Well, it's been another busy week in the garden, and things are getting interesting. The coolest thing about a mixed run is seeing all the differences between the strains, all growing at different speeds, having different structures, different shapes..... It's gonna look awesome when the tents are in full flower. And with them all at slightly different stages, it's kept me with things to do every day.
Some highlights from the week:
MBAP #1 - Fimmed, LST'd and defoliated on day 16
MBAP #2 - Fimmed, LST'd and defoliated on day 17
Walter White - I normally fim my autos, but given that this plant had the 3-way node mutation, I decided to top and see if we can get some nice 3-way main cola action going. Topped on day 18.
SOH #1 & #2 - Haven't even started training these yet due to size, and they are already throwing pistils!! Both first started to show signs of sex around day 16. #1 had clearly defined pistils by day 18, and #2 had them the next day. I think these may be some fast finishers, never seen them go into pre-flower this early. Will raise a grow question to see if anyone else has any experience of this.
BGS - Fimmed, LST'd and defoliated on day 20
All the plants have started some form of training except the PP and 2 x SOH. The SOH have already begun sign of going into pre-flower. Given their small stature I'm inclined to simply stick to LST and avoid high stress techniques, so I don't think I'll be fimming or topping these ones. All plants are still on the same feeding schedule for now, but I think I'm going to have to start independent schedules this week, as they are clearly developing at different rates and will have different nutrient requirements. But for now, the current feeding looks like this:
CalMag: 0.95ml / gallon (0.25ml / liter)
MegaCrop: 3g / gallon (0.79g / liter)
Total EC: 1050
PH: 5.7
Tasks for the week ahead - get the MBAP and SOH onto autopots. This will cut my manual watering by more than half, saving time, sanity and my marriage :)
Happy days. Catch you all in a week....