Week number 4 is slowly rolling in and out. The plant are small and I have really no idea how the plants will be raised up in one month so the time is for harvesting. In the Moment I visualise how they have to look like but in real I see we are really far away from. Anyway, I like the adventure in every way, stay excited😀
It a tee candle inside for co2. Is working good and helps to pusch up the humidity really good. But don't forget to put out the candle in the night!!
i almost killed sticky when repotting In the and of the week, mourning fly now is gone I hope.
@GuerrillaNo_4, yep im too. biggest tomato grow i had. :))
so im a rookie and we will see what is comming up in the next week. the equitment with i start is realy goog for the first grow i think and now i make new friends like u who can give my advise. life is loving us all unconditionaly.
anyway, i stop my smoking at all and will enjoy my first harvest when is comming up, so it will smash me like the first time.