Plant seems to be doing fine after topping and tie down.
April 23: applied small amount of barley sprouted seed tea (SST) at about 1:50 dilution. Some of the solids added as top dressing.
April 25: looks great. Released main tie down as lower bud sites were at same level. This topping and tie down approach has worked great on this plant that was already missing a main fan leaf. Seems a bit susceptible to wind but otherwise seems good and captures a lot of light from the still pretty low in the sky sun.
April 28: lower limb was tied down too long and limb folded. Left it alone as it should recover (supercropping?). Inside all day today.
First FPJ (fermented plant juice) of early weeds (likely dandelions) seemed to turn out just fine. Used at 1.5 mL/L for first use, but will be at 2 mL/L normally.
April 29: lots of N from the FPJ and barley sprouts (900 ppm )...looks like too much. Added stakes and some pipe cleaner to hold up some branches.
@DEVS_GENETICS, I’m good with malted barley as a flowering top dress. The barley sprouts are likely better for veg stage, but when I tried early on it was a disaster because of my sodium rich water. All that sodium and potassium caused a bad cation imbalance pushing out Ca and Mg. Whoops. Once water issue was sorted it was too late to try again during the veg stage.
@Northern_Ent, I use to put clover in my coco and found that it just used up space and oxygen. Since I started using top dressing fertilizer, I’ve never had a issue and it took most of my guessing right out of the picture.
@DEVS_GENETICS, thanks. This was the first mature plant this year and I tried during the flowering stage to use barley sprouts (not malt BTW) as a top dressing. Bad idea (too much N and growth hormones I think) and this plant had, in fact, the worst buds of all this season. Good to do it on first plant and not the whole crop. 😎 I’ll try barley sprouts during veg stage next year where I’m sure they’ll work great.
Glue from FAstBuds, Gelato from Female seeds and 11Roses had the best buds this year.
@NorthernChemist, thanks. This adopted plant was the runt of a litter but it’s looking pretty good. I read something the other day (Seedsman outdoor guide) about rain knocking off trichomes and I think that happened here. Unfortunate but worth knowing about to avoid in future.
Looks great dude.
But I kinda suspect you might need a bit more (relative to magnesium and nitro, mainly) sulphur and calcium coz of the colour/look. I mean that is nitpicking and speculating, and I dunno how much you got and relative levels.
Oh here's a kinda small, though initially probably significant observation/consideration.
So, cotyledons start, if they're aligned north/south (vaguely speaking in terms of general sunlight), they're gonna get a bit less light typically. But the more significant thing is, as soon as those first leaves are about the same size as/larger than cotyledons, to align those leaves east/west to maximize sunlight area. It's very minor in terms of effort and such, but initially it could make a fairly significant difference when I consider light path, exposed surface and the tendency for plants to "pray" (making surface size even smaller). I consider "praying" usually a sign of a plant reaching for or trying to capture more light (like a funnel).