The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Due to construction and revamping of our space, we had to leave all seedlings in their germination dome for approximately a month before getting them into veg. In order to not run into any space issues within the small dome, these young plants were kept under a low-wattage fluorescent tube to avoid any growth which may have been "too vigorous." VEG WEEK 1: 03/09/2021: (Image 1) Each plant was potted into, and fed with the following nutrients during transplant: 1. 5l FF F1 medium 2. GHF: Biogrow - 15g worked into medium 3. Wormcastings (workd into medium and astop dress) 4. Organics Matter Mycoroot Supreme -placed at the bottom of the planting hole. 5. Watered each plant with a Silicon Plus feed solution . 07/09/2021: (Image 2) - All plants are now in 5l pos with Freedom Farms F1 medium, and are in their new veg home under a 3500K 320W Quantum Board. - The 3 weakest seedlings of the total 19 seeds (1x Crit and 2x PC) were placed on the left side of the tent, and in different pots, as they are obviously struggling and may not even make it into our final flower room.
One has a helmet hat gonna keep an eye out on her Update: Helmet hat came off 2/16 update: all 3 doing well
🖐️👨‍🌾 Bienvenidos entusiastas de la marihuana casera, clandestina y orgánica! 156 días después de lanzar la semilla al sustrato el milagro de la vida ha vuelto a hacerse realidad. Esta mañana, después de pasar la última noche en la carpa de cultivo, he sacado la planta al exterior para disfrutar de la luz fría de febrero, unas pocas horas más de luz y libertad antes de entregarse al verdugo. Al atardecer el destino se cumplió y decapité a la Reina, porque es la manera más decente de matar a una Reina... Viva la Reina! 😁 Ahora los frutos prohibidos cuelgan delante del extractor de la carpa de cultivo, aire templado, seco y constante para hacer perder humedad lo más rápido posible, después de 3 días pasaré los cogollos a un secadero durante 4-5 días más para que continúe el secado de una manera natural, después guardaré los cogollos en frascos de cristal para que se vayan curando, y reservaré la hierba para fumarla este próximo verano. HASTA LA PRÓXIMA... SALUDOS Y SALUD A TODOS! ========================= Purple Queen: Semilla femenina nacida en casa por un cruce espontaneo hace cuatro temporadas: La mamá fue Queen Mother de Original Delicatessen Seeds ( El papá fue una planta hermafrodita de Purple Shot: =========================
3rd jan 2025 The seeds arrived I right away let it sit in a glass of purified water over night while prepare a soil 4th jan 2025 Put seed in a cup of pre-mixed soil 6th jan 2025 Clearly Germination visible on both At this moment i do not have any gear even a tent or proper grow light and nutrients solution. only with 80w 169led 15*15cm led grow light so i let them grow in a diy modded grow box and purified water
We still here! Flowering starts now A fairly esasy growing experience so far, plants are doing really well even with the intense heat were we live. Love you
2/10 Fed 2/10 water ph 6.3 2/14 fed tonight happy valentines
2/10 Fed 2/10 water ph 6.3 2/14 fed tonight happy valentines
2-9 Brew tea, 3ml sicila, 1 ml drops balance. Less than 1/2 tsp recharge. 8ml EM 1, 1 ml amplify microbes , dusting of yucca. 1 gallon water with stones. Will ph to 6.2. 1000ml Started LST, used a clip to bend the main stem. She went very easily, not much resistance. 2-12 1300ml mixed with HP connect. Ph 6.2 Adjusted LST She has had good growth. Showed her first preflower hair today. Middle of week 4. 2-13 LST 2-15 2 liters Silica, cal/mag, drops of balance. Recharge 6.3 Adjusted LST
She finished strong, I wanted to push her another couple days but started showing signs of necrosis in ways I wasn’t confident in letting her go longer.
Con 22 dias, pasados 7 de la última poda de hojas y 22 del cambio de fotoperiodo me decidí por hacerles una nueva poda, esta algo más severa . Yemas, hojas y chupópteros de bajos. A partir de entonces solo se irán quitando muy de vez en cuando alguna hoja o algun brote o yema que pueda salir por ahí que no me guste, muy poca cosa. Me deshice de la malla, harto me tenia. La quité para la poda y luego me hizo mucha pereza volver ponerla. Prefiero menos cantidad. Esta semana explosión de tricomas
So far so good, light has been adjusted to 16 DLI, other than that not much happened. This week I will start applying LST on her.
We still here! Flowering starts now A fairly esasy growing experience so far, plants are doing really well even with the intense heat were we live. Love you
this week I saw the beginning of flowering:) the girl is growing very slowly, but definitely with beautiful, strong branches, I think there will be wonderful flowers:) which I will have to wait to see :) basically everything looks good:) I think in about 2 weeks I will give her more space, because the Mimosa growing nearby will already be ready for harvest :) so the whole growing box will be left only for this lady:) good luck to everyone:).
Die fünfte Blütewoche hat begonnen. Das Höhenwachstum scheint nun endlich vorbei zu sein und die Pflanzen konzentrieren ihre Energie auf die Blüten. Ich hoffe sie kommen mit dem Abstand zur Lampe einigermaßen zurecht und bekommen keinen zu starken Lichtstress.
12/02/2024 13/02/2024 MS is growing funny 😁 TF has exactly the same feed mls. Shes looked forever hungry 14/02/2024 Lite Defoll. Midday. TF has never looked the healthiest with the first time using HydroSol + H202 water soluble feed. I think i have the ratio/some sroted to where I've seen improvements. First improvements i have seen are: 1. NO Nutritional burn or Lockout! (non-salt based). P.s ignore the over salas 12% HP at the start (no idea what i was thinking). Sometimes being ahead; means i am a being with a head that makes human errors. Oh, the joys of plant-discovery. Sorry side tracked lol 2. Quicker Absorbing witb water soluble food. As long as she's hydrated she's eating! 3. No idea yet Have a ball!! Listening to this relaxing and i started thibking about Spirituality and how its included in all faiths. But if say "Jesus Christ is a façade and all religions are based on astrological events painted with fictional characters to repent the Christological doctrine to "date" the past. 21 Ways Archaeologists Date Ancient Artifacts are mostly flawed because they only have the "present" to date decay from. They miss the mark and the professionals deliberately push the religious artifacts to match up to the hollyword. So who's to say what "Date & Time" we are currently living in! In reality; we can only measure and date time from the the last natural apocalypses or near misses, dor we are the surviours from such events.. Look round at real history! What mordern day academics just brushed under the rug with some made up theories of what they like us to believe happened. Even they are in a Dilemmas (government's) have the knowledge of these such events. SpaceX and Nasa are all doomsday preppers! As for India going to the moon 🌙 seriously 😐 who's buying this stuff? I've let go so much that the whole world is my own intention and floods my brain with endorphins of being the observer. The reason we are all "consciousnesses" and in sudden alert of awareness of this world and being alive is because we are in the end time again! We have all woken up to everything because the omens of the apocalypse alerts and kicks in certain parts of the DNA to force memories to the soul like "hey you need to remember this and get somewhere safe" 17/02/2025 Vast improvements 18/02/2025 Defolled to make way for fast growth