y se convirtiera en un éxito entre los dispensarios, teníamos claro que el viaje no podía terminar aquí. Después de numerosos intentos, encontramos el socio ideal para mantener o aumentar la potencia y llevar la experiencia de sabor al extremo. Esta variedad Premium puede cultivarse tanto en interior como en exterior. En el interior, las plantas tienen un tiempo de floración de 10 a 11 semanas y deliever rendimientos de 500-600g por metro cuadrado, al aire libre una planta puede producir hasta 800g 🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://anesiaseeds.com/es/product/captain-future/ 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-fc-e-6500-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1qO0BhDwARIsANfnkv9IIrYSbmJqz8PqpJOIyWwJfp5bc3SGJgUV68USLQ4tjmXDYwoBuAsaAue3EALw_wcB 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. 🚀 Consigue aqui tu Adlite: https://marshydro.eu/collections/adlite-supplemental-lights/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ Semana 13: Última semana de lavado de raices antes del corte final, ha quedado un cogollo central enorme, lleno de resina y con un olor apestoso, la dureza de estos es desmesurada. Tanto XpertNutrients como Marshydro han hecho un trabajo increíble, con los Adlite he notado un incremento en la resina y tamaño de las flores.
Woche 4 bricht an und es läuft hervorragend! Die Orange Sherbet bekommt diese Woche frischen Boden: eine Mischung aus Bio-bizz All-Mix und Greenhouse-Feeding, perfekt für die letzten Vegetationswochen und blüte. Zudem hat sich die Orange Sherbet sehr gut mit dem Backhefe-Buttermilch-Melasse-Experiment entwickelt, was zu einem starken CO2-Anstieg auf bis zu 1500 ppm geführt hat. 💨 Ich bin gespannt, wie sie sich in der neuen Umgebung entwickeln wird. Auf der anderen Seite explodieren die Frozen Black Cherries förmlich in der Hydroponik! 🌱 Die Entwicklung ist beeindruckend, und ich könnte nicht zufriedener sein mit ihrem Fortschritt. Die Blütephase rückt näher, und ich bin gespannt, wie sich alles weiterentwickelt! Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden! 🚀 Week 4 is here, and things are going great! The Orange Sherbet is getting new soil this week—a blend of Bio-Beth All-Mix and Greenhouse-Feeding, setting her up perfectly for the final weeks of vegetation and . Additionally, the Orange Sherbet has responded well to the back yeast-buttermilk-molasses experiment, resulting in a significant CO2 increase of up to 1500 ppm. 💨 I'm excited to see how she adapts to her new environment. Meanwhile, the Frozen Black Cherries are absolutely thriving in hydro! 🌱 Their growth has been phenomenal, and I couldn't be more impressed with their progress. The flowering phase is getting closer, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds! I'll keep you updated! 🚀
I harvested 2 of the 5 plants on day 71. The other 3 plants got harvested on day 80 and are in the drying process. My inline fan is running on 25% and I got a fan running on the lowest setting on the bottom of the tent, so I doesnt blow on the buds directly.
I harvested 2 of the 5 plants on day 71. The other 3 plants got harvested on day 80 and are in the drying process. My inline fan is running on 25% and I got a fan running on the lowest setting on the bottom of the tent, so I doesnt blow on the buds directly.
I watered with dechlorinated ph adjusted water when the soil was dry and decided to harvest on day 80. I harvested on day 80 and now the plants are hanging upside down in my tent. My inline fan is running on 25% and I got a fan running on the lowest setting on the bottom of the tent, so I doesnt blow on the buds directly.
Flushed because of nutrition burn, now feeding plain water 🚿
I watered with dechlorinated ph adjusted water when the soil was dry and decided to harvest on day 80. I harvested on day 80 and now the plants are hanging upside down in my tent. My inline fan is running on 25% and I got a fan running on the lowest setting on the bottom of the tent, so I doesnt blow on the buds directly.
Instead of pictures showing a dying lady: A timelapse video of their whole life. Had lady #2 run under continuous light for the last days. Probably went one day too far, which caused her buds to become somewhat fluffy too, but full of resin as well.
24.10 Aaand here we are in new flower week, plants look good, stucking up buds, middle one realy nice, other two need some time more, but today they are not thursty, no watering, wish them best 🙏🏻🤞🏻 In few days coming 1 more fan and dehumidyfier for tent and room becuse i got lot of trouble with that, hope it will come soon so i dont have problems in this stage when they flower, temperature is good always between 22-27 (night-day) Thats all from me for today 25.10 They are still not dry, does someone had same Situation in some part of flowering? They stopped grow before one week for sure, do dont know what to think!?🤔 Stucking upp 26.10 Watering with 0.8 l pro plant with nutrients with cal-mag, stucking good Dehumidifier arrived today and one more ventilator, hope it will help me to Control situation in tent, wish them luck 🙏🏻🤞🏻😊 27.10 Lokiin good, again 0.7l with nutrients and cal mag, ph 6.25 Humidity is lower for 10% but i also have fight in apartment with moist, so iam wating few days so other dehumidifaier can do the job in room also, temperature is good, new ventilator also work full gas so i hope they Will conitinue progres normaly and good 👍🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻 28.10 They look every day better and better, iam happy, still have some time to bi ticker all over, wish them luck Big gave 1.3l with cal mag,ph 6.3 Other two, half liter only from same bottel 👋🏻😁😬 Sprayed with neem oil, today they saw first time sun light🙈 29.10 Watering 1.3 l big other two not so thursty aprox. 0.8-1l with nutrients and cal mag, ph 6.4 They geting ticker 30.10 Watering 1l each with nutrients and cal mag, ph 6.3 Aaaand its end of week 3, hope new week will bring bigger buds and nicest colors , wish them luck🙏🏻👌🏻
Drei Eiswasser Spülungen und etwas kühlere Nachttemperaturen haben zwar etwas an der FarbeRichtung bläulich geändert, allerdings blieb das erwartete Purple vollständig aus. Die Blüten sind sehr klebrig und der Duft ist deutlich aber nicht besonders intensiv. In der letzten Woche habe ich einige männliche Blüten heraus geknipst und mir sind auch ein paar Samen aufgefallen. Das selbe Problem hatte auch meine Hindu Kush. An Tag 97 habe ich die Pflanze nach 48 Stunden Dunkelheit abgeschnitten und kopfüber aufgehängt.
Transplanted in the afternoon of 10/23 because they were rooting out of the pucks. Got some humidity dome cups coming tomorrow and another inline fan to handle intake to try to dial in things a bit more. Fugue State #2, in the black pot is still a bit shell shocked, hopefully it opens up soon. Well both #2 and #3 damped off / shell shocked to death, so there's just one left, c'est la vie. #1 is trucking along well and ready for week 2. Sprayed with Neem Oil on 10/24 Fed Light Fox Farms Blend on 10/25 Treated with NemAttack on 10/26
Welcome to the Smoking Tiki's hut! For this grow, I'm using some of the seeds I won at the Summer Buds contest from last year. I kept the seeds in my fridge door during one year. It worked very well because all the seeds successfully germinated after 48h! 😎 I used 3x3 seeds. I selected 2x3 seeds with the bigger root to put them in some pots. I will let them grow a bit and then select the 3 best plants to make it until the harvest. It's the first time I grow some Fast Buds under a light and in a controlled environement, I'm really curious to see how it turns out! My set-up: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mars Hydro TSW2000 (300W). - Tristar fan (30W) - Greenmigo dehumidifier (155W). - Compo Sana universal soil (2x40l) - Timer - Weather station + pH meter Have a nice journey through my grow diary!
Die Pflanze gedeiht. Ich bin überrascht, wie viele Blüten sie produziert hat. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist morgens sehr hoch aber bislang sehe ich keine Fäulnisanzeichen. Wahrscheinlich liegen wir noch etwas weg vom Taupunkt. Wasser + Ackerschachtelhalm.
Die Pflanze gedeiht. Ich bin überrascht, wie viele Blüten sie produziert hat. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist morgens sehr hoch aber bislang sehe ich keine Fäulnisanzeichen. Wahrscheinlich liegen wir noch etwas weg vom Taupunkt. Wasser + Ackerschachtelhalm.
The only regret I have is that I didn't give 'em till week 12
Same feeding as last week. They've grown alot since i started this diary, getting a bit
I missed last week but the girls are looking so good and frosty now! Not much of a difference in them, from then to now. They're super sticky and they smell amazing. The best way to describe it would be, "a sweet funk". I actually had to chop one down 😓to make some room in the flower tent... it was btw. Other than that, I noted that the girls needed some calmag so they're getting some in the dirt this week. I am so excited, I can't for these to finish.