Week 8: Everything is going great. I didn't plan on taking them all out again till they got chopped, but decided to get them out one at a time today and give them a good thorough defoliation, peeled off any undergrowth and water and feed them all. Temps remain completely under control and no longer an issue, even in 90 degree weather here. I've continued to alternate between feeding and just water, cal mag and fish shit. The only plant of the 6 to show any deficiencies was the #1 Skunk. Every leaf on leaf chart looks same to me lol. I upped today's feeding to 3/4 strength instead of half strength. If I had to guess, I would say that this is the last feeding for the Creme de la Chem, Strawberry Couch and the Double Grape. Those three will likely all fall in the 70-80 day harvest range and those three are at day 58. Not 100% on the #1 Skunk or not, it may get one more feeding, along with the Watermelon Skittles. The Fruit Punch? Well there is a chance I will be smoking cured Creme de la Chem before that one gets chopped lol. It will continue to get fed for a while as buds still very under developed. Today's defoliation was barely anything for a couple plants like the Watermelon Zkittles. A few big fan leaves blocked bud sites, but the Skunk needed thinned out badly and I took a good 20 minutes to go around the outside them come in from over top to really get in there and try to make some airflow and better light penetration. These are definitely drinking at different rates but in order to not be mixing up stuff daily, I feed them all on the same day and the couple that still had some weight to them just get less. I think these will all meet and exceed my 2 ounce goal per plant and 5 of the 6 after topping and training have conformed to the types of plants I really want to grow with the space I have. Thats 6-8 tops on a short compact plant. The Fruit Punch went off the reservations waiting till day 50 to start flower and is acting like this is a 3 plant grow not a 6. But shoving it in corner and putting short Skunk plant by it on bucket to raise up canopy along with raising one side of my TSL2000 and lowering other side towards shorter plants appears to be working great. Its great to be thinking about the flush. Having plants out, I did check trichomes on a couple just for the fun of it and mainly clear so got couple weeks or more for most of these.