The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
The Number's; Started with; 564g Wet on the Scale Finished with; 263g Dried Flower. Plus some Pollen for a Personal project.. IMO; Definitely decent yields for a pheno hunt. Two tents filled with Pheno 3... would be OFF the Chart yields :) That is coming soon ! Big Thanks to EVERYONE who stopped in to support this diary.. your the real MVP's Until Next Time, Cariboo.
Man, that plant is really taking off. It's finally starting to look just like the good old Gas House Parent. I can almost smell it already. Can't wait to see how much bigger it gets! Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
The Bubble OG plants are looking really good. They're all pretty big and have a similar structure. It'll be fun to see how they develop their own personalities as they keep growing. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
So have her 5l on Sunday , it’s Wednesday and she’s near dry , so did some light defoliation today and topped up reservoir through drip + fed her some organics with it
Poor Skunk Apple really is the runt of the litter. I think we can blame my rookie mistake of giving it a gallon of water that was way too strong. It's been struggling to recover ever since. Hopefully this little guy will catch up eventually, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet! I can't believe how much my plants have grown during this stretch! It's like they've been on some serious plant steroids. They've all at least doubled in size, some of them even more. I have a hard time with overwatering, especially now that it's harder to let them dry out. I just don't know if I'm damaging the roots with all this growth.
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Anesia Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Settimana devastante!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Anesia Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Settimana devastante!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
The Permanent Markers are finally taking off! They've at least doubled in height since last week. Of course, they're still really small, but it's cool to see them finally getting going. They look healthy and are developing nicely. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
The Blackberry Moonrocks have a really solid structure, they're looking super healthy. They're nice and big, but it does seem like they could be stretching a bit more. We might need to adjust the lighting or the nutrients to encourage them to grow taller. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
Day 12 pushing hard like the last 4 grows. I’m very impressed so far. Maybe a little calcium that’s about it
Day 58 The colours of autum are so beautiful. 1 week left to haverst.
Recta final!! 25/12 Solo queda el secado. Ha sido un bonito regalo de Navidad. 2kg húmedos y ahora a secar. Las tengo secando en el mismo armario. Echan un fuerte olor a mango. La verdad que ha sido muy guay sacar adelante este proyecto pero ha requerido mucho esfuerzo y también estudiar mucho, para ser la primera vez muy bien. Deseando mucho mucho probarla. Espero que nos guste mucho. Feliz Navidad para todos!!! Seguimos.. 6 días colgadas y 4 en una malla de secado.. 5/1/25 en botes de curado, les he puesto un termohigrometro en los botes y está a 60 de humedad así qir no voy a hacer nada más que abrir y cerrar hasta que estén listas.. ya os
Estamos a mitad de la semana 5 de Flora, cada 2 o 3 riegos, descansamos de abonos y solo metemos cleanse de Athena, puré zym de Plagron, calcio y magnesio de TerraAquatica
Day 58 The colours of autum are so beautiful. 1 week left to haverst.
Day 58 The colours of autum are so beautiful. 1 week left to haverst.
OG 4Q24 Seedling Bolt III Orangegasm (Fem) [ IRIE Genetics ] 12/12 @ Bolt (Day 21) Germination: 20 November 2024 #3A Earliest Harvest Date: 9 February 2025 #3B Latest Harvest Date: 19 February 2025 _________________________________________ Start of Week: [Wed Dec 25, 2024 CR2 4Q24 1:B:1:1] End of Week: [Tue Dec 31 , 2024 CR2 4Q24 7:B:1:7] OrangeGasm Fertigation: Max EC: [ 2.4, mS] _______________________________________ Week’s Objectives: - IFF We’re still HAND WATERING, ADD First Resin Bloom to Full @ 4ml/gal. - We can’t replace RLA’s Carbon Component with/out ~300 ml/Gal Ful-Power (Fulvic Acids) We WON’T be doing that. Rather, we’ll see a diminution of Carbon provided, look for 3-5 days to stabilize after switch to auto-irrigation. EC Starting Water: ec: 0.0 mS/cm, pH: ~7  __ Wed Dec 25, 2024 # Christmas Day OG 4Q24 15:B:2:1 Watered late tonight (~2200). - NO RUNOFF - Barely the beginning of Burnt Tips - Grew 2” overnight - raised light 2”, Canopy Distance is 19.5 @ 77% (770 ppfd) After Watering - With REDUCED Light, Plants are FRISKY Leaves raised (but no fingers in light sockets) - # We’ve got Pistils (Noted Yesterday) - Ceasing Foliar . . . IT’s been good. ;-} Runoff: NO RUNOFF Fertigation: - [x] Primer A&B: [ 10.2, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [~scant~] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml]  Standardizing Lighting __ Thu Dec 26, 2024 # BOXING DAY OG 4Q24 16:B:2:2 Scotoperiod: [ 12, h] EC: [ 2.4, mS/cm] Temp: [ 79, °F] RH: [ 68, %] VPD: [ 0.85, kPa] NOTE: If we’ve no runoff today, Water AGAIN at Midnight, Install Auto-Fertigation Tomorrow Raised Light 6 Clicks - Grew 2” Overnight - Light Distance ~20” @1900 - Fertigation Fertigation: - [x] Primer A&B: [ 10.2, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [~scant~] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml] IPM: - [x] Zymes Bomb - Top to Bottom, including Airpot Sides.
Foliar DRENCH w/ Zymes at 1:31 water dilution. Drenched top and bottom of leaves, stems, JOINTS, Coco Top, and spraying down ALL Airpot Side Holes, and BOTTOM OF AIRPOT. Letting the girls run up to 82°F, RH @ 69%, VPD ~9. Plants are HAPPY w/ EC: 2.4, w/ Moderate High Lighting (~770) If they’re happy before lights out, and I know it - Let’s raise light to 80% (800 µMol/m2/s), adjust airflow for overnight Temp (Humidity Down). And call it a night. After Raising light to 83%, REDUCED again to 77% @0600 __ Fri Dec 27, 2024 OG 4Q24 17:B:2:3 Runoff: [ 500, ml], EC: [ 1.7, mS/cm] Raised Light 6 Clicks (Grew 1.5” Last Night). Light Distance back to ~20” 1.5 Gal fertigation - let’s do 1900 & 1200  Fertigation: 1.5 Gal # 2000 & 0100, .75 gal Each, EC: 2.5 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 14.8, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 4.9, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 9, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [ 0.125, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 7.4, ml] After 2:30 Feeding - Raised light to 83% __ Sat Dec 28, 2024 OG 4Q24 18:B:2:4 Temp: [ 82, °F] RH: [ 68, %] VPD: [ 0.96, kPa] Light Distance: [ 19.5, “] Fertigation: RLA Heavy, Flower Week 3; EC: 2.4 Notes: - Evaluate 83% Dimmer at Lights On - Back off to 77% if any indication of Light Stress - Let’s ramp to EC: 2.7 mS As max. Beyond here, we probably don’t have sufficient CO2. Light Intensity (IDEAL): 83% # ~830 µMol/m2/s EC: 2.4 422 ml/plant, runoff, EC 1.5. Fertigation: 1.5 Gal # 2000 & 0100, .75 gal Each, EC: 2.5 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 14.8, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 4.9, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 9, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [ 0.125, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 7.4, ml] 420 ml/plant op Crinkly LOWERS - EC Too High Too Fast? __ Sun Dec 29, 2024 OG 4Q24 19:B:2:5 EC: 2.3-2.4 The Max Hydro comes in at 2.36 EC. RLA Hydro Chart set 3.4. How Can Be? DROPPING SILICA SKIN from RLA Hydro (Eliminate Brown Patina, and Small Orifice Build-up) RLA Hydro  Nutrient Element Ratios ppm mS/cm NER N 262 0.5 21.8% P205 143 0.3 11.9% K20 476 1.0 39.7% Ca 214 0.4 17.9% Mg 48 0.1 4.0% S 57 0.1 4.8% Si 0 0.0 0.0% C 333 TOTAL 1533 2.4 100.0%  
RLA - Full - [x] Complete Irrigation Install Defoliation I We want to eliminate All Vegetation from TOPPED NODE (3) Down. - [ ] Count NODES FROM SPLIT - [x] Measure Plant Heights: 11 - 17” - [x] Remove Each Pot and Trim OUTSIDE OF TENT (Get it RIGHT!) - [x] Can we adjust the pot positioning to get ONE UNDER CANOPY Fan? - [x] Eliminate FANS and Growth tips NODES 1 - 3 (3 is TOP SPLIT) - [x] Eliminate FAN LEAVES from First Node of MAIN STEMS - [x] INSTALL DRIP RINGS (No Manifold, Yet) - [x] Apply LABEL to Each Plant - [ ] Consider Eliminating FAN LEAVES from Second Node of Mains _______ Fertigation: 1.5 Gal # 2000 & 0100, .75 gal Each, EC: 2.5 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 54.1, ml] # EC: 2.4 MAX - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 24, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [ 0.25, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 15, ml] Time Set Initiate Complete Event 1 18:45 18:45:25 Event 2 20:05:00 20:05:25 Event 3 21:25:00 21:25:25 Event 4 22:45:00 22:45:25 Event 5 00:05:00 00:05:25 Event 6 01:25:00 01:25:25 Event 7 02:45:00 02:45:25 Event 8 04:05:00 04:05:25 Event 9 05:25:00 05:25:25 CHANGED TO 25 SEC EVENT (from 20) Tuesday - / / / __ Mon Dec 30, 2024 OG 4Q24 20:B:2:6 - [x] Harvest Dehu Water Continuing to RAISE LIGHT ~ 2”/day (6 Clicks of the support ratchets). Runoff: - [ 422, ml, plant!!!!] # Reduced Event duration to 20 Seconds (from 30). - [ 1.4, mS/cm] Lowering light to 70%, see if lower fans relax. They’re electric. :-). They relaxed. Inner fans surrounding apical stems are laying @ 30°, rather than Reaching for 60°. I have perhaps been overnighting. HUMIDITY IS CRANKING. It’s impossible to get VPD above ~8.3! Trying to keep humidity below 68 drives Temp below 78. I forgot about the part. ;-( Dehumidifier is ON, Doors are Closed, Room Vent is CLOSED. Dehumidifier is delivering 50%RH to the room. Orange Gasm is quickly filling the air with moisture. At MIDNIGHT, Raised light to 77% ( ~770 µMol/m2/s] pH Adjusted 2 Gallons of Filtered Tap to pH: 7.2, EC: 0.3 (Used for Dilution when refreshing reservoir with DEHU and Fresh Supplements. __ Tue Dec 31, 2024 OG 4Q24 21:B:2:7 @0630 Took a peek in the tent. SCANT RUNOFF @ 20 Sec Feed Events. JUST Touched TIPS (Burning). Bumping Fertigation Events to 25 Seconds, after Feeding 9 * 5sec (45 Sec) To bring DAYS delivery to 25 Seconds. Check Reservoir: - We’ve 4 - 5 Gallons. @LIGHTS ON - Reset Light Height - Reduce light to 73% (See if we can avoid more tip burning) Harvest Dehu: - [x] Amount: [ 5.7, l] - [x] Primer A&B: [ 27, ml] # For EC: 2.4 mS/cm, Nailed it, First Try. ;-} Orange Gasm likes to SPREAD when Topped. - Which makes her a funny candidate for SOG. ;-} 
OG 4Q24 Seedling Bolt III Orangegasm (Fem) [ IRIE Genetics ] 12/12 @ Bolt (Day 21) Germination: 20 November 2024 #3A Earliest Harvest Date: 9 February 2025 #3B Latest Harvest Date: 19 February 2025 _________________________________________ Start of Week: [Wed Dec 25, 2024 CR2 4Q24 1:B:1:1] End of Week: [Tue Dec 31 , 2024 CR2 4Q24 7:B:1:7] OrangeGasm Fertigation: Max EC: [ 2.4, mS] _______________________________________ Week’s Objectives: - IFF We’re still HAND WATERING, ADD First Resin Bloom to Full @ 4ml/gal. - We can’t replace RLA’s Carbon Component with/out ~300 ml/Gal Ful-Power (Fulvic Acids) We WON’T be doing that. Rather, we’ll see a diminution of Carbon provided, look for 3-5 days to stabilize after switch to auto-irrigation. EC Starting Water: ec: 0.0 mS/cm, pH: ~7  __ Wed Dec 25, 2024 # Christmas Day OG 4Q24 15:B:2:1 Watered late tonight (~2200). - NO RUNOFF - Barely the beginning of Burnt Tips - Grew 2” overnight - raised light 2”, Canopy Distance is 19.5 @ 77% (770 ppfd) After Watering - With REDUCED Light, Plants are FRISKY Leaves raised (but no fingers in light sockets) - # We’ve got Pistils (Noted Yesterday) - Ceasing Foliar . . . IT’s been good. ;-} Runoff: NO RUNOFF Fertigation: - [x] Primer A&B: [ 10.2, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [~scant~] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml]  Standardizing Lighting __ Thu Dec 26, 2024 # BOXING DAY OG 4Q24 16:B:2:2 Scotoperiod: [ 12, h] EC: [ 2.4, mS/cm] Temp: [ 79, °F] RH: [ 68, %] VPD: [ 0.85, kPa] NOTE: If we’ve no runoff today, Water AGAIN at Midnight, Install Auto-Fertigation Tomorrow Raised Light 6 Clicks - Grew 2” Overnight - Light Distance ~20” @1900 - Fertigation Fertigation: - [x] Primer A&B: [ 10.2, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 6.8, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 5.1, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [~scant~] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml] IPM: - [x] Zymes Bomb - Top to Bottom, including Airpot Sides.
Foliar DRENCH w/ Zymes at 1:31 water dilution. Drenched top and bottom of leaves, stems, JOINTS, Coco Top, and spraying down ALL Airpot Side Holes, and BOTTOM OF AIRPOT. Letting the girls run up to 82°F, RH @ 69%, VPD ~9. Plants are HAPPY w/ EC: 2.4, w/ Moderate High Lighting (~770) If they’re happy before lights out, and I know it - Let’s raise light to 80% (800 µMol/m2/s), adjust airflow for overnight Temp (Humidity Down). And call it a night. After Raising light to 83%, REDUCED again to 77% @0600 __ Fri Dec 27, 2024 OG 4Q24 17:B:2:3 Runoff: [ 500, ml], EC: [ 1.7, mS/cm] Raised Light 6 Clicks (Grew 1.5” Last Night). Light Distance back to ~20” 1.5 Gal fertigation - let’s do 1900 & 1200  Fertigation: 1.5 Gal # 2000 & 0100, .75 gal Each, EC: 2.5 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 14.8, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 4.9, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 9, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [ 0.125, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 7.4, ml] After 2:30 Feeding - Raised light to 83% __ Sat Dec 28, 2024 OG 4Q24 18:B:2:4 Temp: [ 82, °F] RH: [ 68, %] VPD: [ 0.96, kPa] Light Distance: [ 19.5, “] Fertigation: RLA Heavy, Flower Week 3; EC: 2.4 Notes: - Evaluate 83% Dimmer at Lights On - Back off to 77% if any indication of Light Stress - Let’s ramp to EC: 2.7 mS As max. Beyond here, we probably don’t have sufficient CO2. Light Intensity (IDEAL): 83% # ~830 µMol/m2/s EC: 2.4 422 ml/plant, runoff, EC 1.5. Fertigation: 1.5 Gal # 2000 & 0100, .75 gal Each, EC: 2.5 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 14.8, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 9.9, ml] - [x] Lush Green: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Root Anchor: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Peak Bloom: [ 7.4, ml] - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 4.9, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 9, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [ 0.125, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 7.4, ml] 420 ml/plant op Crinkly LOWERS - EC Too High Too Fast? __ Sun Dec 29, 2024 OG 4Q24 19:B:2:5 EC: 2.3-2.4 The Max Hydro comes in at 2.36 EC. RLA Hydro Chart set 3.4. How Can Be? DROPPING SILICA SKIN from RLA Hydro (Eliminate Brown Patina, and Small Orifice Build-up) RLA Hydro  Nutrient Element Ratios ppm mS/cm NER N 262 0.5 21.8% P205 143 0.3 11.9% K20 476 1.0 39.7% Ca 214 0.4 17.9% Mg 48 0.1 4.0% S 57 0.1 4.8% Si 0 0.0 0.0% C 333 TOTAL 1533 2.4 100.0%  
RLA - Full - [x] Complete Irrigation Install Defoliation I We want to eliminate All Vegetation from TOPPED NODE (3) Down. - [ ] Count NODES FROM SPLIT - [x] Measure Plant Heights: 11 - 17” - [x] Remove Each Pot and Trim OUTSIDE OF TENT (Get it RIGHT!) - [x] Can we adjust the pot positioning to get ONE UNDER CANOPY Fan? - [x] Eliminate FANS and Growth tips NODES 1 - 3 (3 is TOP SPLIT) - [x] Eliminate FAN LEAVES from First Node of MAIN STEMS - [x] INSTALL DRIP RINGS (No Manifold, Yet) - [x] Apply LABEL to Each Plant - [ ] Consider Eliminating FAN LEAVES from Second Node of Mains _______ Fertigation: 1.5 Gal # 2000 & 0100, .75 gal Each, EC: 2.5 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 54.1, ml] # EC: 2.4 MAX - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 24, ml] - [x] Quillaja 60 Powder: [ 0.25, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 15, ml] Time Set Initiate Complete Event 1 18:45 18:45:25 Event 2 20:05:00 20:05:25 Event 3 21:25:00 21:25:25 Event 4 22:45:00 22:45:25 Event 5 00:05:00 00:05:25 Event 6 01:25:00 01:25:25 Event 7 02:45:00 02:45:25 Event 8 04:05:00 04:05:25 Event 9 05:25:00 05:25:25 CHANGED TO 25 SEC EVENT (from 20) Tuesday - / / / __ Mon Dec 30, 2024 OG 4Q24 20:B:2:6 - [x] Harvest Dehu Water Continuing to RAISE LIGHT ~ 2”/day (6 Clicks of the support ratchets). Runoff: - [ 422, ml, plant!!!!] # Reduced Event duration to 20 Seconds (from 30). - [ 1.4, mS/cm] Lowering light to 70%, see if lower fans relax. They’re electric. :-). They relaxed. Inner fans surrounding apical stems are laying @ 30°, rather than Reaching for 60°. I have perhaps been overnighting. HUMIDITY IS CRANKING. It’s impossible to get VPD above ~8.3! Trying to keep humidity below 68 drives Temp below 78. I forgot about the part. ;-( Dehumidifier is ON, Doors are Closed, Room Vent is CLOSED. Dehumidifier is delivering 50%RH to the room. Orange Gasm is quickly filling the air with moisture. At MIDNIGHT, Raised light to 77% ( ~770 µMol/m2/s] pH Adjusted 2 Gallons of Filtered Tap to pH: 7.2, EC: 0.3 (Used for Dilution when refreshing reservoir with DEHU and Fresh Supplements. __ Tue Dec 31, 2024 OG 4Q24 21:B:2:7 @0630 Took a peek in the tent. SCANT RUNOFF @ 20 Sec Feed Events. JUST Touched TIPS (Burning). Bumping Fertigation Events to 25 Seconds, after Feeding 9 * 5sec (45 Sec) To bring DAYS delivery to 25 Seconds. Check Reservoir: - We’ve 4 - 5 Gallons. @LIGHTS ON - Reset Light Height - Reduce light to 73% (See if we can avoid more tip burning) Harvest Dehu: - [x] Amount: [ 5.7, l] - [x] Primer A&B: [ 27, ml] # For EC: 2.4 mS/cm, Nailed it, First Try. ;-} Orange Gasm likes to SPREAD when Topped. - Which makes her a funny candidate for SOG. ;-} 
4th week of flowering done and all are doing well, they're starting to fatten up and getting a lil sticky and smell coming along nicely now. Will continue feeding every 2 to 3 days with nutes ec to 1.8 , ph 6.8.