Before i started this Grow i was reading into several Diaries, To know how they perform. IN the most Diaries the Plant remained short and stocky.....
But in onee the Plants went huuuge,,, iam very happy that i saw this and was warned.
I kept the Vegetation short,,,,,,and moved into flower End of Week 5
From now on these Ladies were shooting like crazy, i could do some LST, but thatt did not stop them
so they ended in around 80 cm hight
and in later Flower i had to Support the Branches, because of the Big Buds
Buds good Point,
Nicely sized, very dense Buds, growing veryy symmetric around the Stems
Dense and supersticky, looong Trichomes
they were very thirsty......( 1l per Day)--- and I added a Blooming feeding with
3ml/l organic Bloom Liquid, and 2 ml/l Orghaqnicc more PK
They took everything like champs.... eating and drinking like there is no Tomorrow
One was harvested earlier ( she was ready)
the 2 others yesterday....iam very fine with the Outcome