Hey everyone :)
Another fabulous week in the tent from the girls, they are really developing, and still shooting up in height, who knew! Think they have actually stopped now havent seen any vertical growth in last 48 hours except for side colas, girl blue is now a staggering 44"...WTF?! We have got the hangers pulled all they way up if there is anymore growth then I will have to hook the light directly to the rail to gain a couple of inches, but I think we're safe now!
The girls have loved the scrog net shooting up in all directions, the canopy is a little uneven mainly because I put the net in so late and was just intended for support now I can't bend the stems in the slightest to try and pull them down a bit.
Over the last week have been defoliating quite a bit on 3 of the girls, and left the one back right untouched so have something to compare to, its really hard which method is better at this stage as the virgin girl is about a week ahead due to no stress! Mainly been defoliating as the tent so packed just to ensure air flowing around and through the plants still!
As the girls have gotten so big decided to up the lighting to ensure they flower as much as possible as it would be a shame to have this much success and not enough power for the plants to fully develop, we are now running the 600w bulb on overboost at 660w. Swapped on day 38. The girls have shown a slight bit of heat stress and canoeing leaves, think the heat now under control, but I am not to worried at this stage as my main focus is producing great buds.
Up to about 3L per girl per feed now and the flores strength has been dropped to 3.2ml this week. Slowly staggering the flores out now for the rest of the grow before the final flush weeks to ensure as little nutrient taste as possible.
I think the light tips to the leaves is a phospherous or nitrogen deficeincy with the rate the girls are flowering, generally happy though and not to concerned. A number of the burnt spots and leaves especially on the plant back right was from earlier issues in the grow but she's not been defoliated at all so all her war wounds are on show!
Let me know your thoughts and comments on this week guys and happy toking! :)