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I know they look rough. It’s just because I didn’t want to feed them too much in those little pots, now they are getting established into bigger pots with a lot more food!
I know they look rough. It’s just because I didn’t want to feed them too much in those little pots, now they are getting established into bigger pots with a lot more food!
I know they look rough. It’s just because I didn’t want to feed them too much in those little pots, now they are getting established into bigger pots with a lot more food!
Semi ricevuti stamane , all'interno della super spy pen della super sativa seed club. Seminazione in pallet pre fertilizzazi. Pronto a partecipare al photo contest. Ancora indeciso se Indoor o Outdoor. 26.06.22 La terra si muove, in almeno due pallet sta per uscire qualcosa. 28/06 We are at the beginning of the second week after planting. In 2 pallets something moves, I am confident and patient. Sprouting conditions are optimal. I sincerely hope to have in the next 2 days a pleasant surprise July 3. 3 seeds are germinated, ·potentially another seed could come out. They were sprouted with 18/24 of light
This is towards the end of last week. The BB crosses are doing excellent. They have all gone through some extreme temps with intense temp and RH fluctuations. I’ve concluded that the plants 1 week behind experienced too much heat on this one day when some things came up and I wasn’t around to get them out of the hot sun in time, and they were stunted by excessive heat over 90F. The others didn’t show much signs of stress at all. I’m not giving up on the little ones, but I am giving them a large amount of grace and understanding. They can just continue to grow and do their best. Maybe they will come back into full speed in a week or so. Maybe not. At least I will grow them out to learn what happens. From now on I will be extra careful with all stimuli my seedlings are receiving. Showing sone other plants of same age, some of which are photoperiods that began flowering about a month and a half early, with 15 hours of daylight! Why? My first guess is some form of extreme rodelization. I did notice on both A-Trains that they each had a node with two pollen sacks developing as well as the burst of female bracts. So I nicked off the pollen sacks right away, and I’ve been putting them under a light for the nights to hopefully reveg them. Either way, a fun anecdote for some new knowledge and experience! I’m sure they would bud out Fat! Seeing how much they did in 2-3 days! But maybe there’s other elements at play.
This is towards the end of last week. The BB crosses are doing excellent. They have all gone through some extreme temps with intense temp and RH fluctuations. I’ve concluded that the plants 1 week behind experienced too much heat on this one day when some things came up and I wasn’t around to get them out of the hot sun in time, and they were stunted by excessive heat over 90F. The others didn’t show much signs of stress at all. I’m not giving up on the little ones, but I am giving them a large amount of grace and understanding. They can just continue to grow and do their best. Maybe they will come back into full speed in a week or so. Maybe not. At least I will grow them out to learn what happens. From now on I will be extra careful with all stimuli my seedlings are receiving. Showing sone other plants of same age, some of which are photoperiods that began flowering about a month and a half early, with 15 hours of daylight! Why? My first guess is some form of extreme rodelization. I did notice on both A-Trains that they each had a node with two pollen sacks developing as well as the burst of female bracts. So I nicked off the pollen sacks right away, and I’ve been putting them under a light for the nights to hopefully reveg them. Either way, a fun anecdote for some new knowledge and experience! I’m sure they would bud out Fat! Seeing how much they did in 2-3 days! But maybe there’s other elements at play.
106 °F today and still these girls thrive while I got very low blood pressure and remains to me only the strength to water them, peppers and tomatoes. Cookies Gelato is very happy and in a such way is adapting herself to extreme heat and still maintains a very short internode length with very thick branches. MALEB is a girl. Borned from regular seed is a cross between a male lebanese "Black Gold" landrace and a female morroccan landrace. Lebanese seeds came from Majdaloun where a great friend of mine has served in a peacekeeping mission. Morroccan's came from Issaguen in the Rif. Both landraces at that latitudes show semi-automatic behaviour where are planted in early april and finish their short cycles in mid-august. My latitude is higher and usually photodependants start to preflower at 14.30 hours of light on July 15. Maleb starts to preflower on June 27 at 15.05 hours of light. A great result more than any "fast version" around. Her savages genetics are very clear, simply she don't care a fuck about heat and critters avoid her. When temps will go down I'll take some cuttings trying to obtain some feminized seeds from them, under HPS Cheers Bros
its been a hot dry week but the girls have fared it well. mound design and soil content have helped keep moisture in the root ball of the plants. Hopefully we get some rain this week otherwise im going to be spending a day just watering them. fingers crossed for rain. We need a rain dance here.
Miei cari amici, L'estate incalza e finalmente il tempoi permette di trasformare ad hoc. Secondo i gusti il giardino, la terrazza e i due balconi. Un lavoro duro e intenso con i 25/30 gradi che il NW in questa settima sta proponendo e che spero vivamente durino tanto. Travaso storico e professionale. Vediamo ciò che l'armadio dice. Questo travaso probabilmente ritardera di due o tre settimane il raccolto, ma andava fatto e ne varrà sicuramente la pena. 28/06 My dearest friends, comrades and farm partners. Doc. Cannas is extremely happy to introduce you to the 5 wonders of Expert Seeds. Still my most heartfelt congratulations for their genetics, between photos and videos you have seen what a wonder these little girls are growing. Today they have been introduced to LST, an art halfway between Astana yoga and BSDM. Being their first time there was a need for love and passion. So it was. At the next update farmers
its been a hot dry week but the girls have fared it well. mound design and soil content have helped keep moisture in the root ball of the plants. Hopefully we get some rain this week otherwise im going to be spending a day just watering them. fingers crossed for rain. We need a rain dance here.
Some extra rainy weather this week, last several days the sun never came out. Colder damp nights and finally slightly lower VPD! The reason I’m still concerned about lockout is because I corrected the root zone pH, before transplanting to the big 400, with multiple applications of hydrated lime over multiple days. I’m not concerned, but just aware of the potential as the pH slowly rises with the lime. They say 1-2 weeks at least, for hydrated lime. Either way, I did notice immediate results almost overnight after first application. The burning stopped spreading at a dramatic pace, as well her leaf expression suggested she had a little more energy as well as growth speeding back up. Only to find about 5 days later a new subtle progression with areas in the root zone where the pH meter would either dive to about 4, or become unstable and erratic. Now I believe we are thoroughly back to a range of 6.5-7 sweet.
Well finally by day 80 the heavy rain is over and we are looking at afternoon showers, but sunny hot and humid until then. Well, relatively humid. About to finally get in there and tying some branches and picking little sucker branches that I don’t want. Branches appear as suckers to me when they’re more than likely located lower on the plant or at the interior in a way where it would grow with less light or grow inside the plant and congest the airflow, again with less light. I fed her a 2 Gallon Heavy Feeder mix. It will be watered in with tsp water that is 156 PPM @ pH of 8.5. Normally ALL waterings are done with an incredible amount of water from the garden hose that is from a well. I intend to feed with soil amendments and top dressings, however localized feeds or things like worm castings tea is coming up. I also foliar fed her one evening with phosphates, and the fulvex which is basically magnesium and fulvic acid with a yucca wetting agent. I want to help her to spread those roots! I know it sounds like a lot of molasses. But I’ve never had issues with large doses in these situations outdoors. The plants and microbes go bonkers for the stuff! Also that feed water went in strong but as it was watered in with the regular water, it diluted the tds quite a bit. Literally the following day, I am noticing what looks like more than preflowers. Is she really starting to flower an entire month early?! Last week er so, we had those 4 days of really cold, dark, rainy weather, that came after some nasty hot and super dry weather. Multiple plants have begun to flower on me! I suppose there is no problem getting an early start with things. But not this! I don’t want to go back and forth! She can be in vegetative stage and grow bigger and spread her roots. Grow and prepare for flowering stage. Then go into flowering stage and STAY in flowering, 100%. Not something crazy like: stop veg(preparing for flower) and just flower out with what was developed, then 2 weeks later realize it was too early and go back to Veg, only to jump right back into flower! I don’t want some kinda of chaotic misdirection of energy, for most likely some weird results. But we shall see. All I can say is, if she is going to flower, then flower hard! Don’t turn back.
Todas están finalizando su floración aunque llevan días de diferencia finalizando la floración,los olores son tremendamente intensos y potentes,hay dos fenotipos de sweet skunk y dos fenotipos de killer kush ,gorilla Girl parece ser la más estable,aunque haya distintos fenotipos (2) los olores son similares pronto llegará la cosecha ,deseando que llegue dulces humos familia!!😍💓🇪🇦
Todas están finalizando su floración aunque llevan días de diferencia finalizando la floración,los olores son tremendamente intensos y potentes,hay dos fenotipos de sweet skunk y dos fenotipos de killer kush ,gorilla Girl parece ser la más estable,aunque haya distintos fenotipos (2) los olores son similares pronto llegará la cosecha ,deseando que llegue dulces humos familia!!😍💓🇪🇦