16th Week Report 30/01/20 - 06/02/20 Had a look to trichomes and she was almost ready, consequently I didn't filled/changed reservoir from last week 06/02/20 Harvest Day! 2nd Harvest Wet Weight Is 440g! 💦💦 All the lower growth yielded more than the bigger colas from first harvest (350g Wet Weight) Nothing particular to say, trichomes are 5-10% 🔍 Amber, even the lower buds got some purple tones and while I was trimming them I sniffed the best weed flavour I ever felt in my life! The 2nd Harvest day was a week away from the 1st Harvest day! "Harvest Week" will be published when buds will be dry 😋 Last Update 06/02/20 See you guys ;)
One of the girls had to be chopped as she was ready and extremely deficient. The others are maturing nicely and really starting to swell at the bud sites. The smells are a bit better but apart from the one pheno nothing too crazy. Should be easy to chop at some point next week.
6/4/22 - 6/10/22 6/5/22 Today I tied Harlingen branches to the sides of the tote with pipe cleaners to open herup eve more andI carefully places lst clips to arrange her smaller branches outward.Excitedto seewhat growth week 8 will bring 😀 6/7/22 Zam got lst a few days ago and has really stretched the past few days. I'd say she is ready to kick her room mates to the curve. This girl is getting biiiiig. 6/8/22 Today my girl is really getting her stretch on ad lovinglife. Her root issues have completely resolved with her peroxide routine. (I cup in the tote Daily and spray roots with 3% hydrogen peroxide to control root rot and fungus gnats. 6/9/22 Not alot of change today. But man is she a doll 😍 6/10/22 Can't wait to see what week 8 grow will be like🤗
Unfortunately I had to harvest early due to personal reasons. I am proud of my harvest though. The buds could have gone another week but that’s fine. The trichomes were to my liking. They’ve been drying for about 5 days now. All in all it was a pretty easy grow, just water every couple days and top dress every 3 to 4 weeks. I did make some very potent canabutter from the trim 😋
Buenas amig@s, pues una semana más y pues contento con el crecimiento la verdad, no he tenido problemas con los insectos 🐜 tras pulverizar el insecticida natural que ya os comenté. Tras cambiar la tierra que tenia en un principio por la proporción turba-perlita 50/50 he notado que el crecimiento es mas rápido y el agua se retiene mucho mas. Gracias y ansioso por ver el final de mi primer cultivo, parece que octubre se va a hacer rogar, y en tanto tiempo podrían salir mal tantas cosas que me tiene de los nervios LOL pero bueno, mente fría, esperanza y alegría.