The SCROG net was installed on the last day of Week 6, I included a couple pics from that night, to compare with how the plant looked the next day, which was the first day of Week 7. My nerve damaged fingers caused me to be a little rougher with her while the net was going on than I like, but as you can see, she bounced back very quickly and was reaching for the light less than 24 hours after being mangled lol.
I will continue to systematically defoliate the upper canopy every night or two for the next several weeks, and will completely strip most everything below the net. Every night or two I'll tuck any branches that need tucking, and will remove any fan leaves covering bud sites.
She spread out pretty well in the net, and truth be known i probably could have gotten away with a 6 week veg after, plants are a decent size in the net with the stretch left to go. Flip happens at the end of Week 7
The manganese issue seems to be getting much better by the end of the week. Will keep my pH levels at 5.8 for the remainder of this grow, and any subsequent grows.
I also devised a fan mount to save on space in the net. Instead of standing the fan, i simply cut a piece of 1x3 to length, drilled 2 holes in each end, large enough for zip ties to pass through. then I simply zip tied it to the tent poles, took the legs off the fan, and screwed the base to the board. I placed a piece of foam on top, as the screws were a shade long and I was afraid the small protruding tip would eventually puncture the tent. Works much better than expected. No movement in the mount at all.