Week 6 (27/02 - 05/03)
During this week I will continue to feed the plants with Bio-grow, Bio-bloom and Top-max every other day. The two fat banana are in flowering stage by an entire week, while the blue cheese is in early stage of pre-flowering.
The parameters remain unchanged with respect of the previous week:
- light: 100% power, 18/6 h per day;
- inkbird: 23.5°C, +1°C cooling, -3°C heating;
- extractor: 50% power, 18h per day.
27/02 D35: removed a couple of lower leafs to the plants, they were a bit dry
28/02 D36: 1.5 liter of tap water each plant. Today I noticed some brown/orange spots on leaves of fat banana #1. Thanks to golden advises given to me by @GrowingGrannie, I will try to adjust nutrients in the next days.
01/03 D37: first day of recovery, sprayed leaves with tap water.
02/03 D38: second day of recovery, added 1.5ml of Bio-bloom and 1 ml of Top-max to 2.5 liters of tap water (almost 0.8 l each).
03/03 D39: third day of recovery, sprayed leaves with tap water.
04/03 D40: watering day. Added 2ml of Bio-bloom and 1ml of Top-Max to 2.5 liters of tap water.
05/03 D41: end of the week. The blue cheese has grown a lot this week reaching the taller fat banana #2. All three plants seem to be healthy.