Well, my organic vegetables garden, in anticipation of growing weed has been at rest for twenty months. I started to amends with green manure from legumes and lawn mowing (expecially the last month, for ready availability of N). I've mixed 1 gallon of Vigor Plant Full (perlite, guano, peats) to improve drainage. All the roses around, the apple tree and the hedges were treated with deltamethrin so as to preventively reduce the population of aphids, whiteflies & red spiders.
My vegetables & weed eventually will receive only spraying of nettle macerated. My girls spent the previous week outdoors night and day in their pots savoring the discrete temperature changes in my area.
Now in the evening I will have to pay close attention to broadnose weevils and later to bedbugs. It will be a tough fight against the wind and heat. A whole week of full sun awaits them.
Pineapple Kush shows strong genetics, she has tolerated very well strong wind and full sun (28 C° average temp) asking for watering twice a day.
Maybe it will be the southern sun but she already smells slightly. 🤞