First grow since 2020, with around 250 grams for an outdoor which has kept me going as I'm not a big smoker. No option for outdoor this year so with summer coming to an end indoor it will be in my tin garden shed. Bit of a heat wave this week but likely to cool down by the time I plant. Then just hoping the weather gods are nice for the next 4 months. Not too hot. Not too cold...just right🙄 Soaked seeds last night and now in paper towels.
Planning on 5 plants anyhow, will veg for 4 weeks and flower for 9 to 10 or whenever ready. Hoping to harvest early winter before it gets really cold. Coco coir perlite mix this time and using the whole Mills range. Should be fun anyhow. Not expecting the same rewards of my last outdoor, but anything over 100 grams I'll be happy with. Anyhow, as far as germination goes I have 5 seeds to play with. In a glass of water for 8 hours, then paper towel in a zip lock bag in a warm location, including my pocket and next to me sleeping. Within 24 hours 3 of the 5 had germinated. I have doubts that 1 of the 2 remaining will germinate at all as it's a small mongrel seed but who knows.
Update...all seeds germinated even the last mongrel seed. I like keeping em warm, in bed with me, in my pocket when cold and not in bed. The last seed that I didn't think had a chance from the start popped 2 days after the rest, after I put the zip lock bag with the paper towel in my pocket for a couple of hours. 100% ain't bad that's for sure. Every time I grow I do the same thing, no u may not see this method recommended but it works for me. Last few grows I've germinated them in my underwear, while wearing of course. Nice and warm thats for sure, maybe its the fluctuation 🤣 Go on, do a google search on the underwear germination method, doubt any hits will be found 🤣