We’re back again fellow growers! How ya been?
Tried something different this time around with the pics since ya can’t really see much plant color with the purple lighting ha
One new discovery I’ve made with the last slurry is these girls are getting HUNGRY - Feeding is at an all time high - but that may have something to do with a freaking 10 week veg 😂😂😂
Also I accidentally bumped a nug as I was bending some stems around and my god.. the smell emanating from these girls is AMAZING! 10 years ago I would have just squeezed a nug, now I know that’s not the best to do lol
Speaking of the past - Does anyone else kinda miss the classic undercover nature of growing from the days old?
Where you were watching a guy with a mask & sunglasses on YouTube at 2am climbing in his closet with a bottle of big bloom?
Or Chubbs with his late night dabs and stories? (Still remember when he got in that road rage fight years ago) INSANE.
Those were the times!
Make sure you catch the short video, until next time - I’m out boys!