An here we are. At the end of another cycle. The end of another year, and what a year it was. For Sunshine and me personally, it was a tough year, with our families sick on multiple occasions, life-threatening. We are very thankful for many things but most of all that all our parents are healthy again.
We wish your families are as fortunate in the coming year.
So we end this Gorilla's life with a swift cut of the scissors, after thanking her again for the companionship, the well-needed distraction, and all the love she has given me already.
I sometimes read that people won't go near their plants when they are angry or sad. Please do go to your plants when you are sad or angry!
They are millions of years old. They have been healers of animals and humans since they were around. Our emotions can not taint something so pure as the spirit of this plant.
She will heal us, give her life for us, sacrifice herself for our healing. She is all-powerful and all-knowing, there is nothing we mere humans can do, except disrespect her powers.
Bask in her glowing light, enjoy her soothing energy, her creative spark when you are in need of love, just don't smoke her at that time, for she will soothe you bit not give her treasures, she will seduce you.
Next to thanking Santa Maria for her healing, we would like to thank our friends here, all who shared their kind words, advice, and attention.
I had made a video to share my thanks on video, but every time I got very emotional. You guys have no idea how tough this year was.
The gorilla is real easy to clean and sticky and cristally. Its amazingly great to smoke!
So a special thanks to: @Sailormoonflowers for being a buddy to talk to, @JamMAKEcan for being there with ideas and always a lot of love, @Roberts for being an inspiration @Cannabeast and @LegendarySeedThumb for always checking out my grows, to all who I forgot who are always here to greet me! @Growdiaries for being an awesome site and community and last but not least: @MarsHydroLED for letting us try their SP-3000.
We wish all of you freedom, love, happiness, but also the awareness to see many of us are still being repressed, with growing but also with our human rights.
Jah jah gave us life to live, so let us live brothers!
It is time the rastaman made a plan!
We are 99% loving people on this planet, we need no 1% to fuck it up with wars and strife.
We need to stop cooperating, peacefully resist. If you can buy local, ban exploiting multinationals.
Help your local businesses, help your neighbors, we need to wake up and stop funding this black stain on our planet.
Sell your stock in multinationals, invest in local businesses.
Buy local products, speak out when you get taxed higher than millionaires (and you are).
The day is coming my brothers and sisters. Soon a handful of CEO's will find out when billions are done with them.
For now thanks for everything!