The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
After 48 hours, these things are beast. I thought they needed more time, I couldn’t judge how long they were. I had to dig them out of the paper towel, learned that I need to use cheaper paper towels. 6 out of 6 germinated on my first grow. Let’s keep the same growth going. ******************************* 14 Hours After Potting ************** TEMPS The most recent video showing the domes is 14 hours after potting them. The temps have been very stable at 83F and 70% humidity. My ambient temp outside of the tent is 70F. AIR FLOW I’m currently only running a 6 inch fan above the light for circulation. I have not used the exhaust, I think the idea at this stage is to keep humidity high, any thoughts would be great. LIGHTNING I do have my TSW on max and lowered the height to 36 inches it was almost twice the height yesterday. I didn’t want to make the change so drastic and waited a bit before lowering the height. WATERING The top soil did feel a bit dry and a little moist under. Under the dome it still looks very moist. I sprayed the plastic domes, I’m using distilled ph’d water. I did some light watering on the soil but I’m not sure how much water I should be using . Now that I lowered the height soil should dry out quicker, any thoughts?
9.1.25: Watermelon 🍉 is doing well, slowed down a bit, but at least I got the LST going earlier on her. Which will hopefully stand her in good stead going forward. I've been readjusting the LST. I just took all the pegs out and reshaped her. Watering with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0 with the following nutrients;- ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 2ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Biobizz Top Max ♡ 2ml Cal-Mag ♡ 2ml Ecothrive Flourish. I water with this every 3 days. Thanks for checking out my diary 🍃 ✌️
9.1.25: I have done a large defoliation and readjusted all the LST pegs and removed the wire. The wire was getting tangled in the plants, so it was easier to just take it off. I may get some thicker, stronger wire when they're too big for the pegs. PPP1 and PPP2 are by far the best plants in this run so far. PPP3, however, is the worst of all. She flipped into flower, still having only 3 finger leaves, and there are no five finger leaves at all. I am disappointed, of course! However, for me, the triploid PPP2 absolutely made up for it! 😍 Thanks for checking out my diary 🍃 ✌️
9.1.25: Purple Lemonade is doing great and is looking beautiful to boot! 💜 I've been readjusting the LST. I just took all the pegs out and reshaped her. Flowers are coming soon! Watering with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0 with the following nutrients;- ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 2ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Biobizz Top Max ♡ 2ml Cal-Mag ♡ 2ml Ecothrive Flourish. I water with this every 3 days. Thanks for checking out my diary 🍃 ✌️
Mise en place d'un contrôleur température avec chauffage et clim , un contrôleur humidité avec humidificateur maison et déshumidificateur, pour un réglage de VPD le plus précis et stable possible jours et nuits a 1/1,10 kPa Les 4 mère se porte bien amendement organique madame grow ph 6,3 Les boutures dans la table a marée avec terra aquatica en nutrition ph 5,8 ec 2,6 c'est une explosion tant par la taille des boutures que par leur odeurs et leurs abondance de trichomes avec un profil très intéressant sa sent deja le sirop tropical !
9.1.25: My Do-sì-dos P3 had to be destroyed due to the irreparable damage that was caused by the stem snap, twice! Very sadly 😕 Do-sì-dos P3 is looking pretty good 💚 I've been readjusting the LST. I just took all the pegs out and reshaped her. Flowers are coming soon! Watering with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0 with the following nutrients;- ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 2ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Biobizz Top Max ♡ 2ml Cal-Mag ♡ 2ml Ecothrive Flourish. I water with this every 3 days. Thanks for checking out my diary 🍃 ✌️
Flo depuis 4 jours Placer dans la tente spécial flo 2000w led full spectrum control humidité température pour un vpd de 1/1,10 kPa 👌
Flo depuis 4 jours Placer dans la tente spécial flo 2000w led full spectrum control humidité température pour un vpd de 1/1,10 kPa 👌 humidificateur fait maison au top du top
11.01.25 VD#1 Good evening everyone ✌️😁 Welcome back to the Eternity Grow Cup 25' from Zamnesia & Plagron. The Runtz is doing wonderfully. The first 3 finger leaves are coming so I'm counting Vegitag#1 as of today, anything before 3 fingers has always been the seedling stage for me. It is now in the 4.5L pot where it can spread and strengthen its roots for a while before it goes into the 30L fabric pot. At the moment, until Vegitag #21, the little lady is only getting Soil Activating Hesi PowerZyme 2ml/L& Hesi Root Complex 5ml/L. I add Biobizz Calmag from Vegitag #1 in a preventative dose until rinsing. Starting with 0.3mlL, then increasing with 0.2ml per week of the vegiphase. The irrigation water has a pH of 6.5, so all nutrients can be absorbed by the plant in this phase. I'm happy for everyone who has stopped by and good luck to all participants. Stay healthy and stay high. May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 👌 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 11.01.25 VD#1 Guten Abend zusammen ✌️😁 Willkommen zurück zum Eternity Grow Cup 25' von Zamnesia & Plagron. Der Runtz geht es wunderbar. Die ersten 3 Fingerblätter kommen so zähle ich ab heute Vegitag#1, alles vor 3 Finger ist für mich schon immer die Keimlingsphase. Sie ist jetzt in dem 4,5L Topf dort kann Sie erst mal eine gewisse Zeit ihre Wurzeln ausbreiten & stärken, bevor es dann in den 30L Stofftopf geht. Zur Zeit bis Vegitag #21 bekommt die kleine Lady nur Boden Aktivierende Hesi PowerZyme 2ml/L& Hesi Wurzel Complex 5ml/L. Biobizz Calmag gebe ich ab Vegitag #1 in vorbeugender Dosis bis zum Spülen bei. Angefangen mit 0,3mlL, dann pro Woche der Vegiphase steigernd mit 0,2ml dazu. Das Gießwasser hat einen Ph von 6,5 somit sind für die Pflanze in dieser Phase alle Nährstoffe aufnehmbar. Der Biobizz Light Mix ist vorgedüngt die Erfahrung hat mir gezeigt das der Hesi TNT Complex erst ab Woche 3-4 der Vegiphase nötig ist. Freue mich für jeden der vorbei geschaut hat, weiter hin viel erfolg für alle Teilnehmer. Bleibt alle Gesund and stay high. Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 👌