So the girls are maturing up now and getting thicker still. No much to do other than wait for the trichomes to tell me they are finished.. so far seeing all milky white, but would like at least 30% Amber in there.
Flush times in RDWC will only take 2-3 Days max so not so concerned about that, a res change with Reverse Osmosis water is what ill do closer to harvest for the cleanest meds.
Smelling really strong and gas like with the first pheno and the second pheno is more sweet/candy like with subtle hints of gas. Can't wait to try it but for now the process can't be rushed.
Some better footage and long videos on the youtube channel if your curious to how they are getting on.
Day 68 - one pheno has a lovely fade going on, black... looks cool. She is looking really thick in places as ypu can see from the day 68 photo, thats actually a 'lower' bud. Nice a frosty and smells soo dank, i open the tent and without touching anything i come out and smell so loud like I have rolled in the garden 😅 (Serious). Cant wait to.get her chopped bjt sticking to the 70 days at least. Will be back very shortly with another update.
Day 69/70 - Decided to upload a night video, i did try to upload a video previously for the week gone.. but for some reason the growdiaries platform wouldn't allow it.. i always upload high quality videos/pictures otherwise whats the point. Sort it out GD.
But anyway back to the garden, judging by day 70, the bigger plant pheno definitely seems done but the other pheno serms it could go a little longer. Ultimately I'm waiting to get the trichome ratio how I want it as thats the true sign of when she's done. She's faded a really nice purple, black. So I know she's close. The end is near people..
Stay tuned 😉