hello guys, its been another week for this little one but theres good news and bad news. good news is I invested in neem oil spray to keep the fungus gnats away from the wet soil that those suckers love to lay their eggs on. i’ve also sprayed it on the other two plants and the fungus gnats/aphids/spider mites were virtually none existent
the bad news is i accidentally over watered it and it’s been getting bronzed leaf tip burns (potassium deficiency) on both nodes so i’ve decided to just give it bloom nutes and cal mag with ph water and letting it dry out. the top soil felt crumbly but i guess dry is considered at least 1” of soil thats “dry” as in no moisture at all. hopefully next week will be okay and i’ll see some potential growth on all the plants. see you tomorrow on the other diaries, toodles!