Kaya666commentedweek 37 years ago
This has been a tough grow so far, y'all.
My last Solo cup grow was triple this size by Week 3. I think she got stunted early on but it's taking SO long to gain any upward growth! It seems to dislike being close to the CFL bulbs despite not being hot & having the fan blowing on them. The stem also looks thin & weak compared to my last plant at this stage.
The plan for Week 3 is to use a little "homemade" urine fertilizer (diluted at a 12:1 ratio) & see if that spurs any growth. Also gonna make sure not to let any more dehydration mishaps occur like last week. New growers are always chastised for OVERwatering so I guess I have a phobia of that. Once flowering starts in earnest I'll pull back to an 18/6 light schedule but for now we have to make up for lost time. I don't have a timer so I have to sit up late & turn the lights on before going to sleep.
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