Welcome back!! It’s the beginning of week four. I now consider the seedling stage over and now we’re going strong into veg. Vamos!!
FRIDAY - Day 22
11 October 24
- Topped both bottom branches.
- Added a few LST staples to begin shaping her.
- Just an other day under the lights.
- Going to start thinking about up potting her in the near future.
12 October 24
Watering day, 1 litres of dechlorinated tap water.
- Base water 1 litre - 61.1 PPM
Final - 1 litre at 6.45 PH at 62.8 PPM
Runoff - N/A
- Thinking of removing her giant fan leaves soon, they’re becoming cumbersome.
- Did my final planned topping of the two top branches.
- Now just have to give her time and continue shaping her.
SUNDAY - Day 24
13 October 24
- Just a day under the lights.
- She doesn’t seem too bothered by yesterday’s training.
- She’s got a few days now to recover.
- All is moving along according to plan.
MONDAY - Day 25
14 October 24
- Just a day under the lights.
- Also a good recovery day.
TUESDAY - Day 26
15 October 24
Transplant day into a 5 gallon pot and her final home.
60% Gaia Green soil
20% Worm castings
20% Perlite
8 Tbsp Gaia Green All Purpose
4 Tbsp Gaia Green Power Bloom
5 Tbsp Diatomaceous Earth
1/2 Tbsp Dynomyco
Amended it all and transplanted.
Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water.
- Base water 5 litres - 61.2 PPM
- Add 2.5 ml Cal-Max - 167 PPM
- Add 5 ml Supermax - 200 PPM
- Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 300 PPM
Final - 5 litres at 6.48 PH at 301 PPM
Runoff - N/A
- Removed the lowest fan leaves.
- Removed LST staples to let her acclimate to her new home.
- Will resume LST in a few days.
16 October 24
- Just a day under the lights recovering from a big day yesterday, extended light hours and a transplant.
- She’s looking perked up and pretty happy so everything is looking good.
- Probably resume LST staples tomorrow.
- I’m done with my planned toppings so from here on out it should just be LST until we flip to flower.
17 October 24
- Ahhhhhh I tweaked a branch manipulating it with my gorilla hands.
- It not completely broke off so hopefully she can repair it and recover.
- Going to give her a bit more time to recover before restarting LST.
- Just a day under the lights today.
Well this is the end of week four. It was a busy week with the transplant, all planned toppings are completed and now it should just be some LST from here on out. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week five. Vamos bendejos!!