Wow, they are growing! Began LST on day 26 and have been working them daily.
We did run into our first speed bump. Noticed that some newer growth near the tops of the plants had white/yellow tips on leaves. Using a CMH, I was concerned my light was too close. I moved the light up quite a bit but continued seeing new growth with this problem. Realized it was likely minor nute burn from FFOF... wow it really is as HOT as I have heard... something to consider on future grows. I have left the light up higher though, as I read multiple accounts of people using CMHs near top of tent with no negative effects. To this point, I have seen no stretching or anything that would cause me to lower the light.
I did do a light cal/mag feeding once this week but do not believe it has anything to do with the burn. Reading other grow diaries for this strain, and using RO water, I wanted to begin feeding at a low ppm. Maybe not the best idea considering, but we live and we learn.
Photos/video are day 29 since breaking the soil.