D29: Pistils are clearly showing now. She's looking really good and vigorous. I did notice a (very) small number of brown pistils. Might be from being a little bit careless while doing LST and toching it with the iron wire, could that be? Or could there something else going on? Speaking of LST, from now on I'm going to let the main cola grow upward again. I kept her really low to give the lower branches enough space, and I think that's the case now. I also tucked away most of the fan leaves that were blocking the light of certain tops. I think I'm going to plant her out in full ground by the end of the week. Temperatures are supposed to be 20+°C then. Any thoughts about that?
D31: I decided to let it stay in its current pot, in order not to stress the roots right before flowering. She still keeps on growing every day, still at a surprisingly high pace. Also, I'm tucking away the fan leaves and other leave that are blocking the sunlight from the tops. Tomorrow it's watering time again, right before the start of week 6. Since I'm only watering her after the soil is almost dried out, I'm probably not watering her for another 5-6 days. My question now is what fertilisers I should be adding. There's already 60g of granular 6-3-3 fertiliser in it (added over the past two weeks), so I won't be adding any more of that anymore. I have phosphorous grains (6-16-0), and potassium grains (2-0-20) and I'm wondering if I should already add those potassium grains or just stick with phosphorous grains this time and add potassium grains next watering when it's (probably by then) just started flowering. Any advice?