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Day 49-56 (June 18th - 25th) (Day 51) Slurricanes and tuna are doing excellent despite their hail damaged leaves. I’m seeing good growth and decent dry downs. One of them looks like it’s been ravaged by pests but I still can’t find any evidence or signs of a pest. I’m suspecting caterpillars so I’m going to grab some BTK killer and also some all purpose insecticide sometime this week if I have time. The clones are all really lagging so they won’t be flipped until July 15th at least. I’m still not seeing normal growth on any of them yet. It’s still quite gnarled and twisted. (Day 52) The slurricane and tuna roots are starting to poke through the bottom of my pots. This is usually from underwatering, a thick soil or a hot root zone. I’m going to give everything except for the autos a good watering with some runoff. I am going to start incorporating 5mm sand into all of my soil mixes to help make the soil more loamy and give it some better drainage. I will also top dress every container and bed plant I have. (Day 53) I was at a local department store today and I was shocked to see pallets of Destiny dark matter soil selling for 60% off! I bought 10 bags for a hundred bucks. At any hydro store that would have costed me 250 at least. I might go grab more because it looks like no one is buying it for 60% off even. (Day 54) I’m going to be harvesting both of my indoor crops today and tomorrow or the next day I am going to be reusing the soil-coco blend for the slurricanes. I’m first going to till it, add a gallon of sea compost, a gallon of Destiny soil and a few cups of 5mm sand per container. I will use the excess for 5 gal pots. I will be amending with: 5 tablespoons of nature’s pride bloom 4 tablespoons of kelp meal 2 tablespoons of Gaia green AP 2 tablespoons of glacial rock dust 2 tablespoons of oyster shell flour 2 tablespoons of alfalfa meal 1 tablespoon of rock dust blend 1/4 teaspoon of langbeinite (Day 56) The autos are really making a comeback now. I was under the impression that I was working against the clock and they would start flowering after 3-5 weeks. I guess if they’re stunted from the cold they will delay flowering. I don’t see any pistils or signs of flowering yet so I don’t think they’ve officially started flowering yet I didn’t get a chance to do my transplant this week or pest control. I will get to it ASAP because my photos are drinking almost a liter a day
Thanks for stopping by.. Please hit the like button if you like what you see and ill be sure to check you out too Growmies 🌱 Week 8 of flower .. the smell is intense i just want to cut them down now ✂️ Leaves are looking a little bit more healthy now and being this close to the end of flower I’m not that concerned, Trichomes are mainly cloudy so I’m guessing I will be flushing from next week 👍 Temps 21 - 27 ✅ Humidity 45 - 60 ✅ Thanks for checking in 💚
Je passerai demain pour remplir les commentaires j ai actuellement pas mal de travail à couper/trimer 😀 et le tous sur une jambe ..merci de votre compréhension.. Et voilà une de moins la 1ere dos-i-dos de batney à été couper et cette plante a fais les tête les plus compacte et dur que j ai jamais vue je pense être pas loin de la vérité en disant qu il doit y avoir 120g.. 150g sec sur cette seul plante ;) affaire à suivre rajouterai des photos demain )les photos avec flasch ne rendent pas service aux plantes;) Enfin on t est la recolte !!!! La strawberry x gorrila seche avec les dos i dos et la gorrilla x purple punch Les 2 cherry cola ont été trimer et mis en bocale pour curring Cherry cola 1= 88g Cherry cola 2= 83g Gorrila x purple punch = 40g J ai pas mal de travail je mettrais le journal à jour au fur et à mesure ;)
Je passerai demain pour remplir les commentaires j ai actuellement pas mal de travail à couper/trimer 😀 et le tous sur une jambe ..merci de votre compréhension.. Et voilà une de moins la 1ere dos-i-dos de batney à été couper et cette plante a fais les tête les plus compacte et dur que j ai jamais vue je pense être pas loin de la vérité en disant qu il doit y avoir 120g.. 150g sec sur cette seul plante ;) affaire à suivre rajouterai des photos demain )les photos avec flasch ne rendent pas service aux plantes;) Enfin on t est la recolte !!!! La strawberry x gorrila seche avec les dos i dos et la gorrilla x purple punch Les 2 cherry cola ont été trimer et mis en bocale pour curring Cherry cola 1= 88g Cherry cola 2= 83g Gorrila x purple punch = 40g J ai pas mal de travail je mettrais le journal à jour au fur et à mesure ;)
I just love everything about this outdoor grow. Posted a video, starting week 6 of flower. We’ve had some weather here but holding off PM well. I put an 8x12 awning over them for the rough storms. It fills the yard with that classic pot smell. Can’t wait to harvest and pack this. I’ve never had Jack Herer before so my grow will be my first experience with a multi cannabis cup winner.
En esta semana 12 de floracion hemos bajado los niveles de ppm y de ph... no estan en los valores mas optimos pero han bajado considerablemente. A causa de los valores altos, he leido que muchas veces las hojas se quiebran con gran facilidad y lo pude comprobar, en las fotos se pueden ver algunas hojas asi. Los nutrientes en los riegos han sido los valores minimos, esto fue un experimento ya que no quiero seguir sobrefertilizandola, quedan las ultimas semanas y no quiero hechar a perder todo el esfuerzo y tiempo que le dedico a ella. Varias hojas se han ido poniendo amarillas al punto de caerse, los pistillos se han empezado a oxidar, todos sintomas de que estamos llegando a la parte final del ciclo. (Esta semana por falta de tiempo quizas no he sido tan dedicado a la hora de tomar fotos,y tal vez el diario de esta semana se ve un poco desprolijo, espero sepan entender) :-)
The plants have grown very fast this week, easily doubling in size. I moved them closer to the light to 90 cm from 110cm. Watering as needed and I am keeping the soil surface moist with light watering twice a day. I have fed the plants twice this week. First with a half dosage humic + fulvic acids, microbial inoculant and Seagro. The second feeding was half dose Seagrow and Biobizz BioGrow with some CalMag and Silicon. I am preparing a compost tea with some added kelp meal, insect frass and worm castings for the next feeding before I start LST.
The plants have grown very fast this week, easily doubling in size. I moved them closer to the light to 90 cm from 110cm. Watering as needed and I am keeping the soil surface moist with light watering twice a day. I have fed the plants twice this week. First with a half dosage humic + fulvic acids, microbial inoculant and Seagro. The second feeding was half dose Seagrow and Biobizz BioGrow with some CalMag and Silicon. I am preparing a compost tea with some added kelp meal, insect frass and worm castings for the next feeding before I start LST.
The plants have grown very fast this week, easily doubling in size. I moved them closer to the light to 90 cm from 110cm. Watering as needed and I am keeping the soil surface moist with light watering twice a day. I have fed the plants twice this week. First with a half dosage humic + fulvic acids, microbial inoculant and Seagro. The second feeding was half dose Seagrow and Biobizz BioGrow with some CalMag and Silicon. I am preparing a compost tea with some added kelp meal, insect frass and worm castings for the next feeding before I start LST.
He is actually in his eighth week, As I told you, we often do not manage to meet Its smell and aroma are simply amazing
Ganja Farmer Seeds Zkitzz Auto In @highpoweredorganics new ISLAND-BLEND. Fed water soluble powders. AQUA-MARINE Grow Formula 5.1.4 paired with OCEAN-POTION and RHIZO-MOJO in dechlorinated water. Alternating ANTI-MATTER & DARK-MATTER feds weekly. Foliar fed GREEN-SUPREME daily Following High Powered Organics Island-Blend Feed Guide. Happy growing friends 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
This plant is fucked because of me my dumb ass used to strong of a light on seedling stunted all my seedlings some are coming back not this black berry might pull it and start new it’s my fault not the breeders