Photo session day!
The big one is growing a few inches per day..that shit needs to stop soon or I'll have to supercrop her lovely branches..
Soooperunt is now as tall as the second sister, but not as bushy. All three are slow to flower, like the #11's.
I had a total infestation of Cattus (felis) which I documented in my photos. Eradication seems impossible, so I'm opting to allow a degree of predation, but hoping trichome production will, at least, deter them soon.😁
I fed everybody today with about 3/4 gallon each and sprayed them down with Axiom harpin proteins for the last time this run.
I made a DIY CO2 generator today using a 5 gallon cat litter bucket, a small aquarium pump, some air line tubing, and a bubble stone, plus
6 cups of sugar and 30 grams of wine yeast in 2 gallons of warm water. I put the tube where the CO2 is exhausted up against the back of the oscillating fan that aims down over the plants so they are being constantly forcefully bombarded with high levels of CO2(1300+ppm) from above.
I set the ac infinity controller to allow the temps to climb up to 89f before the fan turns on.
These girls are a much darker shade of green than anybody else in the garden.
I bought some Gro-Pro pot risers to elevate the pots so that they will dry out faster..seem pretty effective.
I'm only seeing a few pistils popping here and there on these girls. I expected them (and the other mostly indica strains) to be moving along faster at this point. Not sure if they are happy with such a short nap every day..
I foliar fed with big bloom and tiger bloom today.
I ordered a second 6" AC Infinity fan to connect to my controller, some ducting, and a diffuser which I'll mount to the wall, down near the floor. The fan unit will be in another closet, adjacent to the garden closet, and I'll run ducting up through that closet ceiling into the attic, with a filter on the end to keep bugs and particulates out.
For the next 6 weeks or so, it will provide a supply of colder fresh air. I did the math, and it will now only take about 1 minute and 40 seconds to completely exchange the air in the closet. Depending on the outside air temp at the time, it should take anywhere between 8 and 20 minutes for the closet to heat back up to 80f and the fans to kick back on again. This Spring, on days when it's warmer than 72f outside, I'll disconnect the duct in the closet and stretch it into that bedroom, clipped to the window unit air conditioner output, cranked down as low as it will go. This Summer, I'm gonna just run a pair of the quantum boards and grow 4 or 5 autos in there, but this should help keep the temps cooler in summer as well, without dedicating an air conditioner to the grow op.🙏
I foliar fed them with grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom and checked moisture in their pots. They're due for a good watering tomorrow.
@Silverback_Guerilla, I had almost exact same thing. I started at 11" and got to 54". Definitely something to note about this strain! Need lots of height.
@Johnnyb__blazin, Ya, what's weird is that the runt that was seriously stunted for a couple weeks and just got planted in a 2 gallon pot is now the tallest plant in the garden...48"! I started flowering her when she was 8 inches tall...that's a 600% stretch!
Looks great! Good idea soaking the starter plugs in that solution.. I am going to try and soak my starter plugs next grow with some liquid karma (kelp, humic acid and some vitamins) and hydroguard. Thanks for the idea!