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Welcome to week 6 of flower! Well not a great deal to put in this week but it’s all been about fatness and the lady’s seam to be packing on there size in there buds. One of the big buds has a nute lock out so she was flushed and then fed the rest of the lady’s are just powering on. They have really upped there nute uptake and being fed twice a week with water every second day. We have added in exit this feed today to assist them in getting even bigger dense buds. As this is our first indoor fem seed grow I’m rather happy with how it’s all turning out, there is just solid 8-9” colas forming on all the plants. The gold leaf that had nanas on it has stopped producing them and is still outside. I do look forward to smoking her as she is looking rather nice like the gals in the tent. Until next week 🤙🏻🤙🏻
Per questa settimana hanno mostrato una bella crescita anche loro sono state toppate e pulite al primo nodo, ho aggiunto un pizzico di radicante per aiutarle a superare lo stress dell allenamento ma ho visto che si sono riprese bene quindi vediamo se tra una settima riusciamo a cambiare luce anche a queste Gorilla Glue 🦍
Coming along well, Day 43 Flower, I've dimmed the lights 10% using a Kill*A*Watt meter. Nutrient wise I've changed it up for the final stretch, to the gallon of 180ppm city tap water, I've reduced Maxibloom to 1/2 teaspoon, I've began adding 1/4 teaspoon KoolBloom powder and 2-3 teaspoons of Diamond Nectar Humic Acids. I don't need to add ph up or down as this mixture puts my ph @ 6.3, EC is currently 1.7. each plant receives a minimum of 1 gallon per day, more often they receive a gallon and a quarter or half, applied with a garden sprayer a quart or 1/2 gallon at a time throughout the day, usually about every 3 hours. I keep about an inch of water in the trays below the plants, roots have penetrated the bottoms of the pots and are in the nutrient solution below-I drain this off completely every 2-3 days to keep it fresh-I've followed this routine many times before with no ill effect, as a matter of fact the plants seem to thrive even more-so I stopped fighting it.
🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊 ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
🍍🍍🍍 🍉🍉🍉 ❄️❄️❄️
9 Punkte, obwohl sie so sxhxxxxx aussah? Ja. Erstens, klein wie beschrieben fast nur Knospe. Nicht kaputt zu bekommen. Gebt ihr etwas länger Veggie. 9 Punkte? Ja, der Rauch. Ich denke das ist was besonderes. Direkt nochmal angesetzt. So gut. (ich will mehr) Nach dem cure... Muhahaha. Lecker, stark. Ich würde gerne was machen. Aber ich kann nicht. Sitze im Sitz (D) fest. Mein Atem riecht nach Apfel! NACH APFEL! So nach 10 min werde ich bleischwer und müde... Der Körper und Geist. Aber bin trotzdem fokussiert Nett, sehr nett. Wake and bake= sleep. Mittags=wenn du gar nichts vor hast... Nachmittags nach der Arbeit =sleep(vor allem mit vollem Bauch) Abends(ausgeruht) = fight the force, yeah you gonna FIGHT THE FORCE! Also Weekend weed. Stark. Exquisiter Geschmack, nicht nur Apfel sondern noch andere "normale" weed Gerüche. Saurer Apfel afghani und Zitrone. Nicht herumlaufen auf Apple Fritter. Das fällt auf. Lol. 45 min später ist der Leichte, aber stetige Aufstieg des weeds erreicht. Puh, schreiben (die Finger) geht jetzt auch besser, zu koordinieren. Also alles in allem heftig verdiente 9 Punkte Ist ja auch, Ich zitiere: Heftiges weed alter, heftigeheees weehed. Nach 3 Wochen cure kommt dir beim Öffnen ein ausgewogener Geruch von Apfel und Afghani entgegen. Der Apfelgeruch überwiegt.
Day 11: We have: 3x White Widow 1x Critical 2x Special Queen #1 1x Special Kush #1 Important: The method used "jiffy" is efficient and fast but in another possible germination I will definitely do the "paper towel" method first. It is important to note that for good germination, the seeds must have as little soil as possible on top, where I delayed by 1 week due to the fact that the seed was very deep in a jiffy. I reduced the distance of the LED from 60cm to 30cm because we still have plants that are stretching too much so this was the measure adopted awaiting results. For 8 pots of 0.5L, 500ml of pure water containing: 1ml Voodoo Juice 1ml Sensi Grow A+B (2ml total) 1ml B52 2ml CalMag The net proportion was satisfactory.
Все семечки проросли, с 1 была проблема, но все таки вылезла, всхожесть 100%. Достаточно слабые ветки у растений, но за счет того что они буквально порвали мой бокс, держали друг друга :))) В этом цикле использовал наши русские удобрения от Simplex и Plantators. Так же использовал микоризу BigFoot в виде чая давал раз в неделю, и подключал так же Delta 9. Цикл от семечки до полного харвеста с сушкой занял ровно 3 месяца. Я очень доволен результатом. Фотографии урожая не все, последний 2 куста не фотографировал. Всем Джа
The Apple Betty Babies have been chugging along, doing their thing ❤️ The frost is starting! These girls are early producers, and seem to be responding well to the wind and light stress! The second trellis was definitely needed. They have been keeping to the same schedule of needing to be watered every 72 hours. I will be switching from cal/Mag to Mag/Sulphur supplements later this week. ❤️ how readily available these Advanced Nutrients are. The nutrient burn on some of the tips has not spread or gotten worse. The feed range seems to be the 700-750 range. Still keeping to the feed, water, feed schedule. I’ve increased the light intensity to 90% and will probably be stopping there. The temps have been getting as high as 81 degrees, and low as 73 at night. I’ve decreased the humidity to fluctuate around 50% , giving a reasonable VPD for most of the time, thanks to the automation of the in-line exhaust fan. Still have 4-5 weeks for these babies, I’m hoping they continue to plump up, they are showing some great promise. Happy Gardening 🤗❤️👊🇨🇦
Day 49 from seed and we officially transplanted the girls were showing signs of nute defiency and have clearly outgrown their 1gallon veg pots. I used dynomyco for the transplant shock and will wait 48 hours before flipping into flower and placing a trellis net over the plants tucking all leaves below it. My soil mix for the first 4 weeks of flower is Dr. Earths 4-4-4 all purpose and dr earths 3-9-4 bloom 50/50 mix at 3tbsp/gallon.
They have finished the final stretch and are showing some nice little flowers.
Начало пятой недели , почтение активно растет и чувствует себя отлично . Случайно надорвал пару листов , но стресса не было. Судя по всему это последняя неделя веги , на которой надо максимально растянуть и набрать массу ) На 36 день дал удобрения на цветение , т.к заметил характерные признаки Green house feeding short flowering 0.8
Buds start swallen and trichomes start cloudy but not yet amber.. Will let her to get amber 10% trichomes , and then start to flushing straight 2 weeks with ph-ed tap water 5.5. Hopefully by next week can start the flushing and finish this run. Cant wait🤞!!