Welcome back to the mystery Fastbuds tester! Hope you're all well!
Day 8 - Height: 2.5"
Starting to get there with this girl now, another 5-7 days and she should be well clear of the seedling stage. She has a bit of a mutation on her first set of true leaves, with one shooting a small, second finger, which normally this first set of leaves don't shoot, but it's nothing to fuss over. Same routine as always with seedlings, just light water now and then to keep a 2" radius around the stem well watered. I actually used a little of the water I was feeding my Purple Punch with tonight, which had 1ml/l of Alg-A-Mic but thats fine, it's apparently good for seedling root growth anyway, though I never usually use it this early, I figure since we're testing seeds, might as well test nutrients at the same time too, right? It's basically just kelp anyway, so nothing crazy.
Day 12 - Height: 5"
Kicking on now, this plant is starting to build up a solid foundation. I'll give her another 4-5 days then think about training her, probably no more than a week. Watering is very simple, mostly just plain water every other day or so, just a small amount 2-3"around the stem. I guess next week it's all going to kick off with training and nutrients, so much more interesting days ahead!
Thanks for reading, take care and grow well! x