Day 15: some weird spots on the leaves, not sure I've ever seen this problem before.
Day 19: no sign of spotting on the newest leaves. Hopefully whatever was happening has corrected itself.
Pourrait être juste un phéno étrange dans cette souche. J'ai eu des feuilles panachées, certaines avec 10 et 11 doigts et d'autres qui pensaient simplement qu'il s'agissait de plantes de bonsaï japonais. Je ne m'inquiéterais pas trop si votre nouvelle croissance semblait normale. Dans l'ensemble, ils sont très bien, continuez le bon travail que vous faites. 🌱😎👌
@indoorontario,no need to get butt hurt Canada just saying plants need nutrients and it shows in the pick . Anyone who grows knows they need more than what’s trapped in soil but it’s ok ….. mellons looked dry too
@Gokou4OG, You clearly don't understand that growdiaries is a supportive community, free of unjustified douchebaggery. Maybe you should spend some time taking a good long look at your own diaries before you go and tell others how to run theirs. You do your thing and I'll continue to juice my melons. Ok? 😃👍
@indoorontario,no need to get butt hurt Canada just saying plants need nutrients and it shows in the pick . Anyone who grows knows they need more than what’s trapped in soil but it’s ok ….. mellons looked dry too
@Gokou4OG, don't tell me how to present my journal. My plant is in soil and will not need nutrients for a little while yet ( if I do it will burn them ya know😃). If you actually look at the pics and read the journal you will see that I have been defoliating every 2-3 days because it is growing so vigorously. Thanks for your input but maybe you should take a good look at your diaries and not criticize other for having some fun with theirs.