Day 152 from seed ( 98 days since I changed photoperiod) and I'm harvesting after one week flush. A few buds seemed to have started decaying inexplicably, like burned, and had acquired a grayish- brownish coloration that I didn't like at all. I think she's caught a fungus.
Besides I also think spider mites have done they job well because I was amazed at the extent they had sucked the sap on almost every leaf of the plant, fan leaves mostly. They have weakened the plant so much that she may be int he process of a more terrible thing that could be fungi. Back to spider mites, it is indeed nasty to see the damage this pest has done so far, because I see they have chewed almost -if not all- leaves, and fortunately they hadn't started to form webs, which I abhore seeing. I had started to see adult spider mite forms into the very inside of buds, while I was inspecting the thricomes, so before this nasty pest would eat up my precious buds, or any other cause (mold, etc) I took the decision to flush and harvest her progressively.
First I'd harvest the most ripen buds or those that show signs of decaying and leave to the end the most immature (those that were far from lights, which are terminal and very big and dense though a but immature and bright green.
The plant looked overall ready and I preferred to harvest the most bud I could, as you may imagine, but I would have liked another week for flushing more thoroughly.
I've been flushing with tapwater and 2 mL/L Flawless Finish from Advanced Nutrients. In the next few days I'll be finishing her completely, drying won't take long and as for curing I think a couple of weeks.
The smell in the room is really heavy (in fact it has been heavy for the last month), it stinks oif citrus here.