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60 days into flowering now, pulled 2 of these girls 7 days ago because 1 had a few bananas on it and the other was stressed to much from light and not really giving any quality bud and it was stretched out taking up lots of space. The 2 left have been flushing a little over a week now and are very close to harvest. I will prob harvest them sometime this week. Everything is going good so far anyway for these 2 and we will hopefully get some nice dense buds, we will see. Cheers💨 Day-62 update Found my microscope! Got some picks up of the tricombs up now, and as I suspected they are not quite ready yet. There are a few amber but I’m still seeing clear ones, but there mostly all cloudy now so I’m thinking another week or so will probably do it. That will give me a good 2 week flush as well. I got some pics and a video up as well just before my lights came on so there better then under the HPS anyway. Lol cheers💨
Our Green Crack has started to flower, the main lining has given it a really nice look, it is beautiful to look at with a series of brunches and small buds that go up at a great pace. It hasn't remained very small as I thought, it is going up. The plant is an exemplary one with a medium internodal distance, I managed to work it quite well. We are still using soil, feeding and all the recommended additives from Plagron 100% organic. We have moved on to the flowering start schedule that keeps the same Power Roots additives - Sugar Royal, Pure Zym and adds the flowering stimulant dear in my house for obvious reasons of Biscotti. Of course the basic fertilizer is now Alga Bloom. The Green Sensation when the flowers are already a bit swollen, do not start immediately. The Power Buds must immediately stimulate the start and development of the buds. ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilizer schedule based on the soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description // Forget what you think you know about cannabis. Green Crack F1 Automatic by Zamnesia Seeds is here to shake up the entire industry. Using F1 genetics, growing cannabis has never been easier. These plants offer uniform and abundant yields. Get ready to harvest high-quality buds, full of flavor and amazing effects. All the best that mother nature has to offer is at ----
В конце этой недели я снял урожай, но сделал это вынуждено. Верхние бутоны начали вянуть (1 фото), в отличии от остального растения, здесь я заподозрил неладное... Я насильно раздвинул верхний цветок и получил психологическую травму 😢 Так как самые верха уже были размером с кулак и очень плотные,- внутри они не проветривались, там скопилась влага и завелась плесень 😭😭😭 Это выглядело ужасно!!! Настолько, что я даже не стал делать фото. Почти все прекрасные верха пошли на выброс. Слава джа, что я заметил это не слишком поздно и плесень была только в самых плотных шишках на самом верху растения. Я самым тщательным образом осмотрел каждую срезанную шишку, порезал на части чтобы рассмотреть все изнутри. И в результате пришлось выкинуть 83 гр самых смолянистых цветов, самых кайфовых 😓 Еще я не подумал о том, что мелко порубленные шишки, без стеблей, высохнут быстрей чем обычно. Итого я получил 115 гр сухих (пересушенных) цветов. После харва разрезал корневую из любопытства, оцените и вы на фото. Друзья, учитесь на моем опыте - следите за обдувом растения! И если у вас крупные и плотные соцветия - не бойтесь их тревожить и тщательно осматривайте шишки внутри, вплоть до стебля. Ну и в финале из этого растения родился ганджа-жук, защитник кустов от всевозможных вредителей 👽 (видео)
Week 4 has passed✔️ They double in size every week😳 We are now in the preflowering stage they seems to be happy with the LST & Topping✂️ Next week i will cut the nitrogen & start with the bloom nutrient🔥 Take care 💚
Everything looking Great so far I transplanted in clean white 6l Plastic pots filled with 70 coco 30 perlite hydro mix from plagron Since im Unding athena you can see the planst grow so fast from Day to Day
Week 4 has passed✔️ They double in size every week😳 We are now in the preflowering stage they seems to be happy with the LST & Topping✂️ Next week i will cut the nitrogen & start with the bloom nutrient🔥 Take care 💚
OG 4Q24 Flower Week 6 Orangegasm (Fem) [ IRIE Genetics ] 12/12 @ Bolt (Day 21) Germination: 20 November 2024 #3A Earliest Harvest Date: 9 February 2025 #3B Latest Harvest Date: 19 February 2025 _________________________________________ Start of Week: [Wed Jan 15, 2024 CR2 4Q24 36:F:5:1] End of Week: [Tue Jan 21, 2024 CR2 4Q24 42:F:5:7] OrangeGasm Fertigation: - MAX: EC: [ 2.7, mS] - LightIntensity MAX: [ 850, µMol/m2/s] ______________________________________ Evaluating Runoff EC vs CHOSEN EC: - IDEAL: Within 200 ppm, ≤ 0.4, mS/cm - Acceptable: 200 - 300 ppm, ≤ 0.4 - 0.6 mS/cm. - CAUTION: 300 - 400 ppm, ≤ 0.6 - 0.8 mS/cm - DANGER: 400 ppm, 0.8 mS/cm __ Wed Jan 15, 2025 OG 4Q24 36:F:5:1 Runoff - Amount: [ 1, gal] - EC: [ 4.0, mS/cm] - EC∆: [ 1.3, mS/cm] # CAUTION Refresh Res - 2 Gal Filtered Tap - EC: 0.3 - pH: 9.1 - Remediated - 1 ml/ pH Down/gal - pH: 7.4 - EC: 2.7 __ Thu Jan 16, 2025 OG 4Q24 37:F:5:2 Runoff - Amount: [ 0.25, gal] - EC: [ 3.9, mS/cm] - EC∆: [ 1.2, mS/cm] # CAUTION Increased FERTIGATION Duration to 50 Seconds. - #5’s POT is LIGHT, NO Heft: Watered in 500 ml over surface. This plant is SUCKING all the moisture, and is yet as happy as can be.  Runoff EC Remains High. - [x] R&R Manifold Filter - Minimal (but present) bio film - significant reaction with H2O2 __ Fri Jan 17, 2025 OG 4Q24 38:F:5:3 - [x] Pick up 8 Gallons of RO (HEB ‘Distilled’) Refresh Reservoir - Amount: [ 4, gal] - PrimerA&B: [ 81, ml] - SLF-100: [ 20, ml] __ Sat Jan 18, 2025 OG 4Q24 39:F:5:4 UFC 311 - Was Really Good    __ Sun Jan 19, 2025 OG 4Q24 40:F:5:5 - [x] R&R Manifold Filter (Replace w/ NEW 200 Mesh Filter) Harvest Dehu - [x] Amount: [ 2.5, gal] Refresh Res - [x] Amount: [ 2, gal] - [x] Primer A&B: [ 40, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 10, ml] - [x] EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm] Runoff - [x] Amount: [ 750, ml] - [x] EC: [ 4.1, mS/cm] - [x] EC∆: [ 1.4, mS/cm] # REMEDIATE Not a lot to do except - [x] Maintain Environment - [x] Maintain Reservoir Hydro Only  FULL Chart (16, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6)  HYRDRO Chart NER Nutrient Element Ratios ppm mS/cm NER N 295 0.6 21.8% P205 161 0.3 11.9% K20 536 1.1 39.7% Ca 241 0.5 17.9% Mg 54 0.1 4.0% S 64 0.1 4.8% Si 0 0.0 0.0% C 375 TOTAL 1725 2.7 100.0% Full Chart NER Nutrient Element Ratios ppm mS/cm NER N 241 0.5 17.8% P205 184 0.4 13.6% K20 522 1.0 38.7% Ca 245 0.5 18.1% Mg 49 0.1 3.6% S 44 0.1 3.3% Si 65 0.1 4.8% C 1147 TOTAL 2497 2.7 100.0%  - [x] Handwater - [x] Mix 12 ml Photosynthesis Plus - [x] Mix 1/4 tsp Quillaja Mix and Feed 400 ml/Plant - [x] Mix up 1 Gal Hydro w/ Silica (16, 16, 16) ml, EC: 2.7 mS/cm, Refrigerate - [x] Apply when sol’n 60°F __ Mon Jan 20, 2025 OG 4Q24 41:F:5:6 AM: Outer Room RH: [ 38, %] Runoff - Amount: [ 1, gal]. # This is about TWICE the amount I HANDWATERED last night. - EC: [ 3.9, mS/cm] - EC∆: [ 1.2 , mS/cm] # DANGER! Reclaim Dehu - Amount: [ tbd, gal] Just Remembered still have 1/2 a gal of Fertigation w/ Silica - - [x] APPLY __ Tue Jan 21, 2025 OG 4Q24 42:F:5:7 Runoff - Amount: [ 1.9, l] - EC: [ 3.8, mS/cm] - EC∆: [ 1.1, mS/cm] # DANGER Refresh Reservoir - Amount: [ 2, gal] - PrimerA&B @ 2.7 mS/cm: [ 40, ml] - SLF-100: [ 10, ml]
The pound cake auto is really taking off. I’m happy I didn’t top the plant and just let it do its thing. It’s gonna have big long bugs all over the whole plant is just gonna be nugs. Not sure what I did with this plant but I got the roots perfect this time and it’s showing it the growth of the plant
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme. Rabattcode für den BIOTABS-Webshop GDBT420, damit erhalten Sie 15 Prozent
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme
The pound cake auto is really taking off. I’m happy I didn’t top the plant and just let it do its thing. It’s gonna have big long bugs all over the whole plant is just gonna be nugs. Not sure what I did with this plant but I got the roots perfect this time and it’s showing it the growth of the plant
What a beautiful plant she was! Amazing results with minimal effort!