Topped Rear Left, Rear Right, and Front Left. Giving Front Right a few more days
Moving up to LateGrowth3 @ 42%
Plants are ~6” tall (Rear Right coming in @ ~8”) and a 36” light height gives them ~30” lamp to plant distance
Added ~3k lux to put it ~22-23k at the tops
Rear Left I’m calling the “Average” (#1)
Rear Right looks like #1 but is noticeably taller, bigger internodes. “Stretch” (#2)
Front Left has the red stem and the wider leaves, barely noticeable now and it’s blending in with #1 more and more “Red” (#3)
Front Right looks like #1 but is growing slow as shit. Might be stunted. Might turn out to be a mutant, I seem to have one every grow. “Pokey” (#4)
5-9: topped Front Right “Pokey” (barely, it was a low top)
5-10: starting to put the LST clips on
@ACMPRgrow, thanks! But that PA Hydro build has a big flaw in its return piping and the S-bend it uses to pass through one of the pre-existing holes in the tent.
I cut holes in the tent and passed all the return piping through the walls to the external res as low as possible and level, if you ever try to replicate his build I’d highly suggest the same.
But yeah I love this rig, and I sure have put some time and thought into it so I really appreciate the compliment