These girls are starting to add some bud weight, and density. Getting frosty too.👍 I had to cut back on the nutes to bring down tds, and raise the ph a little. I think we're right where we want to be now for optimal nutrient absorption.👏 Looking for a real productive week!☺️
@Nordynllc, thank you , it makes mi happy that you send this positive vibes😎❤️
I feel you and in this hard times its not easy to look at everything.
Still thanks and appreciate your love and support ! I will keep on supporting you for wut you do 😘😎👌💪
@Lukush, Thanks so much! Really appreciate you! I'm sure you noticed, but way behind on getting back to everyone. Just been super busy, and pressed for time, and sleep.😴 Thanks again for all of your time, and nice comments. It's greatly appreciated.🙏👍✌️
@Grey_Wolf, Thanks so much man! Really appreciate it!👍 Been really pressed for time so playing catch up on getting back to everyone. It's always great to hear from you.👍✌️