day 51:
I did some smaller repositioning and defoliation. It looks like she liked the more of nutrients i gave her yesterday. The buds are getting bigger, the pistils start to change their color and more trichomes are getting cloudy.
day 52:
Just visual check and filling up humidifier.
day 53:
Watering day. I increased the amount of Bio-Bloom, Top-Max and Bio-Heaven to 3ml/l. I'm now at about 6 liters of water every 3 days.
day 54:
Just visual check and filling up humidifier.
day 55:
Just visual check and filling up humidifier. The buds are getting bigger and more dense. From now I will have a close look at the pistils and the trichomes to decide when I will start to give her only plain (ph-regulated) water. I guess we have about 2-3 weeks to go from now. What are you thinking?
day 56:
Watering day. As most of the pistils are still white and most of the trichomes still clear, I gave her about 6 liters of water full of nutrients.
day 57:
While checking on her, I noticed some "burned" looking leaf tips. I guess that could've been a little too much nutrients last time. Overall she is looking happy.