May 18: looking good. Cold and rainy weather for next few days.
May 19: near 0 C last night and -3 C forecast for tonight. Definitely pushing it for low temps and does seem to be stunting growth for some plants a bit. Hopefully we can make up for lost time if the weather ever gets better. This WW seems to be doing okay and the flowers keep maturing.
May 20: some colours now showing on pistils. Cold again overnight.
May 23: nice late spring for the May long weekend.
@DEVS_GENETICS, I’m good with malted barley as a flowering top dress. The barley sprouts are likely better for veg stage, but when I tried early on it was a disaster because of my sodium rich water. All that sodium and potassium caused a bad cation imbalance pushing out Ca and Mg. Whoops. Once water issue was sorted it was too late to try again during the veg stage.
@Northern_Ent, I use to put clover in my coco and found that it just used up space and oxygen. Since I started using top dressing fertilizer, I’ve never had a issue and it took most of my guessing right out of the picture.
@DEVS_GENETICS, thanks. This was the first mature plant this year and I tried during the flowering stage to use barley sprouts (not malt BTW) as a top dressing. Bad idea (too much N and growth hormones I think) and this plant had, in fact, the worst buds of all this season. Good to do it on first plant and not the whole crop. 😎 I’ll try barley sprouts during veg stage next year where I’m sure they’ll work great.
Glue from FAstBuds, Gelato from Female seeds and 11Roses had the best buds this year.
@NorthernChemist, thanks. This adopted plant was the runt of a litter but it’s looking pretty good. I read something the other day (Seedsman outdoor guide) about rain knocking off trichomes and I think that happened here. Unfortunate but worth knowing about to avoid in future.
Looks great dude.
But I kinda suspect you might need a bit more (relative to magnesium and nitro, mainly) sulphur and calcium coz of the colour/look. I mean that is nitpicking and speculating, and I dunno how much you got and relative levels.
Oh here's a kinda small, though initially probably significant observation/consideration.
So, cotyledons start, if they're aligned north/south (vaguely speaking in terms of general sunlight), they're gonna get a bit less light typically. But the more significant thing is, as soon as those first leaves are about the same size as/larger than cotyledons, to align those leaves east/west to maximize sunlight area. It's very minor in terms of effort and such, but initially it could make a fairly significant difference when I consider light path, exposed surface and the tendency for plants to "pray" (making surface size even smaller). I consider "praying" usually a sign of a plant reaching for or trying to capture more light (like a funnel).