- so this beast has started to stretch big time, i started to tie her branches down at day 22, i tie them back down every 24hours
- removed a couple fan leaves that i wasn't able to tuck, she looks a little ugly now but lets wait till her branches shoot up
- she started preflowering on day 25
stay tuned
7 days and it's still a secret. I'm lucky I stumbled across this one. You know you can't keep secrets from me.
There so cute when they are little. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
oh yes she looks really bad. Was it Phosphorusdefiency? i looked at pictures
but the Excess of phosphorus looked nearly the same but more worse than defiency
@Larimar, thank you for the link my friend! Still have no clue of what it was but you might have found the problem! Let me know when you will grow her i will follow for sure ✌️✌️
they don't have a severe problem? I wouldn't even say couple leaves discoloring a problem at this stage... oh my and you flushed two times. this is over fixing... (also stop giving her calmag at this stage, its needless and may lock nutrients and show itself as deficiency.) good luck ^^